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North America Liquid Chemicals Technical Committee Chapter

North America Liquid Chemicals Technical Committee Chapter. Liaison Report. November 2016. Outline. Leadership Organization Chart Meetings Information Ballot Results Upcoming Ballots Old Business (5 Year Review and 3 Year SNARFs) TF Status Update Proposed Meeting Schedule.

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North America Liquid Chemicals Technical Committee Chapter

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  1. North America Liquid Chemicals Technical Committee Chapter Liaison Report November 2016

  2. Outline • Leadership • Organization Chart • Meetings Information • Ballot Results • Upcoming Ballots • Old Business (5 Year Review and 3 Year SNARFs) • TF Status Update • Proposed Meeting Schedule

  3. Leadership • N.A. Liquid Chemicals TC Chapter Cochair • Don Hadder (Intel) • Frank Flowers (Peroxy Chemicals) • Leadership Changes • None

  4. N.A. Liquid Chemicals TC Updated Organization Chart Legend C Chair/Co-Chair L Task Force Leader TF Task Force North America Liquid Chemicals Technical Committee Chapter C: Don Hadder (Intel) C: Frank Flowers (PeroxyChem) High Purity Liquid Assemblies & Systems TF L: Koh Murai (Mega Fluids Systems) Ultra Pure Water TF L: Bob McIntosh (GF Piping) L: Slava Libman (Air Liquide) Chemical Analytical Methods TF L: Frank Flowers (PeroxyChem) L: Don Hadder (Intel) High Purity Polymer Materials & Components TF L: Bob McIntosh (GF Piping) NOTE: Italics means group is currently inactive.

  5. Meeting Information • Last meeting • November 8, 2016 @ N.A. Standards Fall 2016 Meetings • SEMI Headquarters, California • Next meeting • April 4, 2017 @ N.A. Standards Spring 2017 Meetings • SEMI Headquarters, California

  6. Ballot Results Cycle 6/7 - 2016

  7. Ballots to be Issued for N.A. Spring 2017 Meetings Adjudication

  8. 5 Year Review Liquid Chemicals [1/2]

  9. 5 Year Review Liquid Chemicals [2/2]

  10. 5 Year Review – Inactive Standards • None

  11. SNARFs 3 Year Status • None

  12. Task Force Status Updates [1/3] High Purity Liquid Assemblies & Systems (E49.2/7 and E49.4/5) TF E49.2 E49.4 Distinction between HP and UHP no longer relevant. E49.5 recommended specification values merged with E49.4, using more stringent requirement if different. E49.5 will be modified to pertain to solvent tools with metallic enclosures and polymeric internals. E49.4 will remain solvent tools with metallic internals and external enclosure. Non-SEMI references check and where possible replace by applicable SEMI standard(s). Next TF Meeting 15 December 2016 • Completed review/edit of Section 8-10 • Expanded hydrostatic testing section to be more relevant to larger assemblies • Added new section 9 • Added appendix A • Expanded Assumptions Section • Plan to go to ballot for Cycle 1 2017 • Non-SEMI references check and where possible replace by applicable SEMI standard(s). • Next TF Meeting 08 December 2016

  13. Task Force Status Updates [2/3] High Purity Polymer Materials & Components TF • Agreed to start with UPW due to all the existing work already done. • First check on alignment of F57 and F63 shows we have a gap • Next step is testing against F63. • Report results to SCIS. • On track for SNARF schedule for preliminary ballot by July 2017. Chemical Analytical Methods TF • No report/update since Semicon West 2016. • Plan to resume activities by Spring 2017 TC meeting.

  14. Task Force Status Updates [3/3] Ultrapure Water TF • F61 • Working on F61 revision document • Plant to submit for ballot in January 2017 • F75 • This document is ready • Will be submitted for ballot together with F061 in January 2017 • F63 • The latest revision was published 10/28/2016 • Agreed to have discussion for the need of next revision pending IRDS (former ITRS) resolutions regarding particles, metals, and H2O2. Currently the plan is to discuss this along with F061 and F075 ballot outcomes in July 2017. This is going to be a good timing to align all three documents. • C79 • In light of new data published by Pall Corp. (see graph below), the question was raised on whether SEMI will still continue supporting publication of two documents • C93 • Passed Cycle 7-16 and is pending A&R review prior to publication • F98 • New document to the team. It is approaching 5 year revision cycle • New SNARF to be issued and authorized before April TC meeting by GCS

  15. Next Meeting Schedule The next N.A. Liquid Chemicals Standards Meetings are tentatively scheduled* for April 3 – 4, 2017 at SEMI Headquarters in San Jose, California in conjunction with the N.A. Standards Spring 2017 Meetings. Exact meeting date and details will be announced when finalized and available at http://www.semi.org/en/standards-events • Monday, April 3 2017; SEMI HQ office • UPW Task Force (8AM - 11AM) - F61 – UPW Systems Guidelines; - F75 – UPW Monitoring; - C79 – UPW Filtration Efficiency; - F98 – Water Reuse; - UPW Quality - F63 Revision; • High Purity Liquid Assemblies and Systems TF (1PM - 3PM) • Tuesday, April 4 2017; SEMI HQ office • High Purity Polymer Materials & Components (8AM – 9:30AM) • Chemical Analytical Methods TF (11AM - noon) • Liquid Chemicals TC Chapter (3PM - 6PM) *All times are in Pacific Time. Times and dates are subject to change without notice.

  16. Thank you!For more information or to participate in any N.A. Liquid Chemicals activities, please contact Inna Skvortsova at SEMI (iskvortsova@semi.org)

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