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NATIONAL FOOD SECURITY MISSION (Paddy, Wheat, Pulses) 25 May, 2010 MADHYA PRADESH. Districts under NFSM. a. Review of progress achieved under NFSM during 2009-10 National Food Security Mission Progress RICE 2009-10. Cont. …. National Food Security Mission Progress WHEAT 2009-10.
a. Review of progress achieved under NFSM during 2009-10 National Food Security Mission Progress RICE 2009-10
National Food Security Mission Progress PULSES 2009-10 Unit:- Rs. In lakhs
Action plan for Implementation of NATIONAL FOOD SECURITY MISSION-WHEAT Year 2010-11
Action plan for Implementation of NATIONAL FOOD SECURITY MISSION-PULSES during 2010-11
NFSMFinancial Position of the year 2009-10 & Approved plan 2010-11
b. II. Planning of inputs procurement for Kharif 2010 NFSM – Rice • Hyv’s for distribution : The planning for procurement has been made through NSC, SFCI, Markfed. • Hybrid Seed for distribution : Indent to AP, SSC and JNKVV Jabalpur has been given. • Zinc sulphate/gypsum : District Agriculture Officers have placed supply order to Markfed and M.P. Agro. Supply is in progress NFSM – Pulses • Hyv’s for distribution : The seed will be procured from NSC, SFCI, & SSC. • Gypsum/Zinc sulphate/Culture – These input will be procured from M.P. Agro, Markfed & supply is under progress.
c. Planning and progress of input supply in A3P Kharif units • The A3P meeting was held on 20-05-2010 at Directorate of Agriculture, Bhopal with input supplying agencies and DDA’s to ensure the availability of combined kits under A3P. Conclusion of the meeting are as follows: • Representative of M.P. Agro, Markfed, IFCO, Kribhco attended the meeting. • District Agriculture Officers (DDA) of A3P districts were also present. • M.P. Agro & Markfed took the joint responsibility to make available the combined kits to the A3P districts. • District Agriculture Officers have been delegated the power or procurement of the kits by Director Agriculture M.P., Bhopal. • In the meeting Director Agriculture stronglly instructed the DDA’s to procure the kits and should be supplied to the farmer well in time.
Status of minikits distribution of rice and A3P pulses for 2010-11d. I. District wise, variety wise and Agencies wise seed minikits Allocation under NFSM – Rice (HYV Rice) for 2010-11 (Kharif)
d. II. Details of A3P districts in the state of M.P. under NFSM - Pulses
d. III. District wise variety wise and Agency wise seed minikit allocation under A3P – NFSM Pulses
d. IV. Seed Mini kits Status of NFSM & A3P under NFSM Pulses - 2010-11 • The supply of seed minikits of rice through NSC/SFCI. • The NSC has insured to supply the targeted seed minikits latest by the end of this month. • The SFCI expressed his difficulty in supplying the minikits due to on going agitation at Vehraich seed farm in the state of U.P. The reason of agitation as informed by the SFCI official is the closure of the seed farm. However, the Regional Manager SFCI has expressed his views that all efforts will be made to supply the kits. 2. Seed minikits under A3P : NSC and SFCI has already started the supply of seed kits and which will be completed by the end of this month.
e. APY of rice, pulses in NFSM/ Non-NFSM districts from 2007-08 to 2009-10Area, Production & Yield - 2007-08
f. Status of Online submission of progress reports up to districts/block levels • Under progress.