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CISN: C alifornia I ntegrated S eismic N etwork

CISN: C alifornia I ntegrated S eismic N etwork. The Program Management Group (PMG): Doug Given – USGS Pasadena Egill Hauksson - Caltech Peggy Hellweg & Doug Neuhauser – UC Berkeley David Oppenheimer – USGS Menlo Park Tony Shakal – CGS. CISN Goals.

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CISN: C alifornia I ntegrated S eismic N etwork

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  1. CISN:California Integrated Seismic Network • The Program Management Group (PMG): • Doug Given – USGS Pasadena • Egill Hauksson - Caltech • Peggy Hellweg & Doug Neuhauser – UC Berkeley • David Oppenheimer – USGS Menlo Park • Tony Shakal – CGS

  2. CISN Goals • Operate a reliable and robust statewide system to record earthquake ground motions over the relevant range of frequencies and shaking levels • Rapidly distribute information about earthquakes after their occurrence for emergency response and public information • Create an easily accessible archive of California earthquake data for engineering and seismological research, including waveform data and derived products • Develop new algorithms for analyzing earthquake data and creating new user products by applying the latest research and technological discoveries. (from Strategic Plan)

  3. Who is the CISN? • Core members • USGS (Pasadena & Menlo Park) • Caltech • UC Berkeley • Calif. Geological Survey (CSMIP) • Calif. Office of Emergency Services • Participating members(real-time data contributors) • UC San Diego • UC Santa Barbara • University of Nevada Reno • Calif. Dept. of Water Resources • Lawrence Livermore National Labs • Lawrence Berkeley National Labs • PG&E • EarthScope - US Array/PBO • Calpine • CalElectric

  4. CISN is One of the 7 ANSS Regions Alaska PacificNorthwest Northeast Inter-MountainWest Mid-America California Hawaii

  5. New Permanent Stations 2 New Transportable Stations 2 Upgraded Stations 15 Newly Telemetered Stations (NSMP) 1 Newly Imported Stations Calpine – The Geysers (LBNL) 23 PG&E 6 EarthScope boreholes 5 --- 54 Stations: New & Upgraded

  6. Retain 7 US Array sites Stations: In Progress • Carrizo Plain (SAFZ) • 4 Newly Telemetered CGS (CSMIP) strong motions • Includes fault spanning pairnear Wallace Creek(100m separation) • Imperial Valley • CalElectric 8-12 stations

  7. Software: FY 2007 Accomplishments • Northern California center switched from CUSP to CISN software November 29, 2007 • Loaded historic data • Parameters back to 1967 • Waveforms back to 1984 • Processed backlogs(~15,000 events) • San Simeon • Parkfield

  8. Software: FY 2007 Accomplishments • Whole system SNCL compliant • Md implemented • Automatic moment tensors • Support of Earthquake Early Warning • Many improvements & bug fixes • CISN System software adopted by ANSS for distribution to ANSS networks

  9. Active Projects • Northern California transition to CISN system continuing • Making system leap-second aware • Statewide ML calibration • Replace messaging middleware (ActiveMQ) • Waveforms to NCESMD in V0 format • Development of StationXML schema • Creation of CISN reference system

  10. Thanks

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