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TSG-S Comments to TSG Chairs Regarding Proposed 3GPP2 Restructure. Nick Yamasaki Chair, 3GPP2 TSG-S tsgs_chair@3gpp2.org. HIGH LEVEL EFFICIENCES TO BE CONSIDERED WHEN EVALUATING 3GPP2 REORG OPTIONS. Efficiency of Resources (1)
TSG-S Comments to TSG Chairs RegardingProposed 3GPP2 Restructure Nick YamasakiChair, 3GPP2 TSG-Stsgs_chair@3gpp2.org
HIGH LEVEL EFFICIENCES TO BE CONSIDERED WHEN EVALUATING 3GPP2 REORG OPTIONS Efficiency of Resources (1) • Meeting Rooms: TSG-S believes that 5 meeting rooms + the 3GPP2 Office as a floating backup should be sufficient to cover f2f meetings. At least one (1) MAY need to be big enough to support a joint meeting of most/all attendees. • Support Staff: Support staff will be needed for each active TSG unless the Leadership or member volunteers to assume that responsibility.
HIGH LEVEL EFFICIENCES TO BE CONSIDERED WHEN EVALUATING 3GPP2 REORG OPTIONS Efficiency of Resources (2) • Leadership: The more TSGs and WGs/SWGs, the more leadership volunteers will be required from member companies. On the other hand, reducing the number of TSGs will reduce the ability of each OP to participate at the TSG leadership level.
HIGH LEVEL EFFICIENCES TO BE CONSIDERED WHEN EVALUATING 3GPP2 REORG OPTIONS Efficiency of Resources (3) • Company Participation Fees: • A reduced number of TSGs may help member companies to reduce the number of people they send (e.g., one (1) person per TSG). Companies who provide wide spread support for technical development activities may need to send more than one (1) person to cover multiple WGs and SWGs for groups that meet concurrently." • Since Plenaries are typically run at the beginning and the end of the week, concurrent TSG Plenary sessions will preclude one (1) person from covering multiple TSG Plenary sessions
HIGH LEVEL EFFICIENCES TO BE CONSIDERED WHEN EVALUATING 3GPP2 REORG OPTIONS Efficiency of Management and Communication involves a trade-off between the following: • Combining of TSGs will support very efficient communications and increased operational coordination within a given TSG. • Combining of TSGs MAY result in “deeper” TSG structures which includes more overhead to filter issues up to the Plenary level for decision unless the scope and charter of the new TSG provides otherwise.
Merger of TSG-S and TSG-X Issues and Concerns (1) • TSG-S was initially implemented to address cross-TSG initiatives (e.g., requirements. architecture, program management, and security) with equal consideration toward all TSGs. By incorporating TSG-S functions into a new merged TSG (i.e., TSG-SX), the structure as well as the scope and charter has to be such that cross-TSG initiatives continue to be addressed with equitable consideration for all TSGs.
Merger of TSG-S and TSG-X Issues and Concerns (2) • Of the TSG-S functions so impacted, the PMT is empowered to manage tasks on behalf of the SC (e.g., WI/Work Planning, Release Planning, maintenance/management of the SC document library, and direct reporting at SC meetings). As such, the 3GPP2 reorg may want to consider making the PMT an SC level group that meets at all f2f meetings but is independent of any TSG.
Merger of TSG-S and TSG-X Issues and Concerns (3) • The Security group (current TSG-S WG4) requires the following levels of autonomy for their operations: • Flexibility to meet and provide security consultancy to other WGs in both TSG-SX & TSG-AC in a timely manner (e.g., as allowed by S.4 Terms of Reference/scope). • Security group is likely not going to meet at all of the future TSG-SX super meetings . When it does meet, a maximum of 6 hours of meeting time - so, they don't need a dedicated room for security group, but would be able to share with some other lightly loaded group(s). • Flexibility to schedule conference calls focused on security topics independent of other competing work items as required based on workload & allow for faster development of specs. The current TSG-S WG4 autonomy was granted by the TSG-S Plenary. The same type of autonomy could be granted at any organizational level (e.g., WG, SWG, AdHoc) if approved by that TSG Plenary.
Merger of TSG-S and TSG-X Issues and Concerns (4) • The Vision function could be a TSG-SX level AdHoc as another option, considering the cross-TSG function and the limited activities anticipated going forward. • Work planning (including work item processing) for TSG-SX should be combined into a single group. • The 3GPP2 architecture has been jointly developed in TSG-S WG2, TSG-X MMD, and TSG-X PDS and placing 3GPP2 architecture task in TSG-X MM is consistent with past practice. It is probably more efficient to place 3GPP2 architecture in TSG-SX MM or PDS instead of in some other work group (e.g. TSG-SX WG1).