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Creative Teaching Strategies for Engaging Churched Kids

Learn innovative ways to keep your Sunday school lessons fresh and engaging for kids by using costumes, modern storytelling, demonstrations, new perspectives on old stories, puppetry, and role-playing. Teaching tips provided by Teachable Heart Ministries.

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Creative Teaching Strategies for Engaging Churched Kids

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  1. Teaching Churched Kids- 6 Tips on Keeping it fresh Prepared by Teachable Heart Ministries

  2. 1. pack some costumes • Have the kids act out the story • A costume is an instant set • With very little sewing you can turn a striped double flat bed sheet into three child size biblical costumes (pull over the head type) • Add some giant props made out of cardboard

  3. 2. Tell a modern story • Have the kids point out the biblical values or lack there off • Compare the character to a biblical one • Or tell a Old Testament story to illustrate a New Testament truth. Old story new spin! • Tell stories that have examples of relevant problem solving

  4. 3. try a demonstration • Cooking • Science • Sports • Hobbies • Use the demonstration to add interest or use the objects in the demonstration to illustrate biblical thruths

  5. 4. tell a old story from a new perspective • Jonah and the Whale, from the whale’s perspective • Daniel, from the lions perspective • David and Goliath, from the Philistines perspective • The Christmas story from the wise men's perspective

  6. 5. use puppets Two approaches • The puppet doesn’t understand, with guided questions the kids can explain the Biblical truth to the puppet • The puppet does understand- and it quizzes the kids Either way a story they heard before becomes a discussion they never had before!

  7. 6. try role playing or situation improv Ask these questions • Why do we need to know this? Why is this important? • What does this mean in my life? What is applicable here? • What problem does this solve? And in what situations would I need to know this?

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