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Uppsala, Sweden with 208,000 inhabitants, has set ambitious climate goals. With 32 local players from various sectors, they co-operate and inspire each other to reach Uppsala's Climate Goals. Together, they aim to contribute to a sustainable future by focusing on sustainable municipal development, climate-driven business development, buildings, transport, circular economy and production, and sustainable urban development. Their leadership responsibility has resulted in concrete results, such as a decrease of 11% in greenhouse gas emissions and a 5% decrease in energy use. Join their inspiring story from Vasakronan and help achieve a sustainable future.
Together we will reach lower Local co-operation - achieving resultsMaria Gardfjell, First Vice Mayor, City CouncilBjörn Sigurdson, Climate Change Strategist, Executive Office to the City Council
Uppsala - Sweden 208 000 Inhabitants
Uppsala: Emissions & Targets Greenhouse Gases, tonne CO2e, per capita 2011-14 2050 0,5 tonne/cap 2020 - 50 %/cap Targets Emissions
29 17 32 members from business, non-governmental organizations, the municipality, public authorities, the universities and the environmental movement : we co-operate and inspire each other and others to reach Uppsala’s Climate Goals and contribute to a sustainable future. CO-OPERATION & INSPIRATION
Members – a cross section of society Akademiska Hus Biogas Öst Energikontoret i Mälardalen Fresenius Kabi Friskis & Svettis Frontwalker GE Healthcare IKEA Uppsala Landstinget i Uppsala län Klimataktion Uppsala Jordens vänner Uppsala Naturskyddsföreningen Uppsala NCC Construction Ragn-Sells Ramböll ReturpapperCentralen Riksbyggen SLU – Sveriges lantbruksuniversitet Uppsala universitet Stuns Svenska kyrkan Thermo Fisher Scientific Vasakronan Vattenfall Värme Uppsala White WSP Uppsala kommun Teknik & service – Uppsala kommun Vård & omsorg– Uppsala kommun Industrihus Uppsalahem Uppsala Vatten och Avfall
Round Table Climate Group SteeringCommittee Facilitation ThematicWork • Focus Groups • Joint Projects • Public Seminars Organizationco-operation key to sucess Each member formulates its own climate mitigation, energy and other targets Joint Public Accounting & Reporting
Overall Themes • Sustainable Municipal Development • Climate-driven Business Development SubjectThemes • Buildings • Transport • CircularEconomy & Production • Sustainable Urban Development LeadershipResponsability Local solutions to Global challenges
Concrete resultsTarget: -4,5 % Result: - 11 % Greenhouse Gases, tonne CO2e -11% • Energy use increased by 5% in total, but decreased by 4,3 % vs turnover.
Climate Protocol Co-operationspreads toUppsala Business Park
Thank you!Björn Sigurdson – Maria Gardfjell One planet.Also tomorrow.