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CEN ISSS eEHIC CWA. Pantelis Angelidis – on behalf of the CEN/ISSS/WS & PT. Background. Project:"Electronic European Health Insurance Card “ Documents : PHASE A: Review and validation of the available or required standards for the eEHIC (approved 12-02-2008)

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  1. CEN ISSS eEHIC CWA PantelisAngelidis – on behalf of the CEN/ISSS/WS & PT

  2. Background Project:"Electronic European Health Insurance Card “ Documents : PHASE A: Review and validation of the available or required standards for the eEHIC (approved 12-02-2008) PHASE B: CWA (approved 10-03-2009) White Paper

  3. eEHICbackground and context • The main features of an electronic EHIC are : • It will carry the same dataset in electronic form that is defined by the data printed on the outside of the EHIC, • it will be electronically read in the premises of the Health Care Providers equipped with appropriate technology • its validity as well as the entitlement of the card holder could, under certain conditions and depending on the Member States, be verified on-line.

  4. Phase A decisions  CWA guiding principles (1/2) • The basis of the work will be the well-known smart card standards (already used as credit/debit cards, phone cards etc., ISO7816 series) • The definitions of the health information related standards are used because they already closely reflect the EHIC dataset (e.g. ISO 21549) • The use of the Unicode character set where possible. This would practically mean support for all official EU languages and character sets.

  5. Phase A decisions  CWA guiding principles (2/2) • In order to facilitate read-out from “new” smart cards as well as from already existing smart cards not yet supporting the standardised storage format, the CWA uses the “metadata approach”. This means that applications use metadata (machine readable card capability descriptions) when accessing an eEHIC. The interoperability framework is provided in this case by the ISO/IEC 24727 series. • The CWA provides a mechanism to protect the electronic exchange of the data.

  6. Social Security Institution Home Member State National (Social Security) Network National (Social Security) Network EESSI Network Health Care Professional eEHIC Host Member State Social Security Institution eEHIC on-line through EESSI

  7. Client-Application Service Access Layer The client-application has a preset view on the card-application : only card services exposed by the ACD are visible. Discovery data Application 1 ACD ISO 24727 : Definition of a card services

  8. eEHIC Service front-end MemberState’sFront End National Repository EU Country « B » EESSI infrastructure (EU Network) EESSI (EU Network) EESSI National network HCP HCP workstation :ISO 24727-based application layer & interface device layer Application layer EU Country « A » Reader(s) IFD Token(s) eEHIC from EU Country « B » eEHIC - Model basics

  9. Schematic view of middleware layout for eEHIC

  10. eEHIC cards Types • ISO/IEC 24727 compliant eEHIC cards : • A completely new implementation, referred to as Type “1”. • A Card pointing to an XML-based Card-Info-File where the EHIC data are stored (outside of the card), referred to as Type “2”. • An existing Card which adds the eEHIC service to its list, referred to as Type “3”. • NON-ISO/IEC 24727 cards : Existing (legacy) card that does not support ISO/IEC 24727 and that stores the required data in a remote repository, referred to as Type “4”.

  11. eEHIC Data eEHICHCP DID eEHICADMIN DID eEHIC personalization : main steps ? 3 ? ? 4 ..300C0405…. 6 2 7 5 ? ? 1 new card ? Legacy card ?

  12. ACD ACD application ACD DID ACL ACL DID DataSet,DSI DataSet,DSI Reminder : « Discovery information » management SAL-API personalization Shareable e-Service Service Access Layer (SAL) DER-TLV encoding ISO 24727 container ISO/IEC 7816-15 ASN.1 definition acc. ISO 24727 Part 2 ISO/IEC 7816-4

  13. ISO 24727 compliant Legacy eCard eEHIC Communication flow description in CWA clauses 1 2 3 MS Authentication Proxy MS’s DB Client application § 7 Optional Card authentication Network SOAP Webservices § 6 functional messages HCP Application ISO 24727-3 Application interface Action Request/Response § 5 Card discovery, dataset read SAL Generic APDU ISO 24727-2 Generic card interface Generic Request/Response ISO 24727 GCAL ACD CCD CIA CardInfo Specific APDU Specific Request/Response

  14. ReadCardType CardDiscovery (eEHICADMIN) (1,2,3) (EntitlementSecurityLevel) ReadDataSet (eEHICDataSet) ReadSecurityLevel (SecurityLevel) FunctionalDialog (eEHICDataSet, SecurityLevel) (APDUCommand) Execute (APDUCommand) (APDUResponse) Loop (APDUResponse) FunctionalResponse End to end communication sequence : card type “1”, “2”, “3” ISO 24727 compliant Card device eEHIC Card App HCP Application MS Authentication Proxy

  15. Optional security functionality for future use • No authentication functionality is mandated • Neither on server side (Competent institution) • Nor on client side (HCP) • eEHIC-Server-communication can be used without any card-based security features • Issuers are not mandated to add any part of it • Service implementors are not mandated to support these features • Authentication functionality can be used • If/when security will be needed e.g. for privacy reasons • Service related policy decisions possible

  16. Matrix of mandatory components of an eEHIC system, depending from the scenario to be deployed

  17. A new CWA

  18. Thank you for your attention 

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