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WHMSI Experts Pre-Meeting

This pre-meeting on migratory species covers WHMSI and CMS overviews, flyways initiatives, and presentations on biodiversity and ecosystem services valuation. Key topics include capacity building activities and global conservation agreements. The meeting aims to set goals, discuss contributions, and develop regional conservation strategies. Participants will engage in roundtable discussions and presentations focusing on flyways-related initiatives. Various agencies and organizations will collaborate to advance shorebird and waterbird conservation in the Western Hemisphere.

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WHMSI Experts Pre-Meeting

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  1. WHMSI Experts Pre-Meeting Richard Huber Department of Sustainable Development Washington January 15, 2014

  2. WHMSI Experts Pre-Meeting • Welcome & Opening  Remarks (OAS) • Review of Objectives & Flyways Meeting Goals for March • Roundtable Introductions & Presentations: • WHMSI Overview & Directive on Flyways (OAS/USFWS?) • CMS Overview & Mandate on Flyways (MT) • Roundtable Presentations (perhaps we can make a list of participants (Name/Title/Affiliation) and use that as the 'order' for making presentations & to pass around) • Discussion on Meeting Objectives & Contributions • Wrap up/Next Steps

  3. Agencies to develop different regional capacity building activities.

  4. DATA BASIN/Inter American biodiversityInformation Network Environmental Decision Support Tools Offset and Mitigation Analysis Alternative Scenario Evaluation Cumulative Impact Assessment Ecosystem Services Valuation Support for Advanced Spatial Analyses

  5. Flyways-related Initiatives* • Global • ACAP Agreement on the Conservation of Albatrosses and Petrels • CMS Convention on Migratory Species • GROMS Global Registry of Migratory Species • GBIF Global Biodiversity Information Facility • MIGRATE Migration Interest Group: Research Applied Towards Education • Ramsar Convention on Wetlands of International Importance • *List compiled by Rob Clay

  6. Americas Atlantic Flyway Shorebird Conservation Business Strategy Aves Internacionales BirdLife International Americas Flyways program CRIMBI Copper River International Migratory Bird Initiative Golondrinas de las Américas Grupo de trabajo de Calidris canutus rufa IABIN-SSTN InterAmerican Biodiversity Information Network - Species and Specimens Thematic Node ISS International Shorebird Survey LaMNA Landbird Monitoring Network of the Americas National Audubon Society International Alliances Program Strategy PRISM Program for Regional and International Shorebird Monitoring Red de monitoreo de aves playeras del corredor migratorio del Pacífico (Calidris mauri, C. alpina) – Migratory Shorebird Project SRGA Shorebird Research Group of the Americas WCC Waterbird Conservation for the Americas WHBBN/RAAHO Western Hemisphere Bird Banding Network WHMSI Western Hemisphere Migratory Species Initiative (including “Integrating Migratory Bird Conservation Initiatives in the Americas” document) WHSG Western Hemisphere Shorebird Group WHSRN/RHRAP Western Hemisphere Shorebird Reserve Network

  7. Subregional Alianza de Pastizal/Southern Cone Grasslands Alliance Alianza Manglar/Neotropical Mangrove Conservation Alliance Alianza Pino-Encino/Pine-Oak Alliance Boreal Songbird Initiative Caribbean Biological Corridor CAWC Central American Waterbird Census Canada Warbler International Conservation Initiative Cerulean Warbler Technical Group/Grupo Cerúleo CMS - MoU Aves migratorias de pastizal del Sudamérica CMS - MoU Cauquen colorado CMS - MoU Flamencos altoandinos CWC Caribbean Waterbird Census Foro para la Conservación del Mar Patagónico GCFA Grupo Conservación Flamencos Altoandinos Golden-winged Warbler Working Group HMANA Hawk Migration Association of North America IBTCG International Bicknell’s Thrush Conservation Group MoSI & MAWS Monitoreo de Sobrevivencia Invernal, Monitoring Avian Winter Survival NWC Neotropical Waterbird Census North American Grasslands Alliance NABCI North American Bird Conservation Initiative NAWMP North American Waterfowl Management Plan PiF Partners in Flight MBC Migratory Bird Convention (Canada-USA-Mexico) Ramsar subregional initiatives (Mangroves and Coral Reefs, High Andean wetlands, Caribbean, La Plata River Basin) Reddish Egret Working Group SPAW Protocol (Cartagena Convention)

  8. Geographically Focused Conservation Business Plans (in development) – PiF V process • Mexico/Central America Gulf-Caribbean Slope - Eastern Deciduous Forests • Chihuahuan Grasslands – Western Great Plains & Prairies • Central-South American Highlands – Appalachian and Northeastern Forests, North to Boreal Grounds) • West Mexican Thornscrub – Arid Southwest • Southern Cone Grasslands – Eastern North American Grasslands and Arctic Tundra • Caribbean - Eastern Upland Hardwood Forest Regions • Sierra Madre Pine-Oak and Cloud – Western Mixed-Coniferous Forests • Pacific Shorebirds – Coastal Areas of Middle and South America linked to US and Canada Coasts and Arctic Breeding Areas)

  9. Species Specific Conservation Plans • Shorebirds • American Golden Plover Pluvialis dominica • American Oystercatcher Haematopus palliatus • American Woodcock Scolopax minor • Black Oystercatcher Haematopus bachmani • Buff-breasted Sandpiper Tryngites subruficollis • Dunlin Calidris alpina • Hudsonian Godwit Limosa haemastica • Lesser Yellowlegs Tringa flavipes

  10. Landbirds Bicknell's Thrush Catharus bicknelli Bobolink Dolichonyx oryzivorus - in development Canada Warbler Cardellina canadensis - in development Cerulean Warbler Setophaga cerulea Golden-cheeked Warbler Setophaga chrysoparia Golden-winged Warbler Vermivora chrysoptera Kirtland's Warbler Setophaga kirtlandii Sprague's Pipit Anthus spragueii

  11. Western Hemisphere Migratory Species Initiative (WHMSI)Purpose and Organization • Vision Migratory species of the Western Hemisphere, their key habitats and migratory routes are conserved through international cooperation and communication benefitting people and enhancing biodiversity conservation.

  12. Task: WHMSI Overarching Framework • Most initiatives are on the same page policy wise. • Similarity and overlap -- some simplification is needed. • Transformational policy framework • Overarching framework – a mechanism to increase efficiency of conservation action, and to increase articulation of efforts for migratory species at different levels. • A mechanism which helps build synergies/better articulates existing synergies, and facilitates conservation action, research and monitoring at a variety of schools, simplifying (or at least not increasing “paperwork” burdens). •  Produce a matrix of the key similarities and differences between each, can some “fit within others”, and/or where strong logical links exist. • Scale issues -- “global”, “Americas” and “sub regional”. • Matrix would help create traction for a hemispheric initiative by illustrating the synergies and the need for an overarching coordination mechanism.

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