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CSE45435 – VLSI Design. Dr. Damu Radhakrishnan, REH 204 Email: damu@engr.newpaltz.edu Tel: 257-3772 Lecture: Tuesday & Thursday 2.00 -3.15PM, REH111 Lab: Monday 5.30 - 8.20 PM, REH107 Office hours: Monday 3.00 - 5.00 Tuesday 11.30 - 1.00
CSE45435 – VLSI Design Dr. Damu Radhakrishnan, REH 204 Email: damu@engr.newpaltz.edu Tel: 257-3772 Lecture: Tuesday & Thursday 2.00 -3.15PM, REH111 Lab: Monday 5.30 - 8.20 PM, REH107 Office hours: Monday 3.00 - 5.00 Tuesday 11.30 - 1.00 Course Text: Introduction to VLSI Circuits and Systems, John P. Uyemura, John Wiley, 2002 Supplementary Text: John P. Uyemura, Physical Design of CMOS Integrated Circuits Using L-EDIT, PWS Publishing Co., 1995 Lecture #1
Important Information • Required materials: graph paper, red/green/blue/yellow/grey/black colored pencils - A Notebook for the Lab • Course Web Page:engr.newpaltz.edu/~damu/spring_2005/vlsi_design.htm • L-EDIT Student Version Update www.tanner.com/EDA/products/ledit/student_version.htm • VLSI Design Courses: www.mrc.uidaho.edu/cgi-bin/w3-msql/vlsi/courses.html • SPICE Links:www.seas.upenn.edu:8080/~jan/spice/spice.overview.html Lecture #1
VLSI • Very Large Scale IntegrationVLSI is a discipline that conceptualize an idea, come up with its design and finally manufacture as a complex IC chip Lecture #1
Course Objectives • To learn and understand MOS transistor and CMOS circuit operation, Static behavior (noise margins, switching thresholds, voltage swings) and dynamic behavior (propagation delays, power dissipation).To analyze CMOS logic circuits used in VLSI designs verify their logical, static and dynamic behavior. Lecture #1
Course Objectives (Contd.) To learn how to design CMOS logic circuits (both simple and complex ones (eg. arithmetic circuits) using complementary CMOS, pass logic, transmission gates and dynamic logic styles To understand the issues involved in the design of VLSI circuits. Lecture #1
Course Objectives (Contd.) • To learn and use Modern EDA tools (L-Edit, PSPICE) to design and analyze integrated circuits using manual layout, standard cells, and simulation.To learn how to write clear and concise laboratory reports and technical reports, and give oral presentations of the project. Lecture #1
Background • Digital Logic FundamentalsCircuit AnalysisElectronics IElectronics II Lecture #1
Topics Covered • Introduction, MOSFET operation • Transistors and Layout Fabrication process, transistor layout, Design rules, Layout design and tools • Logic DesignSwitch concept, basic gates, complex gates, transmission gates • Analysis of CMOS gatesThe Inverter - Definitions and properties Static CMOS inverter behaviorNAND, NOR, complex gates Power consumption Lecture #1
Topics Covered (Contd.) • VLSI system componentsMUX, decoder, comparator, latches and flip-flops • Advanced Techniques Mirror circuits, pseudo-nMOS, clocked CMOS, dynamic CMOS, domino logic, CVSL, CPL • VLSI clocking and system design State machines, CMOS clocking styles, clock generation and distribution, system design considerations, driving large capacitive loads Lecture #1
Topics Covered (Contd.) • System level physical designFET RC models, interconnect delay (capacitive/resistive/inductive parasitics), scaling, floor planning and routing, I/O circuits • Testing VLSI circuitsFault models, test generation methods • ReviewTool used: SPICE, L-EDIT Lecture #1
Course rules and general comments • Examinations are closed book, and closed notes. • Homework assignments are generally from the text book and are given on a weekly basis; the due date is one week from the distribution date (unless otherwise specified). No late homework solutions will be accepted except under extreme non-academic conditions with the prior approval of the instructor. • Any disputed grade must be resolved within 7 days of the return of the graded item. All your course work (homework, project, quiz and exams) is expected to be your own. Lecture #1
Evidence indicating copying of work or other cooperation will be dealt with based on the University academic conduct rules. General instructions such as assisting in problem interpretation, and giving occasional hints on problem attack (i.e., the kind of help you would get from the instructor in the course!), however, are permitted. On the other hand, you are encouraged to form informal study groups to solve homework problems. You are responsible for all the course materials and all lecture contents unless specified otherwise by the instructor. If you miss a class, it is your responsibility to obtain assignments and other information given on that day.If you have questions on course materials, the instructor will be available for consultation. Please try to get answers before serious difficulties in your understanding of course material arise. In particular, it is much better to get your questions answered before an exam than after! Lecture #1
Please pay attention to the following requirements regarding your homework assignment Always use standard size (81/2 11) paper. Do not use torn-off paper from spiral bound notebooksWrite the course #, homework #, and your name on top of the first page, as shown below Course #Homework #Your NameWrite clearly, neatly and in an orderly fashion.Draw block schematics, circuit diagrams, layout etc. when applicable·Show all steps. No credit may be given for the work not shown.Staple all homework pages together Lecture #1
Project Guidelines Late projects will not be accepted. If your project is not complete by the due date, you should hand in the incomplete project for a partial credit. Project reports should be professionally documented. Use a word processor to document your work. Your report should be properly placed in a folder. Your report should be free of grammatical and spelling errors. Your project should reflect your own work. If unreasonable similarities are recognized between the submitted project reports, they will receive failing grades. Lecture #1
Grading • Homework 15% • Course project 15% • 2 Midterm Tests 30% • QUIZ 10% • Final Exam 30% • Total 100% Total (100%) Final Grade • 90-100 A • 85-89 A- • 80-84 B+ • 75-79 B • 70-74 B- • 65-69 C+ • 60-64 C • 55-59 C- • 50-54 D • Below 50 F Lecture #1
Overview • Background VLSI has its beginning back in the early 60's with SSI, small scale integration, when a few bipolar transistors and resistors were fabricated on the same chip. Today chips are both simpler and more complex. They typically only contain two active elements (NMOS and PMOS transistors) and wires. But there might be millions of these transistors on the chip, and these chips can do amazing functions. Nowadays we find chips in everything. We will look at why this has happened and what is novel about VLSI design. We will also take a quick look at the basic elements that make up VLSI chips: MOS transistors and wires. Lecture #1
The First Computer Lecture #1
ENIAC - The first electronic computer (1946) Lecture #1
The First transistorBell Labs, 1947 Lecture #1
Intel Pentium (II) microprocessor Intel 4004 microprocessor Lecture #1
Finished Wafer Lecture #1
Trends in Microprocessor Technology Lecture #1
Moore’s Law in Intel’s Microprocessors Lecture #1
Frequency Lecture #1
Evolution in Complexity Lecture #1
Silicon in 2010 Die Area: 2.5x2.5 cm Voltage: 0.6 V Technology: 0.07 m Lecture #1