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Fourth Grade Curriculum

Welcome to Fourth Grade! Learn about our curriculum in writing, reading fluency, comprehension, grammar, math, social studies, science, and expectations. Homework and communication guidelines included.

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Fourth Grade Curriculum

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Welcome toBack-to-School Night!I would like to create parent contact list, so please send me an email at your earliest convenience.

  2. Fourth Grade Curriculum

  3. Writing We have many fun and exciting things planned for fourth grade. Please see Council Rock’s Writing Rubric on the writing folder.

  4. Reading Fluency Rate Accuracy Intonation Expression Phrasing: Pauses Stress Adjust Rate to Purpose Phrasing: Punctuation

  5. Fourth Grade Comprehension Target Skills and Strategies SkillsStrategies Story Structure Author’s Purpose Monitor/Clarify Cause and Effect Visualize Theme Analyze/Evaluate Understanding Characters Infer/Predict Fact and Opinion Summarize Conclusions and Generalizations Question Sequence of Events Wondering Text and Graphic Features Understanding Characters Compare and Contrast Sequence of Events Persuasion Main Ideas and Details

  6. Grammar Complete Sentences Participles Subjects and Predicates Verbs Kinds of Sentences Irregular Verbs Simple and Compound Sentences Proper Mechanics Adjectives Quotations Adverbs Negatives Prepositions and Prepositional Phrases Transitions Abbreviations Nouns Proper Nouns Possessive Nouns Conjunctions Commas Pronouns Making Comparisons Comparative and Superlative Adjectives and Adverbs

  7. Cooperative Reading Structures • Turn to Your Partner - The students turn to a partner sitting next to them to discuss an issue or question. • Think, Pair, Share - The students think individually about a question or issue and then discuss their thoughts with a partner. Pairs report their thinking to another pair or to the class. • Think, Pair, Write – The students think individually before discussing their thoughts with a partner. Students then write what they are thinking.

  8. * For homework, please make a connection between home and school by encouraging your child to read for at least 15-20 minutes each school night. Children are asked to record the books they read in their assignment books.

  9. Math Math homework will be given each night as a follow-up to the day’s lesson. Occasionally your child will be assigned problems from the math book. Please save all homework sheets because they may serve as an excellent study tool before chapter and unit tests. *F.Y.I. – YES, the math book may be brought home, and should serve as a study tool prior to tests until your family feels comfortable using www.pearsonsuccessnet.com in place of the book .

  10. First In MATH The First In Math Online Program allows students to progress at their own pace and master math skills. Comprehensive content is presented in a game format, but engages students in serious mathematics.

  11. Social Studies COURSE DESCRIPTION: The student’s knowledge of geography, history, economics and government of his/her home state, of Pennsylvania will be developed. The students will recognize the impact of Pennsylvania as an integral part of the United States. Through the study of different regions of the United States, students will develop an understanding of the similarities and diversities of the fifty states. Essential Learning questions: • How do physical features and geographic locations impact where and how people live? • How do diverse resources, economic and industries affect the progress and growth of a region? • How, when and why do people move? How do natural resources determine the development of industries in a region? • What are the lessons that can be learned from Current Events?

  12. Science • Land and Water – Mrs. Young • Electricity and Magnetism - Mrs. Weinstein • Animal Studies - Mrs. Black • Life Skills – Miss Hough

  13. Expectations of a Fourth Grader • Maintenance of a daily assignment book • Make-up of all missed assignments • Work is neat and organized • Work is original and complete • Participation in class activities • Follow class/school rules

  14. Homework Council Rock School district states that homework in fourth grade should be approximately 40 minutes in length. If your child is taking longer to complete homework, please contact me so other arrangements can be made. Homework is written daily in the assignment book. Your child’s homework folder with all worksheets, notes, etc. comes home each night. Please be sure to sign your child’s assignment book every night upon completion of homework. Missing or incomplete homework must be completed and returned. If missed homework is a consistent problem, parents will be notified.

  15. Home/School Communication Please include a note in the assignment book if you have any questions or concerns. I will get back to you as soon as possible. Notes from the office and/or classroom are sent home on occasion, so please check and empty the homework folder each day.

  16. What You, as the Parent of a Fourth Grade Student, Can Do • Check to see that the homework is complete • Sign the assignment book every night • Ask, “What is going on in class?” • Communicate any concerns as soon as they arise • Return notes as soon as possible • Promote responsibility in your fourth grader • Provide a stable “homework environment”

  17. Scholastic Book Clubs Regardless of the number of clubs you choose to order from each month, you only need to write one check out to “Scholastic Book Club.” Cash is also accepted. The book orders usually arrive within Two weeks. H2HZ4

  18. Absences It is important that you send a note in With your child when he/she returns from an absence. Online Attendance Form

  19. Volunteers Please sign in at the office and get a visitor’s tag to wear so students and staff know you are part of our learning environment.

  20. Holiday Parties…Halloween, Winter Holiday, and Valentine’s DayHomeroom parents will be collecting money for party food, paper products, and crafts.

  21. Transport Slips If you plan on picking your child up from school, please fill out a transport slip and send it into school on the day it will be used. Parents whose children are car riders every day may submit one note that applies to the entire year.

  22. Birthday Celebrations • Peanut-free birthday treats can be sent in with your child on or around his/her birthday. • Summer birthdays may be celebrated during the last week of school or on your child’s half year birthday. • Please refrain from sending birthday party invitations to school. • All invitations must be sent from home unless the entire class is invited to the party.

  23. Instrumental Music Lessons Lessons begin as soon as the instrumental music teachers receive all permission slips from interested students and are able to create a schedule. You will be notified in writing when this takes place. Your child’s schedule will be based on a rotation so he/she will not miss the same curriculum on a regular basis. Children are responsible for finding out and making up the work they miss during their lesson. ***The instrumental music teachers allow children to call home only once for a forgotten instrument.

  24. Mrs. Young’s Teacher Site • http://www.crsd.org//Domain/1929

  25. The End

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