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Multinational Planning Augmentation Team (MPAT)

Multinational Planning Augmentation Team (MPAT). MPAT TEMPEST EXPRESS-4 CTF Staff Planning Workshop Singapore, 18-23 August 2002. Facilitating the Planning Process. Multinational Planning Augmentation Team (MPAT).

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Multinational Planning Augmentation Team (MPAT)

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  1. Multinational Planning Augmentation Team (MPAT) MPAT TEMPEST EXPRESS-4 CTF Staff Planning Workshop Singapore, 18-23 August 2002 Facilitating the Planning Process

  2. Multinational Planning Augmentation Team (MPAT) A cadre of military planners from nations with Asia-Pacific interests capable of rapidly augmenting a Multinational Force Headquarters established to plan and execute multinational coalition operations in response to military operations other than war (MOOTW) / small scale contingencies (SSC).

  3. Staff Planning Workshop Goals & Objectives • Practice Coalition Task Force (CTF) activation, forming, and Crisis Action Planning (CAP) at the operational level • Utilize Peace Keeping Scenario as background for staff planning • Prepare CTF Commander’s Estimate (Workshop deliverable) • Build habitual relationships among multinational MPAT planners • Familiarize participants with MNF SOP especially MOOTW missions and principles

  4. PARTICIPANTS • Participants (135 personnel) • MPAT (48 personnel) • SAF (35) • Lead nation designated CTF headquarters staff • CTF Commander, COS and others • U.S. (40) • Deployable Joint Task Force Augmentation Cell (DJTFAC) / MPAT • PACOM Contractors and J08 Exercise Support • Other (J5, JICPAC, I-Corps, ALCOM, West Point) -9 • UN / IO / NGO (4) • United Nations (OCHA, HCR) • International Committee Red Cross / Red Crescent (ICRC) • Selected NGO’s • CARE • Other Peace Operations Subject Matter Experts (8) • Senior Mentor (retired force commander) • Center of Excellence Disaster Management Humanitarian Assistance (COE DMHA) • SHIRBRIG • Pearson Peacekeeping Centre Canada

  5. 24 PARTICIPATING COUNTRIES New Zealand Philippines Papua New Guinea Sri Lanka Singapore Thailand Tonga United Kingdom United States Vanuatu Vietnam- First MPAT Event Australia Bangladesh Brunei- First MPAT Event Canada Fiji France Indonesia Japan Malaysia Maldives Mauritius Mongolia Sweden-Providing CATSTYR Computer Model-Simulation Wargaming Support with PACOM J08

  6. CTF Staff Planning Workshop Singapore 18-23 August 2002 Sun 18 Aug Mon 19 Aug Tue 20 Aug Wed 21 Aug Thur 22 Aug Fri 23 Aug Initial COA BRIEF Open Cer. Mission Analysis Brief ACADEMICS ACADEMICS PRACTICAL EXERCISE (STAFF ESTIMATE DEVMT) Scenario BRF PRACTICAL EXERCISE (COA ANALYSIS & COMPARISON) ACADEMICS ACADEMICS ACADEMICS PRACTICAL EXERCISE (MISSION ANALYSIS) PRACTICAL EXERCISE (COA DEVELOP- MENT) PRACTICAL EXERCISE (COA ANALYSIS) Orientation & CTF Forming COA Decision Brief SAF Hosted Cultural Activity & Dinner Ice Breaker AAR / CC

  7. PARTICIPANT CMD & CONTROL AND TE-4 CONTROL TEAM Commander, Coalition Task Force (CCTF) SAF: MG Tan Huck Gim Deputy Commander, CTF (DCCTF) US: COL Naj Sweeney Chief of Staff (COS) SAF: COL Mark Koh SAF: COL KC Tan US: Col Keith Ferrell TE-4 Directors ADMIN TE-4 Deputy Directors SAF: LTC Deep Singh US: CDR Bob Wohlschlegel SAF: Mr Ricky Soh US: Mr. Jason Lewis Tech Control/ Network Management AAR Team 3 X CPG Co-Leaders CECG SAF: LTC Deep Singh SAF: LTC Alex Lee US: Mr. Ron Marvin US: Mr. John Miller US: Mr. Jason Lewis

  8. MPAT TE-4 Singapore 18-23 August 2002 SCENARIO


  10. SAMAGALAND • Eastern Australasian continent and northern Tindoro Island • Population 13,895,000; heavily urbanized • Self sufficient in food • Major exporter of wheat, dairy, wool • Substantial Industrial base • Jan-Feb: 20 degrees C (68 degrees F) • Jun-Jul: 10 degrees C (50 degrees F) • Federal parliamentary democracy

  11. SAMAGALANDNORTH TINDORO • One of four provinces of Samagaland • Area: 27,800 sq km (10,500 sq mi) • Mountainous with large coastal plain in northwest • Population: 115,000 • Capital and major city: Launceston • Economic mainstay: farming, some industry • Hydroelectric power • Federal parliamentary democracy

  12. SOUTH TINDORO • Covers south and eastern portion of island • Area: 40,700 sq km (15,700 sq mi) • Mountainous with small coastal plain in northeast • Population: 345,000 • Capital and major city: Hobart • Economic mainstay: farming, some industry and tourism • Hydroelectric power • Federal parliamentary democracy

  13. ROAD TO CRISIS 1788 English Settlement Colonial Period 1901 Tindoro Independence Independence 1954 De Facto North & South Tindoro Civil War 1956 Samagaland Intervention 1957 Samagaland Unifies Tindoro Samagaland Occupation 1992 San Francisco Agreement 1996 Return of Elected Government UN Involvement 1997 New Elections 2001 Crisis and Deployment of UNMOG

  14. 2001 CRISIS • Elements within Samagaland claim South Tindoro is part of their territory • UN Resolution guarantees self-determination for South Tindoro • Demonstrations and violence erupt, reminiscent of 1956 events that led to the Samagaland occupation of South Tindoro • Samagaland begins initial deployment of combat units to North Tindoro • Humanitarian conditions deteriorate • South Tindoro and Samagaland leadership open dialogue to contain crisis • Temasek Agreement signed to settle dispute • UN Resolution 136 authorizes deployment of UN Military Observer Group.

  15. TEMASEK AGREEMENT10 Nov 01 • Negotiations held under chairmanship of UN Special Envoy, Mr. Lee Thong Ng (Singapore) • Parties agree to “cessation of hostilities” • New border established between North and South Tindoro • North Tindoro remains province of Samagaland • South Tindoro remains independent • Fingal enclave integrated into South Tindoro • Queenstown district now part of North Tindoro • Joint Commission to be formed to oversee cease-fire and supervise the agreement


  17. UN RESOLUTION 13620 Nov 01 • Acting under Ch VI of UN Charter • Establishes UN Military Observer Group (UNMOG) to “assure” implementation of Temasek Agreement • UNMOS authorized maximum 300 observers • Chief Military Observer (CMO)-COL Manuel Suarez (Brazil) • Keeps other options open

  18. EVENTS LEADING TO CURRENT CRISISFeb-May 02 • Crisis develops and escalates to level that exceeds UNMOG mission and capabilities and causes the collapse of the military observer mission • CMO recommends deployment of a UN sanctioned Multinational Force (MNF) to contain the situation • Samagaland and S. Tindoro leaders open dialogue to consider CMO recommendation and other actions to resolve crisis • Samagaland and S. Tindoro agree on Singapore to lead the peace effort

  19. EVENTS LEADING TO CURRENT CRISIS (continued)Feb-May 02 • Singapore assessment recommends following: • Replacement of UNMOG with MNF (up to Division size) to keep factions separate • Facilitate Humanitarian Assistance (HA) • Facilitate return of Displaced Persons (DP) • Conduct Information Operations • Assist police training • UNSC Resolution 147 sanctions deployment of MNF led by Singapore • UN Secretary-General appoints Mr. Lee Thong Ng (Singapore) as Special Representative of the Secretary General (SRSG) to oversee HA, police training and public administration

  20. SINGAPORE ASSESSMENT 10 May 02 • Conducted by Singapore Joint Staff and SRSG-and Lee Thong Ng • Disruptive activities by both sides continue • Breakdown in cease fire; some inter-Tindoro terrorist activities • Growing displaced population • Damaged infrastructure • Humanitarian assistance efforts threatened

  21. UNSC RESOLUTION 14715 MAY 02 • UN Security Council sanctions mission • Resolution accepts Singapore as lead nation for MNF • Main tasks are: separation of factions, facilitation HA and return of DPs, police training and conduct of Information Operations campaign

  22. UN GUIDANCE TO SINGAPORE AS LEAD NATION MAY 02 • Stabilize areas of conflict in North & South Tindoro • Create conditions necessary for secure/stable environment and to facilitate compliance with Temasek Agreement • Coordinate with and support SRSG in his efforts • Ensure Coalition Task Force has sufficient capability to defend self and accomplish tasks • Develop appropriate ROE • Ensure SOFAs with all nations

  23. OTHER STRATEGIC ACTIONSJUNE 02 • Singapore working with other countries to finalize contributions of forces and resources • Singapore recommends TCC forces be OPCON to CCTF and self sustainable for first six months • Singapore opens dialogue with key Non Governmental Organizations/International Organizations (NGOs/IOs)

  24. ROLES OF SRSG • Three sub-offices - HA, Police and Public Admin • Responsible for HA • Responsible for Police Training • Assist in Public Administration

  25. SRSG REQUEST TO CCTF2 JULY 02 • Transition for UNMOG mission to MNF to be “seamless” • MNF to work closely with appropriate Samagaland and S. Tindoro leadership to reduce tension • MNF to support HA, reintegrate displaced personnel and facilitate police training

  26. CURRENT SITUATION(18 AUGUST 02) • Current disposition of Samagaland and South Tindoro forces • Available multinational forces • TCC relief supplies available • HA situation • NGO/IO situation • Information on possible terrorist activities

  27. Rioters Rioters Disposition Of Troops SAMAGALAND / SOUTH TINDORO DISPOSITION OF FORCES 18 AUGUST 02


  29. Multinational Forces Available for OPERATION BLUE SINGA SINGAPORE • Army • Division HQ • 1 x Bde HQ with 3 x Inf Bns • 1 x Medical Team • Air Force • 2 x C-130 • 2 x CH-47D • 2 x SPs • Navy • 1 x LSL • 1 x LST

  30. Multinational Forces Available for OPERATION BLUE SINGA UNITED STATES • Army • 1 x Air Evacuation Platoon • 1 x Civil Affairs Bde HQ • Air Force • 4 X C-130J • 1 X KC 135R • 2 X C-5B • 2 X C-17 • 1 X Air Mobility Support Sqn • Joint • 1 X Psyop Ops Coy • 1 x JPOTF HQ • 1 X JPOTF PDC • 1 X TPD 980 HQ • 1 X Special Ops Det • 1 X Special Force Group • 1 x Joint Spec Ops HQ • 1 X MSQ 126 ( for 60 days)

  31. Multinational Forces Available for OPERATION BLUE SINGA UNITED STATES • Navy • 1 x LHD-2 • 1 x LPD-10 • 2 x LSD • 1 x LST • US Marine Corp (for 60 days) • 1 x Marine Air Group • 1 x Marine Inf Bn • US Marine Corp (for 60 days) • 1 x Bn Landing Team • Inf Bn • LAV Plt • AAV Plt • Arty Bty • 1 x Medium Helicopter Sqn (Reinforced) • 12 x CH-46E • 4 x CH-53E • 3 x UH-1N • 4 x AH-1W • 6 x AV-8B • 1 x MEU Service Support Group • 1 x STINGER Sect

  32. Multinational Forces Available for OPERATION BLUE SINGA • Army • 1 x Infantry Bn • 1 x Engr Coy • 1 x Field Log Spt Staff • 1 x Medical Team • 1 x ROWPU Unit • Navy • 1 x LSH • 1 x LPA AUSTRALIA

  33. Multinational Forces Available for OPERATION BLUE SINGA • Fiji • -- 1 x MP Coy • France • 1 x Army Surgical Unit • 3 x C-130H • India • 2 x IL-76MD • Indonesia • 1 x Infantry Bn • Bangladesh • 1 x MP Coy • 1 x Medical Team • 1 x ROWPU unit • Brunei • 1 x Provost Coy • Canada • 1 x Army Logistic Coy • 2 x C-130E

  34. Multinational Forces Available for OPERATION BLUE SINGA • Japan • 1 x Surgical Team • 1 x Engineer Bn • 1 x ROWPU Unit • 2 x C-130H • Korea • 1 x Engineer Coy • Madagascar • 1 x Civil Police Unit • Malaysia • 1 x Infantry Bn • 4 x C-130H • 2 x LST • Mauritius • - 1 x Engr Plt • Nepal • 1 x Infantry Coy

  35. Multinational Forces Available for OPERATION BLUE SINGA • New Zealand • 1 x MP Coy • Philippines • 1 x Infantry Bn • 1 x Medical Team • Russia • 1 x Infantry Coy • Thailand • 1 x Infantry Bn • 1 x Special Forces Detachment • 1 x Army Support Grp • Sri Lanka • - 1 x MP Coy • Tonga • - 1 x Infantry Coy

  36. Multinational Forces Available for OPERATION BLUE SINGA 2 x C-130J 2 x C-17 4 x HC3 Helo 1 x FFG UNITED KINGDOM

  37. TCC Forces Available 18 August 02 DISPOSITION OF FORCES ON 18 Aug (DECLUTTERED VIEW) 175 ICONS

  38. TCC Relief Supplies Available 18 August 02 RELIEF SUPPLY PALLET CONTRIBUTORS

  39. Displaced Persons Camps 18 August 02

  40. NGOs/IOs18 August 2002 • International Committee of Red Cross / Red Crescent • MSF (Doctors without borders) • CARE • World Vision • International Rescue Committee • Action Internationale Contre la Faim (AICF) • Medicins du Monde (Doctors of the world) • World Food program (WFP) • World Health Organization (WHO) • United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF) • United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) • Office of Coordination of Humanitarian Assistance (OCHA) • Relief efforts constrained by banditry • Health system in South Tindoro near collapse


  42. TERRORIST THREAT18 AUGUST 02 • Terrorist activities conducted primarily in Fengal and Queenstown areas • Suspected operating bases include displaced persons camps • Samagaland and South Tindoro governments both denounce terrorist activities and pledge support to eliminate terrorism • There is insufficient reliable intelligence on terrorist activities

  43. EXERCISE DESIGN • All forces are deployed in home stations as of 18 Aug 02 • Deployment routes and time-lines to deploy forces to HOBART are available from Control Group • Based on COA selected, appropriate forces will be available at HOBART as per routes and timelines worked out by Control Group

  44. SCENARIOSUPPORTING MATERIALS • Fact Sheet: Samagaland and South Tindoro • San Francisco Agreement (1992) • UN Security Council Resolution 136 (20 Nov 01) • Temasek Agreement (10 Nov 01) • North and South Tindoro: Singapore Assessment (10 May 02) • UN Security Council Resolution 147 (15 May 2002) • Warning Order • Proposed Rules of Engagement (ROE) for CTF GOODWILL • Initial Status of Forces Agreement (SOFA) • Major Humanitarian Organizations Operating in North/South Tindoro • Situation Report (18 Aug 02)

  45. SCENARIOSUPPORTING MATERIALS Data base information (18 Aug 02): Infrastructure conditions: North Tindoro, Samagaland, South Tindoro, New Zealand (CTF HQ) Forces List (location, availability, strength) North Tindoro (rioters) South Tindoro Samagaland TCC forces NGO/IO/UN organizations TCC Relief Supplies DP camps and conditions (included in North and South Tindoro Force List sections)

  46. Thank YouNext Introduction

  47. MPAT TE-4 Coalition Task Force (CTF) Activation and Forming HQ Staffing Next slides shows how we will organize the CTF this week for planning

  48. Coalition Planning Groups (CPG) Co-Leaders and Personnel Assignments Commander CTF (CCTF) – MG Tan Huck GimDeputy Commander CTF (DCCTF) - COL Naj SweeneyChief of Staff (COS) – COL Mark Koh CPG 1 LTC Ben Seet MAJ Koch Lt Col Loftus Mr. Morrison (Pearson PK Centre) CPG 2 Maj Loong T Y COL Ganbat Maj Erb MAJ Stirpe (SHIRBRIG) CPG 3 Maj Ng Y T LTCOL Cumming MAJ Dunne MR. Rautainen (COE DMHA) SAF Co-lead MPAT Co-lead US Co-lead PKO SME

  49. US MPAT ASSIGNMENT TO CPGS CPG 3 MAJ Dunne- Gnd (Co-Leader) Maj Woods- Air CDR Smith- PA LCDR Vineyard- Med Maj Wadsworth- Comms SGT Black- PSYOPS CDR Cole- IO/Maritime LtCol Kuckuk- CA MAJ Sanders- Log/FSB CPG 2 Maj Erb-Gnd (Co-Leader) CAPT Klink- Maritime LTC Swan- IO/Gnd Lt Col Van Hee- Intel LTC Christensen- Eng MAJ Velazquez- Log LtCol Youngblood- Air Maj Pleus- Air Maj Sappenfield- Gnd CPG 1 Lt Col Loftus- Air (Co-Leader) Maj Zavislak- Air LTC Miller- CA/Gnd LtCol Havranek- Legal LCDR Williams- Log LT Samboonpakron- Maritime Maj Wong- SOF CPT Snyder- Log/FSB MAJ Estey- Gnd

  50. SAF ASSIGNMENT TO CPGS CPG 2 MAJ Loong T Y-Gnd (Co-Leader) LTC Eddie Tang Cheng Giap-Maritime LTC (Ret) Ang James-Gnd Mrs Rena Lee-Legal MAJ Kevin Wee Kim Aun-Air MAJ Yeong Eng Chye-Comms MAJ Lim Hoon Min-Log/Trans MAJ (Dr) Chua WC-Medical CPT Jerica Goh-Intel CPT Jason Yee-Maritime LTC Teng Choon-Log/Trans CPG 3 MAJ Ng Y T-Gnd (Co-Leader) LTC Goh Chin Meng-Log/Trans Ms Deanna Foong Peck Gay-Legal Ms Lee May Lin –PA/Media/IO HD MAJ Paul Chan Mun Fai-C2 MAJ (Dr) Ng Wee Tong-Medical MAJ Pek Hong Hwa-Air CPT Chng Kim Chuan-Maritime Mr Melvyn Lim-Legal Mr Yang Ah Yeow-Log/Trans CPG 1 LTC Ben Seet-Medical (Co-Leader) LTC Chee Vui Chung-Intel MAJ Tan Bak Guan-CA/PSYOP MAJ Even Lim Yew Tee-Air MAJ Gerard Leow Poh Meng-Log/Trans MAJ Dalbir Singh-PA/Media/IO MAJ (Dr) Kang Wee Lee-Medical MAJ Soh Chee Seng-Comms MAJ Johnny Tang-Log/Trans CPT Tan Kiang-SOF MAJ Loong Tean Yuan-Gnd

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