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The CORDEX-SA program at IITM aims to assess impacts of regional climate change and provide high-resolution data for South and West Asia. Through dynamic downscaling and model simulations, it quantifies uncertainties in climate projections, offers data analysis tools, and hosts data in standard format. Efforts include integration, delivery of scientific data products, and implementation of analysis tools like RCMES. Future outputs for historical and future scenarios will aid in regional climate modeling and evaluation. The system is supported by iRODS for data management and sharing. WCRP CORDEX South Asia Training Workshop gathers experts to evaluate downscaling products and provide climate change information essential for Vulnerability, Impact, and Adaptation studies. The CCCR Data Server provides robust infrastructure for data storage, analyses, and visualization. The CCCR's web portal link offers access to resources and information.
Co-ordinated Regional Downscaling Experiment (CORDEX) - South Asia data system Milind Mujumdar and Sandip Ingle mujum@tropmet.res.in Centre for Climate Change Research (CCCR), Indian Institute of Tropical Meteorology (IITM), Pune. http://www.tropmet.res.in Centre for Climate Change Research
Assessment of impacts of regional climate change High resolution dynamic downscaling of the South Asian monsoon • Quantify and reduce uncertainties in regional climate projections • Dynamic downscaling based on multiple model ensemble simulations Domain: South and West Asia Centre for Climate Change Research
IITM’s role in CORDEX-SA program • Generation of High resolution downscaled data. • Analysis and assessment of CORDEX-SA model projections • Co-ordinate data distribution, archival and hosting of data at CCCR-IITM in standard format. • Provide tools that help stakeholders to download data, and generate products that are easy-to-create and understand. Centre for Climate Change Research
CORDEX simulations at IITM • CORDEX South Asia RCM runs on IITM HPC • LMDz: evaluation- 20 years; historical- 110 years; future scenario- 95 years • RegCM4: evaluation-20 years; historical- 110 years; future scenario-56 years • CORDEX South Asia RCM runs from partners • SMHI-RCA4: evaluation- 20 years; historical- 110 years; future scenario- 95 years • COSMO-CLM: historical- 110 years; future scenario-95 years Centre for Climate Change Research
Efforts for Integrating and delivering scientific data products to the CORDEX-South Asia community • Archived evaluation runs (IITM-LMDz, IITM-RegCM4) in CORDEX specified format • The Integrated Rule-Oriented Data System (iRODS) application is developed with partnership between the Data Intensive Cyber Environnements (DICE) Group and the iRODS Consortium. • iRODS is implemented in the CCCR for managing and sharing CCCR-hosted model outputs data products • Few selected monthly & daily variables are being released by end of September 2013. Centre for Climate Change Research
Implementation of the Analysis & Evaluation Tools in Data Portal • Live Access Server (LAS) for online analysis of observations & model data • The Regional Climate Model Evaluation System (RCMES) developed by NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL) & UCLA is adopted as an evaluation tool for CORDEX South Asia • RCMES will help make satellite observations, in conjunction with in-situ, assimilated, and reanalysis datasets, more readily accessible to the regional climate modeling community • The system includes a central database (Regional Climate Model Evaluation Database: RCMED) to store multiple datasets in a common format and codes for calculating predefined statistical metrics to assess model performance (Regional Climate Model Evaluation Tool: RCMET) Centre for Climate Change Research
CORDEX-South Asia Multi-Model Output Historical (1950 – 2005) Space required for each variable is approx. 4 GB (To be available by end of September 2013) Centre for Climate Change Research
CORDEX-South Asia Multi-Model Output Evaluation Run (1989 – 2008) Space required for each variable is approx. 512 MB (To be available by end of September 2013) Centre for Climate Change Research
CORDEX-South Asia Multi-Model Output RCP4.5 scenario (2006- 2100) Space required for each variable is approx. 1.5 GB (To be available by end of 2013) Centre for Climate Change Research
iRODS based Climate Simulation Data Management in CCCR Climate Data Portal Data management and sharing CCCR-hosted model outputs data products that are planned to be published by end of September 2013. Current status Phase I: in-house Policy based data management and sharing – Completed Phase II: on-site CORDEX policy based data sharing – Tested Phase III: Data grid- CORDEX data publishing – September 2013 WCRP CORDEX South Asia Training Workshop The objective of the workshops Evaluation of regional climate downscaling products and assessment of regional climate change projections with the uncertainties involved in it over South Asia. In addition to the modeling and simulation diagnostics, the judgment of local / regional experts from Asian region will provide relevant and reliable regional climate change information for Vulnerability, Impact and Adaptation (VIA) studies vital for climate services. Centre for Climate Change Research
Overview of CCCR Data Server • HP Proliant DL380 G7 Server • Processor: 2 x Xenon X5670 • Speed: 2.93 GHz, RAM 128 Gb, 4.5 TB SAS Disk • Storage Capacity: 24 Tb x 5 (120 TB) with RAID6 • OS: Red Hat Linux Enterprise (RHEL) • Data analyses & visualization: LAS-v8 • Data archival & management: iRODs-v3.2 • Internet Band width: 100 Mb/s Centre for Climate Change Research
CCCR web portal link Sandip Ingle, T. P. Sabin, J. Revadekar and MilindMujumdar Centre for Climate Change Research
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