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Multinational Planning Augmentation Team (MPAT) and Automated Coalition Consequence Management

Multinational Planning Augmentation Team (MPAT) and Automated Coalition Consequence Management Advanced Technology Demonstration (ACCM ATD). DRAFT 03 October 2006. Agenda. What is MPAT? Multinational Force Standing Operating Procedures (MNF SOP) ACCM Concept Identified Problems JOEF

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Multinational Planning Augmentation Team (MPAT) and Automated Coalition Consequence Management

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  1. Multinational Planning Augmentation Team (MPAT) and Automated Coalition Consequence Management Advanced Technology Demonstration (ACCM ATD) DRAFT 03 October 2006

  2. Agenda • What is MPAT? • Multinational Force Standing Operating Procedures (MNF SOP) • ACCM Concept • Identified Problems • JOEF • Closing the Gaps • Objectives • Solution Set • Process • Organization • Co-Sponsors

  3. MPAT A cadre of military planners ... • From nations with Asia-Pacific interests • Capable of rapidly augmenting a multinational force (MNF) headquarters (HQ) • Established to plan and execute coalition operations • In response to military operations other than war (MOOTW) / small scale contingencies (SSC)

  4. MPAT Participant Nations Australia Bangladesh Brunei Canada East Timor France Fiji Germany India Indonesia Italy Japan Korea Madagascar Malaysia Maldives Mauritius Mongolia Nepal New Zealand Papua New Guinea Cambodia Philippines Singapore Solomon Islands Sri Lanka Thailand Tonga Tuvalu UK US Vanuatu Vietnam (33 countries)

  5. Objectives & Methods • Improve Speed of Multinational Crisis Response • Improve Multinational Force Interoperability • Increase CTF Mission Effectiveness • Unity of Effort • Strengthen & Practice Common Crisis Action Planning Procedures • Develop and become familiar with common Standing Operating Procedures (SOP) for MNF CTF HQ

  6. MNF SOP Purpose • Increase multinational force (MNF): • Speed of Initial Response • Interoperability • Overall Mission Effectiveness • Unity of Effort HQ Procedures for Multinational Force OPS

  7. Operating Concept Humanitarian Community Unified Action Military Civil Governmental How Do We Coordinate, Cooperate, Synchronize Efforts? ….in a CBRN-TIM Threat Environment?

  8. MNF SOP CBRN-TIM & CM • Addressing capability gaps via Tactics, Techniques and Procedures (TTPs): • CBRN-TIM Special Staff Procedures • CBRN-TIM Defense Procedures (Multinational force protection perspective) • CM Procedures (for CM branch, sequel & dedicated CM mission) • Medical Procedures (CBRN-TIM Appendix)

  9. MULTINATIONAL FORCE STANDING OPERATING PROCEDURES (MNF SOP) Version: 2.0 (Working Draft) Last Update: 7 July 2006 Event Links Develop Procedures Test Procedures • SOP Development: • SOP Rewrite • CM • CBRN-TIM Staff • Medical • International Standards Validate Procedures

  10. Identified Problems inMultinational Operations • The US lacks an early, effective, joint and multinational CBRN-related indication, warning, modeling & decision support capability. • Required coordination across a disparate and geographically distant set of partners complicates multinational procedures and cooperation. • International community and the US have many coalition-centric CBRN capability gaps and shortfalls relevant to • Risk Assessment • Decision Analysis Capabilities • Common Operating Picture of the Environment • Integrated Early Warning • Modeling & Simulation

  11. Consequence Mgmt TTPs Fighter Bases APODs SPODs Mobile Forces Medical SCHEDULE Requirements FTA I FTA II FTA III • Aerial Ports of Debarkation (APOD)s; Fighter Bases • Sea Ports of Debarkation (SPODs) • Mobile Forces • Automated Tactics, Techniques, and Procedures (TTPs) • Medical • Consequence Management MS A MS B MS C IOC FOC Inc. 1 MS FTA (AoA) Accreditation Review SRR PDR CDR IPR IPR Tech Reviews OT TRR Deliveries P1 P2 P3 Formal SW Dev Software Updates Dev Test, IV&V Accreditation Prototyping/Road-shows Build 1 Build 2 DT Report Dev Test V&V Report EA/OA 1st EA/OA 2nd EA/OA Op Test OT Report VV&A Process Ops Test Joint Operational Effects Federation (JOEF) Program Overview DESCRIPTION JOEF is an ACAT III Modeling & Simulation Program that will enable Joint Warfighters and Planners to predict CBRN effects on personnel, equipment and operations and to recommend COAs to minimize or eliminate the CBRN threat. FY03 FY04 FY05 FY06 FY07 FY08 FY09

  12. ACCM MULTINATIONAL FORCE STANDING OPERATING PROCEDURES (MNF SOP) Version: 2.0 (Working Draft) Last Update: 7 July 2006 Closingthe Gaps Tools Procedures APAN Crisis DESIRED END STATE Multinational Partners Interagency Response

  13. ACCM ATD Objectives • Apply tools, technologies and data to improve U.S. CBRN Defense and CM procedures and operations • Develop capabilities that are releasable to partner nations for multinational use • Test and Demonstrate through MPAT program and USPACOM exercises in a joint and multinational operational environment Not a New Tool – This is Combining Existing Mature Technologies to Increase Capabilities

  14. Automated Coalition Consequence ManagementAdvanced Technology Demonstration (ACCM ATD)(FY07 ATD Candidate) C A 2 1 B

  15. ACCM ATD Management

  16. ACCM Operational Co-Sponsors • Committed • USPACOM J73 Asia-Pacific Area Network • USPACOM J8 Joint Experimentation • Ongoing Coordination • USPACOM staff sections: • J07 Surgeon General / Medical • J3 Operations • J56 Theatre Security Cooperation Plans Division • J57 WMD/HLD Division • U.S. Army Pacific (USARPAC) • Marine Forces Pacific (MARFORPAC) • State of Hawai’i

  17. MPAT: www.mnfsop.com Or send email to: mpat@mpat.org

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