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2012 – 13 Leadership Plan Call for Volunteers

2012 – 13 Leadership Plan Call for Volunteers. Sean M. Jeffery, PharmD, CGP, FASCP President-Elect ASCP. For Hyperlinks to work this must be viewed in Slide Show mode. “You can’t depend on your eyes when your imagination is out of focus.” Mark Twain.

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2012 – 13 Leadership Plan Call for Volunteers

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  1. 2012 – 13 Leadership Plan Call for Volunteers Sean M. Jeffery, PharmD, CGP, FASCP President-Elect ASCP

  2. For Hyperlinks to work this must be viewed in Slide Show mode.

  3. “You can’t depend on your eyes when your imagination is out of focus.” Mark Twain

  4. Imaginative Volunteers Needed! The power of imagination is the freedom to think boldly and unconventionally. Without imagination there is no creativity and subsequently no innovation. I am seeking volunteers willing to share their imagination, time and talents in service to ASCP.

  5. Volunteer Opportunities Chinese Proverb Please review this overview of important changes to ASCP committees. A brief description of the committee, taskforce or council is provided. If interested in further information, please refer to the 2012 – 2013 ASCP Leadership Plan for details on charges, timelines and expectations.

  6. How to Apply • If you find something you want to volunteer for, click on the hyperlinked slide title and it will send me an email! • Please include the following: • Why you are interested in this committee/council • What your current job and responsibilities entail • Complete contact information

  7. Call for Volunteers Overview

  8. Innovations, Product Development & Member Services Committee The reasons individuals join ASCP are as varied as their practice settings. Equally as varied are what members expect from ASCP in return for their membership dollars. Understanding these expectations, anticipating needs, and delivering quality products and services are keys to attracting and retaining members. This committee merges the innovations committees and members resource taskforce into one group focused on member needs as identified through products and services.

  9. Reasons to Volunteer for Innovations, Product Development & Member Services • You have participated on one of President Shelton’s Innovations Committee and wish to continue that work • You have previously served on the Member Resource Taskforce and want to continue that work • You have an entrepreneurial spirit and are looking for a creative outlet to help our members • You have a great idea for a new ASCP product or service • You are a small business owner in need of support that ASCP can provide but currently isn’t • You have experience with marketing and sales • You are interested in developing apps for members and the public • You want to help bring the fun back to ASCP

  10. Committee Overview

  11. Innovations Subcommittee This subcommittee will continue the work of the first five innovations committees by completing the charges set forth by President Shelton. The 5 innovations committees are at varying points of completion and therefore any additional charges will focus on expanding areas already under development. Importantly, I envision the Innovations Subcommittee serving as the society’s “think-tank” for potential products and member services. As innovative ideas take form, this committee will develop preliminary business plans that include target audiences, resources needed to operationalize and some guidance on basic marketing before turning the innovation over to either the product development or member services subcommittees.

  12. Product Development Subcommittee Product development is a multistage process. Beginning with “incubators” or “start-ups” the process frequently involves a dedicated team to properly analyze, resource and scale to market the ideas first identified by the inventor. This subcommittee will assume responsibility of taking concepts from the Innovations Committee and bringing them “to market”. As envisioned, the ASCP Product Development team will take innovative concepts and conduct a second review and vetting of ideas before committing resources.

  13. Product Development Subcommittee Continued “Handing off” business proposals from the Innovations Subcommittee allows that group to continue working on developing additional concepts. The Product Development Subcommittee will conduct necessary market research, analyze business plans, and develop marketing and sales plans. An additional role for this subcommittee is to collaborate with industry partners on ways to bring developed products and services to our members.

  14. Member Awards and Recognition Taskforce “Gratitude is not only the greatest of all virtues, but the parent of all others.” This taskforce will overhaul ASCP’s member awards and recognitions policies and procedures to ensure best practices are followed. The ASCP Fellowship process will also be reviewed and updated. Please refer to the leadership plan for more detailed charges.

  15. Member Awards and Recognition Taskforce Continued This taskforce will develop a master plan for awards, recognitions, and special honors to be presented to the Board of Directors before their July meeting. All aspects of member recognition will be scrutinized to ensure we consistently identify the most worthy candidates and recognize their efforts in the appropriate forum.

  16. Reasons to Volunteer for the Member Awards and Recognition Taskforce • You are a past recipient of an ASCP Award • You are passionate about honoring our legacy • You have always wondered who selects award winners • You want to elevate the importance of member recognition within the society • You have great ideas for new ways to honor members • You have great ideas for ways to memorialize deceased members • You have ideas for ways to fund awards

  17. Education and Research Committee First convened as the Geriatric Academician’s Roundtable (GAR), this autonomous group is now elevated to a standing committee with broad responsibility for establishing ASCP’s Education and Research agendas.

  18. Education and Research Committee Overview

  19. Publications Taskforce Our publications are frequently cited as one of the most valuable resources members receive. Therefore it is critical to the Society’s mission that all publications exceed expectations. This group is charged with reviewing our two major publications, The Consultant Pharmacist & the Geriatric Pharmacy Review.

  20. Reasons to Volunteer for the Publications Taskforce • You frequently publish in TCP • You have ideas for ways to expand TCP • You have completed the GPR online and have ideas for how to improve the content/look/format • You have experience in publishing • You are concerned about the quality of our publications • You are interested in online instructional design • You have market solutions for instructional design • You are passionate about TCP

  21. Educational Standards Taskforce The Educational Standards Taskforce is convened to specifically address the upcoming revisions to standards that guide pharmacy school curricula (CAPE). Additionally, this group will work to establish PGY1 geriatric specific training requirements. The goal of this taskforce is to: • Convene a geriatric pharmacy educators summit to discuss advancing geriatric pharmacy education requirements within the CAPE, ACPE, and PGY1 residency standards. This summit should include all key geriatric pharmacy educators from ASHP, AACP, ACCP, VA, and AGS. • Based on the results of the summit, prepare a plan for establishing geriatric pharmacy training requirements in the CAPE Outcomes, ACPE, ASHP residency standards, and VA residency programs.

  22. Reasons to Volunteer for the Educational Standards Taskforce • You have actually read the CAPE outcomes! • You are well networked in AACP • You are well networked with ACPE • You are well networked with ASHP residency accreditation • You are well networked with the VA Residency Programs • You believe establishing geriatric pharmacy training standards is important to raising ASCP visibility and improving the care for older adults

  23. Geriatric Pharmacy Educators Council (GPEC) In an attempt to revive the kinship of the GAR and in the spirit of networking and sharing ideas, the GPEC is established as forum for networking among geriatric pharmacy educators. Membership on this council is open and participation is encouraged.

  24. Reasons to Volunteer for the Geriatric Pharmacy Educators Council • You loved the old GAR • You like cavorting with pharmacy educators • You have creative ideas for educating our members • You are in pharmacy education (faculty/staff/preceptor) • You enjoy working with students • You want to find ways to better incorporate students into ASCP • You are interested in interdisciplinary geriatric pharmacy education (you don’t have to be a pharmacist!)

  25. Geriatric Pharmacy Researcher Council (GPRC) ASCP has an ongoing need for collaborating with researchers capable of exploring the work of our members. Therefore, analogous to the GPEC, the GPRC is a forum for networking among individuals with geriatric pharmacy research interests. Membership on this council is open and participation is encouraged. This group will help establish a research agenda for the society that is supported by the ASCP Foundation.

  26. Reasons to Volunteer for the Geriatric Pharmacy Researchers Council • You are interested in geriatric pharmacy research but never thought you could find a home at ASCP • You have ideas for research projects • You are looking for research mentorship • You are an experienced researcher looking for collaborators • You are interested in developing projects suitable for PGY2 Geriatric Pharmacy Residents • You are providing funding for geriatric pharmacy research

  27. Education Advisory Council With its lineage tracing back to the Education Advisory Committee and then to the Professional Development Curriculum Committee, the Education Advisory Council represents a continued evolution of how content is developed for ASCP meetings. Please refer to the leadership plan for more detailed information.

  28. Reasons to Volunteer for the Education Advisory Council • You are passionate about our meeting content • You have creative ideas about educational programming • You are concerned about the balance of topics presented at our meetings • You want to see ASCP work more collaboratively with Regional and Local chapters on their programming • You want to learn about the process for developing meeting sessions • You have good writing skills

  29. Nominating Committee (NOM) A standing leadership group that convenes at the Annual Meeting. This leadership group is responsible for identifying and interviewing potential elected leaders for ASCP. The work of this group results in the make-up of the ballot for BOD and President-Elect positions. List server dialogue and conference calls are essential for this group’s deliberations. In addition, this group may meet live at the annual meeting.

  30. Reasons to Volunteer for the Nominating Committee • You want to have a say in who becomes our future leaders • You are well networked within ASCP • You are a good judge of character • You are discerning and discrete about sensitive information • You have always wondered what goes on behind closed doors • You are passionate about ASCP’s future

  31. Political Action Committee (PAC) A standing leadership group that convenes at the Annual Meeting and Spring Conference. This committee is empowered to solicit, directly or indirectly, and accept, voluntary personal contributions, and to make expenditures in connection with the attempt to influence the selection, nomination, or election of any individual to any Federal office. If you would like to help advance the Society’s government affairs agenda, please consider serving on the PAC.

  32. Reasons to Volunteer for the Political Action Committee • You watch C-SPAN • You know who is in your congressional delegation • You have donated to the PAC • You are a motivated fund-raiser • You can articulate ASCP’s legislative needs to potential donors • You are passionate about ASCP’s legislative agenda • You believe a house divided can not stand

  33. Advocacy Council (AC) A standing leadership group that meets in person at the annual and spring meetings. This council is charged with advising the ASCP Board of Directors on policy and advocacy issues facing the society. Additionally, the AC will work closely with the newly established ASCP Ambassadors to ensure “foreign policy” is properly articulated to ASCP’s vast stakeholders.

  34. Reasons to Volunteer for the Advocacy Council • You watch C-SPAN • You know your congressional delegation • You have donated to the PAC • You attended past ASCP Legislative Conferences • You are politically savvy • You are well connected in the industry • You are passionate about ASCP’s legislative agenda • You believe a house divided cannot stand • You believe in ASCP and can represent our diverse membership

  35. CMS Provider Status Taskforce Strategic objective 3.4 calls for establishing a plan for obtaining pharmacist provider status. This taskforce is convened to spearhead ASCP’s efforts towards this initiative. The Provider Status Taskforce (to include but not limited to ASCP members, board, COP, State Chapter representatives) will work collaboratively with ASCP’s Directors of Policy and Advocacy and Clinical Affairs.

  36. ASCP Ambassadors Our industry relationships are as important as the education we provide to our members. Relationships take time to build and require constant attention. The strategic plan calls for greater collaboration with other long-term care and pharmacy stakeholder organizations. ASCP’s “foreign policy” needs to be individually tailored to each stakeholder. The strategic plan also a calls for increased advocacy capacity and resources (objective 4), and ensuring structure and representation of volunteer leadership supports the society’s mission (objective 6).

  37. ASCP Ambassadors Continued ASCP staff are integral in cultivating and maintaining relationships, however their ability to be everywhere and responsive to everyone is limited. Therefore a need exists for members to support these strategic goals. Governments turn to diplomats to fulfill this role. Therefore I propose we create an ASCP Ambassadors program to identify members capable of representing the society’s needs and ensure ASCP’s positions are clearly articulated.

  38. ASCP Ambassadors Overview • Delegations consisting of 3 individuals will represent ASCP to important stakeholders • Delegates will help in crafting ASCP’s “foreign policy” towards stakeholders • Delegates would convene for ASCP Policy update at annual meeting • A great way to meet other members and help mentor new leaders!

  39. Potential ASCP Ambassador Postings • AACP • AGS • AARP • AMCP • ASHP • APhA • N4A • LTPAC • AMDA • CMS • DEA • NADONA • VA • Suggestions?

  40. Potential ASCP Ambassador Stakeholders • CCP – Council on Credentialing in Pharmacy • CEAL – Center for Excellence in Assisted Living Advisory Forum • Friends of National Alzheimer’s Project Activity (NAPA) • HRSA PSPC Alliance • IAH Coalition (through the American Academy of Home Care Physicians) • LCAO – Leadership Council of Aging Organizations • Long Term Care Professional Leadership Council (LTCPLC) • LTC Health Information Technology Summit • Long Term Quality Alliance • LTPAC HIT (Long-Term and Post-Acute Care Health Information Technology) Collaborative • National Alliance of State Pharmacy Associations (NASPA)

  41. Potential ASCP Ambassador Stakeholders • Pharmacy eHIT Collaborative • Medicare Access to Patients Rx (MAPRx) • National Influenza Summit (Coordinated by CDC and AMA) • National Transitions of Care Coalition (NTOCC) • NCCMERP – National Coordinating Council for Medication Error Reporting and Prevention • NCPDP – National Council for Prescription Drug Programs • Patient-Centered Primary Care Collaborative (PCPCC) • PPC – Pharmacist Provider Coalition • PQA – Pharmacy Quality Alliance • LTC Professional & Technical Advisory Committee. (Skilled Nursing Home) • Home Health Professional & Technical Advisory Committee.

  42. Reasons to Volunteer to be an ASCP Ambassador • You are a natural born leader • You have strong ties/affiliations with a particular organization/stakeholder • You want to help mentor future leaders • You are interested in serving the society but don’t know where to begin • You are a past president • You are a gifted communicator • You like the idea of ASCP Ambassadors and want to see it succeed!

  43. Did I miss any stakeholders? The list of proposed delegations was long but not all encompassing. I may have missed an important coalition or stakeholder. If so, please click the link below and let me know what is missing. Potential ASCP Delegation(s) to consider

  44. Make the Most of Your ASCP Membership I have the honor of leading ASCP next year. I also have the privilege of working with dedicated professionals who unselfishly give their time and talent to our organization. I encourage every member to consider ways to engage with ASCP. Networking is one of the best member benefits – but it doesn’t work if you aren’t involved.

  45. Thank you! Generosity is giving more than you can, and pride is taking less than you need. - Khalil Gibran

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