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The Cold War

The Cold War begins... Yalta conference, UN is created with FDR.Potsdam conference, tensions mount.Stalin promised open elections in new territories (satellite nations)but didn't.The policy of CONTAINMENT begins. Truman Doctrine and Marshall plan Truman is President. 1947. TRUMAN DOCTRINEPre

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The Cold War

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    1. The Cold War A very BRIEF outline…..

    2. The Cold War begins….. Yalta conference, UN is created with FDR. Potsdam conference, tensions mount….Stalin promised open elections in new territories (satellite nations)…but didn’t…. The policy of CONTAINMENT begins…

    3. Truman Doctrine and Marshall plan Truman is President. 1947 TRUMAN DOCTRINE President asked congress for $400M. “US policy to support free people who are resisting attempted subjugation by armed minorities or outside pressures.” MARSHALL PLAN Sec. of State G. Marshall proposed that US provide aid to all European nations that needed it… 16 countries received $13B… By 1952 Western Europe was flourishing, and communism didn’t look appealing….

    4. Berlin Airlift CAUSES In 1948 GB, Fr, and the US combined their 3 zones… Western Berlin was still surrounded by Soviet territory, and Stalin wanted it… Stalin closed all roads and rail into W. Berlin. Residents (2.1M) only had 5 weeks worth of supplies

    5. NATO In response to the Berlin Blockade… Formed by 12 W. European nations, the US, and Canada. NORTH ATLANTIC TREATY ORGANIZATION If 1 country was attacked, the other would support their allies. This was the 1st MILITARY ALLIANCE the US joined during peacetime. “Iron Curtain”

    6. Berlin Airlift…what happened? US and GB began flying food and supplies in to W. Berlin. Lasted 327 days, and 2.3M tons of supplies was delivered in 277,000 flights. Overall impression: Uplifted American prestige around the world…Soviets realized they were beaten in May 1949…

    7. What happened in China 20 years the nationalists and communists struggled in China. Look at the chart on pg 816…. US supported Chaing Kai-Shek- between 1945 and 1949 we gave the nationalists $3B. 1949 Chaing Kai- Shek fled to Taiwan and China became COMMUNIST!

    8. KOREA….background 1945 Korea was ruled by Japanese…N. Korea surrendered to the USSR. S. Korea surrendered to the US. 1948 South Korea became democratic, and North Korea became Communist It was divided at the 38th Parallel

    9. Korean War…begins June 25, 1950 North Korea (backed by USSR) surprise attacked South Korea. June 27, 1950 the UN voted to send in troops (USSR was not there to vote) Troops were immediately taken from Japan and sent to Korea under MacArthur's rule.

    10. Korean War…. At 1st, N. Korea was successful; then the UN troops pushed N.Korea back to near defeat….(close to China) November 1950: China entered the war to help the N. Koreans. January 1951: UN was pushed out of N. Korea. MacArthur wanted to invade China….Truman disagreed….MacArthur was FIRED….

    11. Korean War…ends June 1951 USSR offers a cease-fire. June 1953 an armistice was signed… Results: the war was a STALEMATE! Question: Were we successful????

    13. 1950s Joseph McCarthy (McCarthyism) Thought there was a communist conspiracy and tried to arrest all suspected communists Alger Hiss – convicted Soviet Spy Rosenberg's – Sold secrets of A-bomb to soviets Domino Theory – If one country falls to communism the surrounding countries will also fall

    14. 1960s U-2 Gary Powers flying spy plane over USSR gets shot down and placed in Siberian prison Berlin Wall Soviet controlled East Berlin puts up concrete and barbed wire fencing in middle of night to keep east Germans in. (August 13th 1961) JFK “Ich bin ein Berliener” Vietnam – Domino Theory

    15. CUBA Revolution: Castro and communists take over in 1959 U.S. Begins embargo on Cuban goods Bay of Pigs: The United States helped to train a group of Cuban exiles to invade Cuba and overthrow Castro The invasion begins with the promise that the United States will help the exiles. The United States does not help and the exiles are killed or captured

    16. Cuba Cuban Missile Crisis Soviets secretly place ICBMs in Cuba U.S. Intelligence finds out U.S. implements Blockade to keep soviets from making missiles active In a back channel deal U.S. agrees to remove short range nukes from Turkey if Soviets remove missiles from Cuba.

    17. Vietnam – Domino Theory In the late 1950’s the U.S. got involved in Vietnam to help ally France In the early 1960’s the U.S. was sending military advisors to train the South Vietnamese army Eisenhower, JFK, and Lyndon Johnson were afraid a communist Vietnam would lead to other south eastern Asian communist countries. Gulf of Tonkin Incident escalates the conflict.

    18. Vietnam – Cont’d U.S. more bombs on Vietnam than the allies dropped on Europe during WWII. Use of Napalm and Agent Orange to kill forrest. Vietnamese used extensive tunnel system Tet Offensive is the turning point for U.S. Simultaneous attack on more than 100 South Vietnamese cities The actual offensive by the NVA was not successful militarily. Convinced many Americans that the war could not be won.

    19. Vietnam Cont’d 1973 - Last American Troops leave Vietnam Peace Treaty signed between North and South 1975 – North invades South and South loses American Costs 58,000 Americans killed 300,000 wounded

    20. The Space Race Sputnik I – Soviets launch first satellite Major events: Race to moon begin NASA Created Monkeys (soviets) and Dogs (U.S.) in Space July 20th 1969 U.S. ends race to moon Neil Armstrong More government $$

    21. 1970s Détente Period of reduced tensions between the U.S. and Soviet Union. Strategic Arms Limitation Treaty(S.A.L.T.)

    22. The End of the Cold War Ronald Reagan Started arms race Star Wars Berlin Wall “Mr. Gorbachev tear down this wall” Wall Officially opens on November 9th 1989 George H.W. Bush is president when cold war officially ends in 1992

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