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Continuing Professional Development: Building Quality

Join our workshop to understand IFLA CPD Guidelines, apply them to your role, and plan action steps for achieving CPD goals. Utilize Padlet for collaborative discussions and idea sharing.

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Continuing Professional Development: Building Quality

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Continuing Professional Development: Building Quality Working with the IFLA CPDWL Guidelines for CPD: Principles and Best Practices Session 109: Monday, 15 August 2016

  2. Welcome to the CPDWL Guidelines Workshop! Please join a table which is best aligned with your role: • Employer • Officer of a Professional Association • Provider of LIS education and training

  3. The workshop program • Welcome and introductions at each table • Please select a person to act as the recorder for your table • Read through the relevant section of the CPDWL Guidelines • Employer • Professional Associations • Providers of LIS education & training programs • Consider the discussion points • Capture your thoughts and ideas • Forward planning: what you will do in the coming months

  4. Workshop objectives • To develop your understanding of the IFLA CPD Guidelines • To consider the application of the Guidelines to your role in the library & information sector • To determine the strategies that will help ensure you adopt best practice approaches to your CPD activities • To draft a plan of action to help you achieve your organisation’s CPD goals in the coming months

  5. Getting prepared… • If you are able to go online, please make sure you are connected to the wifi network: • Network: WLIC2016 • Password: qnl2016 • There are copies of the 4-page CPDWL Guidelines on each table • An electronic version is also available at http://tinyurl.com/CPDWL-Guidelines • This presentation can be accessed athttp://tinyurl.com/CPDWL-Presentation

  6. Meeting the technology… • We are planning to capture your thoughts, ideas and opinions using Padlet [www.padlet.com] • Padlet is an Internet application which allows people to express and share their thoughts on a common topic • It works like an online sheet of paper: • People can put any content (e.g. text, images, videos, documents…) • Anywhere on the page • Together with anyone • From any device  • Think of it like a multimedia friendly, free-form, real-time wiki

  7. Settling in… • Welcome and introductions at your table • Select a recorder – with access to the Internet • Take a few minutes to peruse the summary documenthttp://tinyurl.com/CPDWL-Guidelines • If you want more details, visit the full document at http://tinyurl.com/CPDWL-Full-Document • Connect to the relevant Padlet page • Employers http://tinyurl.com/CPDWL-Employers • Professional Associations http://tinyurl.com/CPDWL-Associations • Providers of LIS education and training http://tinyurl.com/CPDWL-Providers • Consider the prompt questions to guide your discussion [next]

  8. Discussion themes • With which principles and practices do you agree? Or not agree? • Which practices are you already implementing? • Which practices are you not implementing? Why not? • If you could add some specific points to the Guidelines, what would they be? • What strategies can you think of that would help you achieve the highest quality CPDWL program for your specific constituents (e.g. staff, members, participants…) ** use your Padlet page to capture the main points of your discussions

  9. Let’s review your ideas on Padlet… • Employers http://tinyurl.com/CPDWL-Employers • Professional Associations http://tinyurl.com/CPDWL-Associations • Providers of LIS education and training http://tinyurl.com/CPDWL-Providers

  10. Summarising it all… • Over to the reporter for each table: • What were the most valuable take-aways from the discussions at your table?

  11. Planning ahead… • What will you do to improve the CPDWL activities and outcomes at your own organisation? • Prepare a brief plan of action that you can commit to… • Email this to yourself • cc to: • Gillian Hallam g.hallam@qut.edu.au • Ewa Stenberg ewa.stenberg@mah.se • Jana Varles varlejs@rutgers.edu • We will do a follow up with you in May 2017, to see how you have gone!

  12. Thank you for your participation… • And before you go – please help us with our own learning… • What was the most valuable thing that you learned from this workshop? • Write a sentence on the LINED side of the index card • What did you find was missing, or was disappointing? • Write this on the BLANK side of the index card

  13. PS: we need your help  • We want to see the IFLA CPDWL Guidelines translated into all the official IFLA languages – and more! • If you are interesting in helping, please contact us! • Gillian Hallam g.hallam@qut.edu.au • Ewa Stenberg ewa.stenberg@mah.se • Jana Varles varlejs@rutgers.edu

  14. Additional padlets • Employers • http://tinyurl.com/CPDWL-Employers2 • http://tinyurl.com/CPDWL-Employers3 • http://tinyurl.com/CPDWL-Employers4 • Professional Associations • http://tinyurl.com/CPDWL-Associations2 • http://tinyurl.com/CPDWL-Associations3 • Providers of LIS education and training • http://tinyurl.com/CPDWL-Providers2 • http://tinyurl.com/CPDWL-Providers3

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