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Diabstraksikan oleh : soemarno , psdl ppsub , desember 2012. INDEKS KELESTARIAN LINGKUNGAN = Environmental Sustainability Index. EKO-EFISIENSI. Bahan Kajian pada MK. PSDAL . ECO-EFFICIENCY.
Diabstraksikanoleh: soemarno, psdlppsub, desember 2012 INDEKS KELESTARIAN LINGKUNGAN =Environmental Sustainability Index EKO-EFISIENSI BahanKajianpada MK. PSDAL
ECO-EFFICIENCY The term eco-efficiency was coined by the World Business Council for Sustainable Development (WBCSD) in its 1992 publication "Changing Course". It is based on the concept of creating more goods and services while using fewer resources and creating less waste and pollution. According to the WBCSD definition, eco-efficiency is achieved through the delivery of "competitively priced goods and services that satisfy human needs and bring quality of life while progressively reducing environmental impacts of goods and resource intensity throughout the entire life-cycle to a level at least in line with the Earth's estimated carrying capacity.“ Diunduhdari: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Eco-efficiency ……………… 29/11/2012
ECO-EFFICIENCY This EE-concept describes a vision for the production of economically valuable goods and services while reducing the ecological impacts of production. In other words eco-efficiency means producing more with less. According to the WBCSD, critical aspects of eco-efficiency are: A reduction in the material intensity of goods or services; A reduction in the energy intensity of goods or services; Reduced dispersion of toxic materials; Improved recyclability; Maximum use of renewable resources; Greater durability of products; Increased service intensity of goods and services. Diunduhdari: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Eco-efficiency ……………… 29/11/2012
ECO-EFFICIENCY According to Boulanger (Boulanger, P.M. 2010. “Three strategies for sustainable consumption”. S.A.P.I.EN.S. 3 (2), all versions of eco-efficiency share four key characteristics: Confidence in technological innovation as the main solution to un-sustainability; Reliance on business as the principal actor of transformation. The emphasis is on firms designing new products, shifting to new production processes, and investing in R&D, etc., more than on the retailer or the consumer, let alone the citizen. Trust in markets (if they are functioning well); “Growthphilia”: there is nothing wrong with growth as such. Moreover, with “cradle-to-cradle”, growth is conducive to sustainability per se. Diunduhdari: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Eco-efficiency ……………… 29/11/2012
INTENSITAS SUMBERDAYA Resource intensity is a measure of the resources (e.g. water, energy, materials) needed for the production, processing and disposal of a unit of good or service, or for the completion of a process or activity; it is therefore a measure of the efficiency of resource use. It is often expressed as the quantity of resource embodied in unit cost e.g. litres of water per $1 spent on product. In national economic and sustainability accounting it can be calculated as units of resource expended per unit of GDP. When applied to a single person it is expressed as the resource use of that person per unit of consumption. Relatively high resource intensities indicate a high price or environmental cost of converting resource into GDP; low resource intensity indicates a lower price or environmental cost of converting resource into GDP. Lorentzen, J. (ed) 2008. Resource intensity, knowledge and development: insights from Africa and South America. HSRC Press, South Africa. ISBN 0-7969-2213-6ISBN 13978-07969-2213-7. Diunduhdari: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Resource_intensity ……………… 29/11/2012
PRODUCTIVITAS SUMBERDAYA Resource productivity and resource intensity are key concepts used in sustainability measurement as they measure attempts to decouple the connection between resource use and environmental degradation. Resource productivity is the quantity of good or service (outcome) that is obtained through the expenditure of unit resource. This can be expressed in monetary terms as the monetary yield per unit resource. For example, when applied to crop irrigation it is the yield of crop obtained through use of a given volume of irrigation water, the “crop per drop”, which could also be expressed as monetary return from product per use of unit irrigation water. Their strength is that they can be used as a metric for both economic and environmental cost. Although these concepts are two sides of the same coin, in practice they involve very different approaches and can be viewed as reflecting, on the one hand, the efficiency of resource production as outcome per unit of resource use (resource productivity) and, on the other hand, the efficiency of resource consumption as resource use per unit outcome (resource intensity). The sustainability objective is to maximize resource productivity while minimizing resource intensity. Diunduhdari: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Resource_intensity ……………… 29/11/2012
SUSTAINABILITY Resource productivity and resource intensity are key concepts used in sustainability measurement as they attempt to decouple the direct connection between resource use and environmental degradation. Their strength is that they can be used as a metric for both economic and environmental cost. Although these concepts are two sides of the same coin, in practice they involve very different approaches and can be viewed as reflecting, on the one hand, the efficiency of resource production as outcome per unit of resource use (resource productivity) and, on the other hand, the efficiency of resource consumption as resource use per unit outcome (resource intensity). The sustainability objective is to maximize resource productivity while minimizing resource intensity. Diunduhdari: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Resource_productivity……………… 29/11/2012
SUSTAINABLE VALUE Sustainable value is based on the notion of opportunity costs. Opportunity costs are used in financial markets to calculate the cost of capital. In financial markets, the cost of using $ 100 over the course of one year is determined by the return that could have been generated through an alternative investment of the capital. Sustainable Value is the first concept to extend this logic to environmental and social resources. Sustainable value is calculated in five steps: Calculate the environmental, social and economic efficiencies of the entity using the resources. Efficiency is calculated by relating the return to resource use. Calculate the environmental, social and economic efficiencies of the benchmark (= calculate opportunity costs). Calculate the value spreads by subtracting the efficiency of the benchmark (Step 2) from the efficiency of the entity (Step 1). Calculate the value contributions by multiplying the amount of environmental, social and economic resources used with the corresponding value spread (Step 3), respectively. Calculate sustainable value by adding up the value contributions (Step 4) and dividing by the number of resources considered. This avoids double counting. Diunduhdari: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sustainable_Value ……………… 29/11/2012
OPPORTUNITY COST Opportunity cost is the cost of any activity measured in terms of the value of the next best alternative forgone (that is not chosen). It is the sacrifice related to the second best choice available to someone, or group, who has picked among several mutually exclusive choices. The opportunity cost is also the "cost" (as a lost benefit) of the forgone products after making a choice. Opportunity cost is a key concept in economics, and has been described as expressing "the basic relationship between scarcity and choice". The notion of opportunity cost plays a crucial part in ensuring that scarce resources are used efficiently. Thus, opportunity costs are not restricted to monetary or financial costs: the real cost of output forgone, lost time, pleasure or any other benefit that provides utility should also be considered opportunity costs. Diunduhdari: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Opportunity_cost ……………… 28/11/2012
Eco-efficiency • Makes becoming more efficient good business sense. • More value from lower inputs of materials & energy with reduced emissions • Applies throughout a company - all departments • Adatigatujuanbesar Diunduhdarisumber: www.lboro.ac.uk/research/susdesign/LTSN/Blocks/.../Eco-efficiency.ppt
TUJUAN 1 Mengurangikonsumsisumberdaya • energy • materials • water • land Diunduhdarisumber: www.lboro.ac.uk/research/susdesign/LTSN/Blocks/.../Eco-efficiency.ppt
TUJUAN 2 Mengurangidampaklingkungandenganjalanmeminimumkan: • air emissions • water discharges • waste disposal • dispersion of toxic substances • and sustainable use of renewable resources Diunduhdarisumber: www.lboro.ac.uk/research/susdesign/LTSN/Blocks/.../Eco-efficiency.ppt
TUJUAN 3 Meningkatkannilaiprodukataujasadenganjalanmenyediakanlebihbanyakmanfaatbagikonsumenmelalui: • product functionality • flexibility • modularity • focussing on selling functional needs Diunduhdarisumber: www.lboro.ac.uk/research/susdesign/LTSN/Blocks/.../Eco-efficiency.ppt
Tujuantambahan Implement and Environmental Management System to drive this approach: • ensures all risks and opportunities are identified & managed Diunduhdarisumber: www.lboro.ac.uk/research/susdesign/LTSN/Blocks/.../Eco-efficiency.ppt
Implementasi Eco-efficiency • Adaempattahapanimplementasi • Works in all types of organisations from Large transnational companies to small & medium sized enterprises (SMEs) • Applicable in developing countries and emerging economies as well as industrialised nations Diunduhdarisumber: www.lboro.ac.uk/research/susdesign/LTSN/Blocks/.../Eco-efficiency.ppt
Step One Rekayasaprosesuntuk: • reduce consumption of resources • reduce pollution • Menghindaririsiko • Menghematbiaya Diunduhdarisumber: www.lboro.ac.uk/research/susdesign/LTSN/Blocks/.../Eco-efficiency.ppt
Step Two • Co-operate with other companies to find new ways to deal with by-products from their processes • striving for zero-waste or 100% product targets can help find other companies who use their so-called waste Diunduhdarisumber: www.lboro.ac.uk/research/susdesign/LTSN/Blocks/.../Eco-efficiency.ppt
Step Three Redesign products using sustainable or ecodesign techniques to: • use less energy • use less water • Menggunakansedikit material • Memungkinkandaur-ulang • Dll. Diunduhdarisumber: www.lboro.ac.uk/research/susdesign/LTSN/Blocks/.../Eco-efficiency.ppt
Step Four Identify new ways of meeting customer needs • work with stakeholders to rethink markets & reshape demand and supply • find different and better ways to satisfy needs Diunduhdarisumber: www.lboro.ac.uk/research/susdesign/LTSN/Blocks/.../Eco-efficiency.ppt
Sejarah Eco-efficiency • Pertamakalidigunakanpeneliti Swiss tahun 1990 • Idea that preventing pollution and avoiding waste pays off financially pre-dates this by 15 years • 3M initiated its pollution prevention pays (3P) in 1975 - $800 million savings in first years through 4000 projects • Dow Chemicals followed with Waste Reduction Always Pays (WRAP) programme Diunduhdarisumber: www.lboro.ac.uk/research/susdesign/LTSN/Blocks/.../Eco-efficiency.ppt
Sejarah Eco-efficiency • Concept taken up by World Business Council for Sustainable Development (WBCSD) • WBCSD helped many companies in Europe, North & Latin America adopt the principle (now on other continents) • WBCSD stated that “only what gets measured gets done” so they developed a framework for measuring eco-efficiency Diunduhdarisumber: www.lboro.ac.uk/research/susdesign/LTSN/Blocks/.../Eco-efficiency.ppt
Keterbatasan Eco-Efficiency • Increase efficiency will not be enough but instead need an absolute cutback in resource use. • Eco-effectiveness instead - use innovation more • Sufficiency rather than efficiency • Only cover two of three elements of sustainability • However it is not meant to be an all-inclusive panacea Diunduhdarisumber: www.lboro.ac.uk/research/susdesign/LTSN/Blocks/.../Eco-efficiency.ppt
Mengarahkanpeluangekoefisiensi Diunduhdarisumber: www.lboro.ac.uk/research/susdesign/LTSN/Blocks/.../Eco-efficiency.ppt
VW Lupo • Brought to market 1999 • Fuel consumption 3 litres per 100 km • Innovative design with eco-efficiency elements • Low-emissions • VW state that performance is optimised throughout life cycle Built from recycled steel • Production minimises waste & emissions • Designed for dismantling and recycling • Meets customers needs – good driving performance at low price Diunduhdarisumber: www.lboro.ac.uk/research/susdesign/LTSN/Blocks/.../Eco-efficiency.ppt
Car Sharing in Switzerland • Since 1997 Swiss Federal Railways co-operated with a car sharing company. • Service for people who frequently want to use a car without buying one. • Cars parked at pre-defined places, ready for use for a pre-announced period of time • 1300 cars in 330 communities in Switzerland • Members change travel behaviour - 2/3rds travel by public transport • Car sharers consume less than half the amount of fuel they did when they had their own car Diunduhdarisumber: www.lboro.ac.uk/research/susdesign/LTSN/Blocks/.../Eco-efficiency.ppt
Apakah Eco-Efficiency cukup ? Achieved through the delivery of “competitively priced goods and services that satisfy human needs and bring quality of life while progressively reducing environmental impacts and resource intensity throughout the entire life-cycle to a level in line with the Earth’s estimated carrying capacity.” NO Diunduhdari: www.environmentalmanager.org/.../eco-efficiency-eco-effectiveness.ppt
MenujuParadigmaBaru Eco-Effectiveness Bridging the Gap Eco-Efficiency Diunduhdari: www.environmentalmanager.org/.../eco-efficiency-eco-effectiveness.ppt
Maximize profit / growth Cradle to Grave Using Less Maximize Productivity Relative Measure Minimize Loss Efficient Design Narrow View Continual Improvement Stability Cradle to Cradle Using Less Minimize Impact Absolute Measure No Net Loss Effective Design Holistic View Radical Innovation Eco-Efficiency vs. Eco-Effectiveness Different but Related Minimize Footprint Stabilize Footprint Diunduhdari: www.environmentalmanager.org/.../eco-efficiency-eco-effectiveness.ppt
Drivers Consumerism Purchasing Disruptive Innovation Policy Makers Incentives (+,-) Restoration Offset Industry Volunteer Policies Diunduhdari: www.environmentalmanager.org/.../eco-efficiency-eco-effectiveness.ppt
MenujuParadigmaBaru Eco-Effectiveness Innovation Restoration Offset Bridging the Gap Eco-Efficiency Incentives Volunteer Programs Purchasing Industry Consumerism Policy Efficiency Diunduhdari: www.environmentalmanager.org/.../eco-efficiency-eco-effectiveness.ppt
Kemanakitaakanmenuju? • How to define and measure industry’s footprint • How to define and measure system/community footprint • How to define and measure firm’s footprint • How can an environmental manager influence this paradigm shift Diunduhdari: www.environmentalmanager.org/.../eco-efficiency-eco-effectiveness.ppt
Eco-efficiency • ”Resource-Productivity & Ecoefficiency” Friedrich Hinterberger and PhillippSchepelmann • ”Eco-efficiency, creating more value with less impact” World Business Council for Sustainable Development, 2000. • "Defining and Measuring Eco-efficiency" Livio D. Desimone and Frank Popoff Diunduhdari: www.ima.kth.se/im/3c1395/Eco-efficiency.ppt
Resource-Productivity & Ecoefficiency Friedrich Hinterberger Philipp Schepelmann Diunduhdari: www.ima.kth.se/im/3c1395/Eco-efficiency.ppt
Definisi Eko-Efisiensi • “Doing more with less” • “Securing development with minimized use of natural resources”. Diunduhdari: www.ima.kth.se/im/3c1395/Eco-efficiency.ppt
Interpretasinya: “A partial translation of ecological science into economic terms”. Diunduhdari: www.ima.kth.se/im/3c1395/Eco-efficiency.ppt
Pembangunan berkelanjutan dapat dicapai: if economical growth is accompanied by an absolute reduction of material and energy (decoupling) Diunduhdari: www.ima.kth.se/im/3c1395/Eco-efficiency.ppt
Relations between ”resource productivity” and ”work”: • Restructuring our economy and societies will lead to an increase in employment (e.g. in the construction, transport and service sector). • New jobs will be created in the ecological sector • But that is not enough… Diunduhdari: www.ima.kth.se/im/3c1395/Eco-efficiency.ppt
Re-evaluation & re-distribution of labour: • Priority for the creation of useful employment • Reduction of working hours • Introduction of a minimal per capita support • Shifting the tax burden from labour to resource use • Re-evaluation of labour in the informal sector (e.g. housewives) Diunduhdari: www.ima.kth.se/im/3c1395/Eco-efficiency.ppt
Re-evaluation & re-distribution of labour: • These reforms would result in a strengthening of local and regional economies (regional supply) and the primary sector (resource- and food-production) • “In a sustainable society labour will contribute to quality of life.” Diunduhdari: www.ima.kth.se/im/3c1395/Eco-efficiency.ppt
Strategi Komprehensifdi Sweden. • Meta – a societal consensus on the objective of sustainable development which encompasses competitiveness, social justice and ecoefficiency • Micro – ecologically oriented enterprises and consumers • Meso– the reform of economic institutions and networks • Macro – fiscal, monetary and distributional conditions Diunduhdari: www.ima.kth.se/im/3c1395/Eco-efficiency.ppt
Strategi Komprehensif di Sweden. • Meta – awareness-raising, capacity- and consensus building, stake-holder dialogue • Micro – indicators for small and medium sized enterprises (SME), financial sector, consumer behaviour • Meso- awareness-raising, sectorial targets, culture and tradition-building • Macro – ecological tax reform and other instruments, EMU, indicators Diunduhdari: www.ima.kth.se/im/3c1395/Eco-efficiency.ppt
Eco-efficiencyCreating more value with less impact World Business Council for Sustainable Development Diunduhdari: www.ima.kth.se/im/3c1395/Eco-efficiency.ppt
Apamakna Eco-efficiency? In simplest terms, eco-efficiency means creating more goods and services with ever less use of resources, waste and pollution. Diunduhdari: www.ima.kth.se/im/3c1395/Eco-efficiency.ppt
Apamakna Eco-efficiency? Many business leaders, inside and outside the WBCSD, often express eco-efficiency as creating more value with less impact or doing more with less . Academic experts and practitioners term eco-efficiency the synthesis of economic and environmental efficiency in parallel , where the prefix eco stands for both economy and ecology. Diunduhdari: www.ima.kth.se/im/3c1395/Eco-efficiency.ppt
Eco-efficiency dalamkonteks yang luas Eco-efficiency is a concept with much to offer for many. It can be used for a variety of purposes and applied on various levels. Diunduhdari: www.ima.kth.se/im/3c1395/Eco-efficiency.ppt
Eco-efficiency dalamkonteks yang luas • Eco-efficiency is a key concept for helping companies, individuals,governments and other organizations to become more sustainable. • Eko-efisiensi tidak cukup sendirian, karena iahanyamengintegrasikan dua unsurkeberlanjutan, yaituekonomi dan ekologi, sedangkanunsurketiga, yaituaspeksosialtidakdilibatkan. Diunduhdari: www.ima.kth.se/im/3c1395/Eco-efficiency.ppt
BUSINESS 1.Reducing the consumption of resources 2.Reducing the impact on Nature 3.Increasing product or service value POLITICAL Identifying and eliminating perverse subsidies Internalizing environmental costs Shifting tax from labor and profit to resource use and pollution Developing and implementing economic instruments Promoting voluntary initiatives and negotiated agreements Agenda Bisnis & Politik Diunduhdari: www.ima.kth.se/im/3c1395/Eco-efficiency.ppt