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Nairobi Convention Experts Meeting A Framework for the Development of a Strategic Action Programme for the WIO. Johannesburg, South Africa, 5 th - 6 th November 2007. The TDA/SAP Approach as a Management Tool for the WIO. What is a TDA and a SAP?. The TDA – SAP Process.
Nairobi Convention Experts Meeting A Framework for the Development of a Strategic Action Programme for the WIO Johannesburg, South Africa, 5th - 6th November 2007 UNEP/GEF WIO-LaB Project
The TDA/SAP Approach as a Management Tool for the WIO What is a TDA and a SAP? UNEP/GEF WIO-LaB Project
The TDA – SAP Process Transboundary Diagnostic Analysis a scientific and technical fact-finding analysis used to scale the relative importance of sources, causes and impacts of transboundary waters problems. Strategic Action Programme a negotiated policy document which should identify policy, legal and institutional reforms and investments needed to address the priority transboundary problems. UNEP/GEF WIO-LaB Project
The TDA/SAP Approach as a Management Tool for the WIO Why do we need a TDA and a SAP? UNEP/GEF WIO-LaB Project
Why do we need a TDA/SAP for the WIO region (1)? Interventions frequently fail to fully identify the impacts and temporal and geographical boundaries of the problem and its causes. UNEP/GEF WIO-LaB Project
Why do we need a TDA/SAP for the WIO region (2)? Limited financial support and capacities for addressing international waters problems Need to agree upon funding priorities related to certain key issues UNEP/GEF WIO-LaB Project
The TDA/SAP Approach as a Management Tool for the WIO The regional context UNEP/GEF WIO-LaB Project
Context The Region: The Agulhas and Somali Current Large Marine Ecosystem UNEP/GEF WIO-LaB Project
Context: • The UNEP implemented West Indian Ocean Land Based Sources of Pollution Project (WIO-LaB) • The World Bank implemented Southwest Indian Ocean Fisheries Project (SWIOFP) • The UNDP implemented Agulhas and Somali Current Large Marine Ecosystem (ASCLME) Project Three Projects: UNEP/GEF WIO-LaB Project
The TDA/SAP Approach as a Management Tool for the WIO The WIO-LaB TDA and SAP process UNEP/GEF WIO-LaB Project
Key characteristics of the WIO-LaB TDA/SAP process • (Political) framework provided by the Nairobi Convention • WIO-LaB Project to produce TDA and SAP focusing on land-based activities by end of 2008 • WIO-LaB TDA and SAP to be coordinated with ASCLMEs and SWIOFP Projects • Dedicated TDA and SAP Task Teams for drafting of TDA and SAP • Scientific and Technical Advisory Committee to provide scientific leadership and means of validation of TDA • SAP development linked to the development of specific National Action Plans (NAP) UNEP/GEF WIO-LaB Project
The TDA/SAP Approach as a Management Tool for the WIO Current Status of WIO-LaB TDA Development UNEP/GEF WIO-LaB Project
Establishment of a TDA Drafting Team Initial review of transboundary problems Fact finding (data collection and analysis) Causal chain and governance analysis Validation UNEP/GEF WIO-LaB Project
Establishment of a TDA Drafting Team Initial review of transboundary problems Fact finding (data collection and analysis) Causal chain and governance analysis Validation UNEP/GEF WIO-LaB Project
The TDA Drafting Team • Pollution: • Dr. Susan Taljaard (CSIR) • Dr. Sixtus Kayombo (UDSM) • PADH: • Dr. Salomao Bandeiro (UEM) • Dr. James Kairo (KMFRI) • Legal and Institutional • Mr. Akunga Momanyi (Nairobi University) – Regional Legal Expert • Prof. Jan Glazewski (UCT) - Legal Task Force member • River Basins • Dr. Anton Earle (ACWR) • Socio-economics • Dr. Jacob Ochiewo (KMFRI) UNEP/GEF WIO-LaB Project
Establishment of a TDA Drafting Team Initial review of transboundary problems Fact finding (data collection and analysis) Causal chain and governance analysis Validation UNEP/GEF WIO-LaB Project
Initial review of transboundary problems • Pollution from land-bases sources and consequent degeneration of water quality; • Physical alteration and destruction of habitats; and • Alteration in fresh water flows and sediment loads from rivers. UNEP/GEF WIO-LaB Project
Establishment of a TDA Drafting Team Initial review of transboundary problems Fact finding (data collection and analysis) Causal chain and governance analysis Validation UNEP/GEF WIO-LaB Project
Fact finding Fact-finding and assessment for TDA development ongoing as part of scope of work of specific Task Forces and Working Groups: • WG Water, Sediment and Biota Quality • MWW Task Force • PADH Task Force • EIA Task Force • Legal and Technical Review Task Force UNEP/GEF WIO-LaB Project
Main building blocks for the WIO-LaB TDA Pollution River basins Regional Status of Pollution Assessment Regional Status of MWW Assessment Regional Marine Litter Assessment Assessment of River-coast Interactions in the WIO Region Governance Assessment of existing Policy, Legal and Institutional Frameworks for LBA Management Assessment of the Status of Ratification of International Conventions Related to LBA Review of Legislation, and Institutions Relevant to PADH PADH Regional PADH Assessment Assessment of Shoreline Changes in the WIO Assessment of Socio-economic Implications of PADH UNEP/GEF WIO-LaB Project
Other key inputs for TDA • Reports of the African Process (ACOPS) • State of the Marine Environment Reports (UNEP/GPA) • Global International Waters Assessment (GIWA) • Assessment of Management Effectiveness in Selected Marine Protected Areas in the WIO (UNEP/NCS) • LOICZ African Basins Report • Other global and regional reports, such as: • GESAMP Reports on Protecting the Oceans from land-based Activities (2001) • FAO Report on Land-based Sources and Activities affecting the Marine, Coastal and Associated Fresh Water Environment in the WIO Region • Etc. UNEP/GEF WIO-LaB Project
Establishment of a TDA Drafting Team Initial review of transboundary problems Fact finding (data collection and analysis) Causal chain and governance analysis Validation UNEP/GEF WIO-LaB Project
Causal chain and governance analysis Ongoing: Draft Chapters of the TDA available … UNEP/GEF WIO-LaB Project
Establishment of a TDA Drafting Team Initial review of transboundary problems Fact finding (data collection and analysis) Causal chain and governance analysis Validation UNEP/GEF WIO-LaB Project
Validation steps in the TDA process Regional TDA Workshop MWW Task Force PADH Task Force LTR Task Force WSQ Working Group Coral Reefs Task Force Scientific and Technical Advisory Committee PSC UNEP/GEF WIO-LaB Project
The TDA/SAP Approach as a Management Tool for the WIO Towards a Strategic Action Programme for the WIO UNEP/GEF WIO-LaB Project
Structure of the Framework SAP • Pollution from land-bases sources and consequent degeneration of water quality; • Physical alteration and destruction of habitats; and • Alteration in fresh water flows and sediment loads from rivers. • Cross-cutting issues Four thematic areas of intervention: UNEP/GEF WIO-LaB Project
Structure of the Framework SAP • Monitoring and Assessment: Filling in data and information gaps • Management Tools: Developing and demonstrating appropriate technical and managerial approaches to address problems • Governance: Strengthening policy, legal and institutional frameworks • Information management, capacity building and awareness raising Four levels of intervention: UNEP/GEF WIO-LaB Project
Next steps • Elaborate intervention plans based on the Framework SAP (together with partners) • Development of targets (Environmental Quality Objectives) and indicators • Establishment of institutional framework for SAP implementation • National and regional (political) consultations • Endorsement of SAP Developing the SAP: UNEP/GEF WIO-LaB Project
Next steps • Mainstreaming into national development plans • Identification of partners for SAP implementation • Development of concrete proposals for donor support • Donor Conference • Monitoring and evaluation of SAP implementation Implementing the SAP: UNEP/GEF WIO-LaB Project
The TDA/SAP Approach as a Management Tool for the WIO Decision required from COP UNEP/GEF WIO-LaB Project
Proposed decision by COP Take note of progress made in the development of an updated Transboundary Diagnostic Analysis and Strategic Action Plan for the Western Indian Ocean Region and request the Secretariat to facilitate and expedite the timely negotiation and finalization of the development and thereafter implementation of the Strategic Action Plan for the Region on the basis of the current Framework Strategic Action Plan UNEP/GEF WIO-LaB Project
Workplan UNEP/GEF WIO-LaB Project