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Fourth Grade Curriculum Night. 8/20/2014 Mrs. Fitzgerald Mrs. Huber Mr. OConnell Mrs. Peterson. Continuous Classroom Improvement (CCI). Focus on specific learning outcomes Students take part in creating mission statements, analyzing data, and setting goals.
Fourth Grade Curriculum Night 8/20/2014 Mrs. Fitzgerald Mrs. Huber Mr. OConnell Mrs. Peterson
Continuous Classroom Improvement (CCI) • Focus on specific learning outcomes • Students take part in creating mission statements, analyzing data, and setting goals • Progress monitored throughout the year and tracked on graphs displayed in room • Plan Do Study Act
Reading with Mrs. Fitz Vocabulary Comprehension “Digging” into the text
Reading • Common Core Standards – • dig deep (explain, evaluate, defend, analyze, …) • look at writer’s technique • focus on various genres including non-fiction • Develop strong readers with a solid skill base to understand and retain literature • Focus on Expository Text.
Reading cont. • Materials • Reading Street Book • Reading Folder • Independent Reading Book • Reading Notes (Composition Book) • Reading Logs – 20 minutes per night for total of 400 minutes per month
This class uses FOSS (Full Option Science System) as the basis for study. FOSS is aligned with Arizona State Standards and was developed through rich collaboration of scientists, educational researchers, curriculum developers, assessment specialists, teachers, administrators, community members, and parents. Students learn by doing science. FOSS engages students to construct an understanding through investigations and analyses, using lab equipment, readings, and interactive technology.
Four main units of study Landforms Environments Magnetism and Electricity Water and Weather
Fourth Grade Writing Curriculum Using the Common Core Standards
Common Core: 3 Types of Writing • Opinion: To support a point of view with reasons and information • Informative/Explanatory Writing: To examine a topic and convey ideas and information clearly • Narrative: To develop real or imagined experiences, using effective technique, descriptive details, and clear event sequences
The Writing Process Prewriting - Using strategies to generate, plan, and organize ideas for specific purposes. Drafting - The use of prewriting activities to create a first draft containing necessary elements for a specific purpose. Revising - Evaluating and refining the rough draft for clarity and effectiveness. “Ask: Does this draft say what you want it to say?” Editing - Proofreading and correcting the draft for conventions. Publishing - Formatting and presenting a final product for the intended audience.
Write from the Beginning • Writing program used by the district • Helps writers with the pre-writing step in the writing process. • Use of Thinking Maps to organize ideas before starting a piece. • A skill-based program.
Words Their Way • Deer Valley has adopted this program of word study to replace the spelling program from last year. • Students will work in differentiated groups at their level of knowledge to acquire new spelling patterns. • Students may be tested on words that follow their pattern weekly or every other week. • Spelling is now part of the 4th grade writing program.
Important Things to Know • Common Core! Shared Standards between states in the United States • Common Core! Philosophy for math…go for a deeper understanding of the concepts rather than teaching numerous standards with little depth
Concepts Covered in Math • Place Value • Multiples and Factors • Multiplication and Division • Fractions • Angle Measurement • Measurement Conversions • Decimals
Engage New York • Curriculum this year is a more common core oriented program called Engage New York. • The daily classroom lessons will be reinforced with nightly homework. • For additional practice the students have access to a online math website called IXL. • ID’s and passwords will be handed out soon.
The Study of Arizona Facts about Arizona Arizona’s Location and Regions Surrounding Areas Ancient People and Tribes of Arizona Spanish Explorers and Missionaries And more…
Arizona Studies Weekly • Don’t forget to send in your $5 to cover the cost of this newspaper
New Report Card • Deer Valley is changing to a new report card for grades 3 – 6. • We’ll look at a Power Point from the district that will be available for parents to read on the 4th grade website.