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ATLAS EDUCATION AND OUTREACH IPPOG April 2011 Coordinators: Michael Barnett and Steven Goldfarb Outreach Officer: Claudia Marcelloni
MEDIA: PRESS RELEASE ON JET QUENCHING Images: http://www.atlas.ch/asymmetrical-heavy-ion-event.html Animation: http://www.atlas.ch/multimedia/html-nc/animation-heavy-ion-event.html News Story: http://www.atlas.ch/imbalance-of-energies.html Scientific Paper: http://cdsweb.cern.ch/record/1309851 c.marcelloni
COSMIC LOG ON MSNBC.COM: big bang machine to run in 2012 Full Series of photos available on CDS: http://cdsweb.cern.ch/record/1321864 c.marcelloni • http://cosmiclog.msnbc.msn.com/_news/2011/01/31/5962993-big-bang-machine-to-run-in-2012
DAILYTECH: the lhc is set to embark on another year of discovery. Photo available on CDS: http://cdsweb.cern.ch/record/1324520 c.marcelloni • http://www.dailytech.com/LHC+is+Back+Doing+Its+Thing+Smashing+Particles+Like+the+Big+Bang/article20967.htm
NATURE: beautiful theory collides with smashing particle data Series of photos available on CDS: http://cdsweb.cern.ch/record/1324519 c.marcelloni • http://www.nature.com/news/2011/110228/full/471013a.html
GUARDIAN: fabiolagianottiphysicist leading the team working on the large hadron collider at cern-100 women: science and medicine c.marcelloni • http://www.guardian.co.uk/science/2011/mar/08/fabiola-gianotti-100-women
PROJECTS THAT GENERATED MEDIA: ATLAS POP-UP BOOK The ATLAS pop-up book was published on December 2009. Its first print out was sold out in UK. It’s second revised edition had a number of improvements and was released in USA, Canada and Australia Several media outlets have released articles about it, including Nature, New Scientist, the Times, Wired. The second edition is now available on Amazon and major stores across UK, USA and Canada. c.marcelloni http://www.atlas.ch/popupbook/
PROJECTS THAT GENERATED MEDIA:ATLAS MURAL The ATLAS Mural was finished by the artist Josef Kristofoletti on July 2010. The story was picked up on several media outlets specially in USA. Among others PBS, News Hour, Design Taxi, About.com, Reuters. Video and photos can be found at: http://www.atlas.ch/mural/ c.marcelloni http://www.atlas.ch/multimedia/html-nc/videoclip-mural-webcam.html(video)
PROJECTS THAT GENERATED MEDIA:RESONANCE The Resonance CD was released on December 6th, 2010. It has obtained great coverage in the Media, specially in UK, including: BBC radio 2 with Steve Wright, BBC radio 4,BBC radio 6, BBC world service, The Telegraph, The Times, the Guardian, The Daily Post, Discover Magazine blog, WRS, Swiss info Podcast, AFP news agency, among others. c.marcelloni http://atlas-resonance.ch
RESONANCE:CHF 14,000 to Happy children’s home Profits of Resonance goes to the orphanage Happy Children’s home in Nepal. In March, the musicians handled to the charity’s representative the first check of CHF 14,000 Resonance is available for sale at CERN and online on iTunes, Amazon and others. c.marcelloni • http://cdsweb.cern.ch/record/1341246
MULTIMEDIA: THE ATLAS BOOGIE “The ATLAS Boogie”; written by Steven Goldfarb and performed by the Canettes Blues Band explains what ATLAS is all about. It had more than 17.000 viewers only on YouTube The video clip was done by Jonathan Baldwin, second place winner of the ATLAS multimedia contest c.marcelloni http://www.atlas.ch/multimedia/html-nc/feature-atlas-boogie.html
MULTIMEDIA: STANDARD MODEL ANIMATION Phil Owen was the winner of the ATLAS multimedia contest, which took place in July 2009. As a prize Phil spent 3 months in 2010 with us developing 2 animations for Outreach purposes. One illustrates the Standard Model and the other the Big Bang http://cdsweb.cern.ch/record/1279355 http://www.atlas.ch/contest/index.html#8 c.marcelloni
MULTIMEDIA:ANDY LANKFORD PRESENTATION FOR GOOGLE Andy Lankford was invited to speak at Google's Zeitgeist event last fall. The event, organized by Google, invited leaders of our time to discuss perspectives on global issues. Andy asked our help to produce an innovative presentation. We decided to create 10 short video clips of 1 to 2 minutes each using photos and multimedia material available at atlas.ch. The result is a visual presentation, with almost no text, about all the aspects of the ATLAS experiment. The full presentation with voice over is available at: http://cdsweb.cern.ch/record/1335687 c.marcelloni • http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VjIJS8zUimU • http://www.zeitgeistminds.com/about/
PHOTOS:Work Underground During Shutdown http://cdsweb.cern.ch/record/1321864 http://cdsweb.cern.ch/record/1324520 http://cdsweb.cern.ch/record/1324519 http://cdsweb.cern.ch/record/1326963 http://cdsweb.cern.ch/record/1326048 http://cdsweb.cern.ch/record/1326046 http://cdsweb.cern.ch/record/1321855 c.marcelloni • http://cdsweb.cern.ch/record/1321861
MULTIMEDIA INSTALLATION: THE ART OF ATLAS A multimedia installation combining photos and film about ATLAS physicists was seen for more than 10.000 visitors at the Birmingham Science Museum from mid October 2010 until Jan 2011. This installation is available for all ATLAS institutes to take to their local museums. Stockholm might be hosting it next. c.marcelloni http://www.atlas.ch/multimedia-installation.html
PRINT MATERIALS :NEW BROCHURES AND POSTERS The brochure and Poster about ATLAS in general was redone and a new brochure and poster about the Physics of ATLAS has been produced. Brochures: http://www.atlas.ch/brochures.html Posters: http://www.atlas.ch/posters.html c.marcelloni
EVENTS:ATLAS REMOTE VISITS Several ATLAS institutes are organizing public events in connection with the ATLAS control room. Some of them, such as Birmingham, UK associate it to a Masterclass; others simple organize an event in a conference format. Last month Kobe in Japan held an event with 150 participants. Toronto and Osaka have also organized a similar event last year. Brazil will be next with several events lined up for the second semester of 2011. c.mafrcelloni • http://cdsweb.cern.ch/record/1344077 • http://cdsweb.cern.ch/record/1344074
VISITS:ATLAS VISITOR CENTRE The number of visitors to ATLAS during the 2010 achieved 20.000 according to CERN Visits Service. CERN had 55.000 in total. Rolf Landua expects to increase this number to 80.000 in the next couple of years improving the number of visits and its itinerary. c.marcelloni http://www.atlas.ch/atlas_tour/index.html
VISITS: ATLAS CAVERN DURING SHUTDOWN There were roughly 181 visits between 13th December 2010 and 13th February 2011. About 12 press and 19 VIP visits. VIPS Slovenia ambassador, Minister of Industry Trade and Labor of Israel, First President of the Swiss confederation, Chair and members of the science and technology committee UK Northern Ireland MEDIA Euronews, Nature, ZDF TV crew, Hungarian TV, The Economist, Mexican TV c.marcelloni • Mr Avi Hasson Chief Scientist, Ministry of Industry, Trade and Labor Israel, visits the ATLAS Experiment at CERN
VISITS:GOOGLE STREET VIEW Soon we will be able to visit CERN through Google street view. They will cover all of CERN, including the underground area of all experiments. In ATLAS they also crawled inside its sectors. c.marcelloni
CONCLUSION • This is a summary of the activities developed by the small team based at CERN • There are many others activities going on through out the collaboration; collecting and sharing them will be one of our main challenges for this year c.marcelloni