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CONTENTS. 5-1 Yes/no questions and short answers 5-2 Yes/no and information questions 5-3 Where , why , when , what time, what…for, and how come 5-4 Questions with who , whom , and what 5-5 Using what + a form of do 5-6 Using which and what kind of
CONTENTS 5-1 Yes/no questions and short answers 5-2 Yes/no and information questions 5-3 Where, why, when, what time, what…for, and how come 5-4 Questions with who, whom, and what 5-5 Using what + a form of do 5-6 Using which and what kind of 5-7 Using whose 5-8 Using how 5-9 Using how often 5-10 Using how far 5-11 Length of time: it + take and how long 5-12 Spoken and written contractions with question words 5-13 More questions with how 5-14 Using how about and what about 5-15 Tag questions
5-1 YES/NO QUESTIONS AND SHORT ANSWERS Does Marta look happy? No, she doesn’t. Marta doesn’t look happy.
5-1 YES/NO QUESTIONS AND SHORT ANSWERS YES/NO QUESTION SHORT ANSWER + LONG ANSWER (a) Do you like apples? Yes, I do.(I like apples.) No, I don’t.(I don’t like apples.) (b) Did he arrive? Yes, he did.(He arrived.) No, he didn’t.(He didn’t arrive.)
5-1 YES/NO QUESTIONS AND SHORT ANSWERS YES/NO QUESTION SHORT ANSWER + LONG ANSWER (c) Haveyouseen Jim? Yes, I have.Yes I have seen Jim. No, I haven’t.No, I haven’t seen Jim. (d) Is it sunny? Yes, it is.It’s sunny. No, it isn’t. It isn’t sunny.
5-1 YES/NO QUESTIONS AND SHORT ANSWERS YES/NO QUESTION SHORT ANSWER LONG ANSWER (e) Willhego with us? Yes, he will.Yes, he will go. No, he won’t.No, he won’t go. yes/no question can be answered yes orno
5-1 YES/NO QUESTIONS AND SHORT ANSWERS (c) CORRECT: Yes, I have. Yes, I’ve. (d) CORRECT: Yes, it is. Yes, it’s. (e) CORRECT: Yes, he will. Yes, he’ll. affirmative short answer helping verb is NOT contracted
5-1 LET’S PRACTICE YES / NO QUESTION ______________________ Have you been to Croatia? SHORT ANSWER Yes, I have. ______________________ LONG ANSWER Yes, I have been to Croatia. Yes, I’ve been to Croatia.
5-1 LET’S PRACTICE YES / NO QUESTION Can turtles run? _________________ SHORT ANSWER No, they can’t. _________________ LONG ANSWER No, turtles can’t run. _________________
5-1 LET’S PRACTICE YES / NO QUESTION Have you been skydiving? ______________________ SHORT ANSWER Yes, I have. __________ Yes, I have been skydiving. Yes, I’ve been skydiving. ______________________ LONG ANSWER ______________________
5-2 YES/NO AND INFORMATION QUESTIONS Whose old truck is that?
5-2 YES/NO AND INFORMATION QUESTIONS Are you going to college? yes/no question can be answered yes orno Where are you going to college? information question where, when, why, who, whom, what, which, whose, how
5-2 YES/NO AND INFORMATION QUESTIONS (QUESTION WORD) HELPINGVERB SUBJECT MAINVERB (REST OF SENTENCE) (a) Doeshe work in Beijing? yes/no question (b) Where doeshe work ? information question
5-2 YES/NO AND INFORMATION QUESTIONS (QUESTION WORD) HELPINGVERB SUBJECT MAINVERB (REST OF SENTENCE) (c) Areyou working at home? (d) Where are you working ? (e) Willtheyvisit soon? (f) When will they visit ? (g) DidJack see Jill? (h) Who(m) did Jack see ? HELPING VERB + SUBJECT + MAIN VERB
5-2 YES/NO AND INFORMATION QUESTIONS (QUESTION WORD) HELPINGVERB SUBJECT MAINVERB (REST OF SENTENCE) (i) Areyou at the gym? (j) Where areyou ? main verb:be simple present, simple past helping verb position
5-2 YES/NO AND INFORMATION QUESTIONS (QUESTION WORD) HELPINGVERB SUBJECT MAINVERB (REST OF SENTENCE) (k) Who went with you? (l) What was wrong? subject: question word do is not used
5-2 LET’S PRACTICE INFORMATIONQUESTION ______________________ Where does Juana live? Juana lives in Santiago, Chile. ANSWER
5-2 LET’S PRACTICE INFORMATIONQUESTION How long has Juana lived _____________________ there? ANSWER Juana has lived in Santiago for six years.
5-2 LET’S PRACTICE INFORMATIONQUESTION Who _______________ lives with her? ANSWER Juana’s friend lives with her.
5-3 WHERE, WHY, WHEN, WHAT TIME, WHAT…FOR, AND HOW COME What time is our meeting?
5-3 WHERE, WHY, WHEN, WHAT TIME, WHAT…FOR, AND HOW COME QUESTION ANSWER (a) Where did you go? Vancouver Seven-thirty. Last Monday. Five hours ago. (b) When did you get there? where place whenany time expression
5-3 WHERE, WHY, WHEN, WHAT TIME, WHAT…FOR, AND HOW COME QUESTION ANSWER Six-fifteen. Around noon. A quarter to two. (c) What time did you go? Because my parents live there. (d) Why did you go there? what timeon a clock why reason
5-3 WHERE, WHY, WHEN, WHAT TIME, WHAT…FOR, AND HOW COME (e) What did he stop for ? (f) How come he stopped? What…for How come = why
5-3 LET’S PRACTICE when When are you going to study? ________________________ QUESTION ANSWER I’ll study this evening.
5-3 LET’S PRACTICE what What are you going to study? ________________________ QUESTION I’m going to study geometry. ANSWER
5-3 LET’S PRACTICE why Why are you going to study geometry? ________________________ QUESTION ________________________ ANSWER I’m going to study geometry because I have a test tomorrow.
5-4 QUESTIONS WITH WHO, WHO(M), AND WHAT What broke? Something broke.
5-4 QUESTIONS WITH WHO, WHO(M), AND WHAT QUESTION ANSWER (a) Whospoke? Someone spoke. (b) Who(m) did you hear? IheardMs. Adam. whosubject whomobject formal English
5-4 QUESTIONS WITH WHO, WHO(M), AND WHAT QUESTION ANSWER (c) What broke? Something broke. (d) What did you break? I broke something. whatsubjector object
5-4 QUESTIONS WITH WHO, WHO(M), AND WHAT QUESTION ANSWER (a) Who spoke? Someone spoke. (c) What broke? Something broke. who, whatsubject do not used CORRECT: Who sang? INCORRECT: Who did sing?
5-4 LET’S PRACTICE who whom what _____ What did you learn? QUESTION ANSWER We learned something.
5-4 LET’S PRACTICE who whom what _____ Who is at the door? QUESTION ANSWER Rodrigo is at the door.
5-4 LET’S PRACTICE who whom what _____ With do you wish to speak? whom QUESTION (formal) I wish to speak with Dr. Poulos. ANSWER
5-5 USING WHAT + A FORM OF DO What do you do in science class?
5-5 USING WHAT + A FORM OF DO QUESTION ANSWER (a) What does Fayud do every evening? He prepares dinner. (b) What did Amy do last weekend? She went swimming. (c) What is Amy doing now? She is reading.
5-5 USING WHAT + A FORM OF DO QUESTION ANSWER (d) What are you going to do this week? I’mgoing to study. (e) What do you want to do tomorrow? I want to go bowling. (f) What would he like to do now? He would like to eat.
5-5 USING WHAT + A FORM OF DO what+ form ofdo: questions about activities am doing, will do, are going to do, did…
5-5 LET’S PRACTICE What are they doing _________________ right now? They’re dancing.
5-5 LET’S PRACTICE ______________________________________? My brothers want to play volleyball this afternoon. What do your brothers want to do this afternoon
5-5 LET’S PRACTICE ______________________ this dirty van? She should wash it. What should she do about
5-6 USING WHICH AND WHAT KIND OF Which pencil do you want?
5-6 USING WHICH AND WHAT KIND OF Would you check my answer? Sure. Which one do you want me to check? (a) choice which what
5-6 USING WHICH AND WHAT KIND OF Amy: I love to travel. Cindy:Which cities do you like to visit? (b) singular nouns which plural nouns
5-6 USING WHICH AND WHAT KIND OF (c) Laura: This is a photo of my family. Bill: How nice. Which one is Shawna? people which
5-6 USING WHICH AND WHAT KIND OF (d) What did you get for your birthday? not a choice from a group what
5-6 USING WHICH AND WHAT KIND OF (e) What kind of shirtdo you need? formal shirt dress shirt sport shirt T-shirt general category what kind of specific type
5-6 USING WHICH AND WHAT KIND OF (f) What kind of vegetables do you like? carrots cabbage corn onions cucumbers eggplant garlic peppers general category what kind of specific type
5-6 LET’S PRACTICE what OR which Which horse do you like _____________________? I like the tan one.
5-6 LET’S PRACTICE what OR which What would you like for your birthday ______________________________? I would like some pearls for my birthday.
5-6 LET’S PRACTICE what which ____________________________? Which do you think is more dangerous I think that the lion is more dangerous than the turtle. turtle lion
5-7 USING WHOSE Whose keys are these?