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The Rise of Populism in Europe

Explore the history and impact of populism, from the Narodniks in Russia to 21st-century Europe. Uncover economic and political drivers, key movements, and potential alternatives in a changing global landscape.

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The Rise of Populism in Europe

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  1. The Rise of Populism inEurope CostasAzariadis St. Louis Ethical Society April 25,2019 CostasAzariadis The Rise of Populism inEurope

  2. 1. WHAT ISPOPULISM? (a) Anti-elitistideology empowers”the people” or other marginalized groups often exploits class antagonism (left wing politics) or nationalism (right wingpolitics) CostasAzariadis The Rise of Populism inEurope

  3. 1. WHAT ISPOPULISM? (b) Economicaspects advocates: deficit spending incomeredistribution favors the present over the future CostasAzariadis The Rise of Populism inEurope

  4. 2. A LITTLEHISTORY (a) Narodniks in 19th centuryRussia ”narod” =people movement seekingoverthrow of Czarist regime by pressure from landless workers/smallholders time scale 1861-1917, peaking1870s instruments: propaganda & terrorism (Czar Alexander II assassinated in1881) impact on Russia =nil CostasAzariadis The Rise of Populism inEurope

  5. 2. A LITTLEHISTORY Figure: Czar AlexanderII CostasAzariadis The Rise of Populism inEurope

  6. 2. A LITTLEHISTORY (b) The Gracchi inRome Figure: Brothers Tiberius (left) and Gaius (right)Gracchus CostasAzariadis The Rise of Populism inEurope

  7. 2. A LITTLEHISTORY timeline: 2nd century BCE(133-121) twin brothers elected tribunes: parliamentarians for plebeian class hold veto power overlegislation propose land reform: redistribute land from senatorial class to small holders &veterans endresults aristocrats defeat plebeians violent end forleaders impact on Rome =nil CostasAzariadis The Rise of Populism inEurope

  8. 3. EUROPE IN THE 20THCENTURY (a) Places and movements Russia and theBolsheviks Germany and the Nazis Italy and thefascists (a)Lenin (b)Mussolini (c)Hitler CostasAzariadis The Rise of Populism inEurope

  9. 3. EUROPE IN THE 20THCENTURY CommonThreads WWI as a national calamity (Germany, Russia) or a missed opportunity(Italy) Searching forscapegoats German-Jewish elites Russian bourgeoisie Corrupt Italianpoliticians Silverbullets Eliminating ”traitors” to Germany Driving out war profiteers from Russia Restoring the Roman Empire forItaly CostasAzariadis The Rise of Populism inEurope

  10. 4. EUROPE IN THE 21STCENTURY (a) Shake-up of the WelfareState riches of theEU cradle-to-graveprivileges: education and healthcare forall high taxes, low growth fissures between North and South youth unemployment = 20% andup CostasAzariadis The Rise of Populism inEurope

  11. 4. EUROPE IN THE 21STCENTURY Protecting establishedgains the great disruption = fall of manufacturing a shrinkingcontinent from 20% of world population in 1920 to 10% now to 5% in2050 The three-headed monster high tech = following the U.S. globalization = the threat from the East immigration = the rise ofAfrica CostasAzariadis The Rise of Populism inEurope

  12. 4. EUROPE IN THE 21STCENTURY (d) WitherEurope? decline of the Great Powers Sinophobia and Islamophobia keeping ”them”out AFD in Germany National Front inFrance the Tory backbench in England the Lega Nord & M5S inItaly Freedom Party and Fidesz inAustria/Hungary CostasAzariadis The Rise of Populism inEurope

  13. 5. SUMMINGUP Who arethe Populists? distinguishing populists from demagogues mixing populism with socialism &nationalism Alternatives to Populism in Europe Between capitalism andsocialism Is there a thirdway? Sustainablegrowth jobs for all? reducinginequality Focus on thefuture What is Europe good at in a globaleconomy? CostasAzariadis The Rise of Populism inEurope

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