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Gross Anatomy of the Muscular System

Gross Anatomy of the Muscular System. Lab Week of February 18, 2008 Marieb & Mitchell: Exercise 15 Martini: Chapter 11. Organization of Skeletal Muscle Fibers. muscle fascicles fibers fibers of a single fascicle always parallel fascicles of a muscle can be arranged in various ways.

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Gross Anatomy of the Muscular System

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  1. Gross Anatomy of the Muscular System Lab Week of February 18, 2008 Marieb & Mitchell: Exercise 15 Martini: Chapter 11

  2. Organization of Skeletal Muscle Fibers • muscle • fascicles • fibers • fibers of a single fascicle always parallel • fascicles of a muscle can be arranged in various ways

  3. Muscles are classified by how the fascicles are organized • Parallel (e.g., biceps brachii muscle) • most common arrangement • Convergent (e.g.,pectoralis muscle) • fascicles fan or triangle shaped, converge to attach

  4. Muscles are classified by how the fascicles are organized • Pennate(unipennate, bipennate and multipennate) • fasicles form angle toward tendon • Circular (e.g.,orbicularis oris) • sphincter, contracts to reduce diameter of opening

  5. Origins and Insertions • The ends of skeletal muscles are always attached to other structures • fixed end is called ORIGIN • usually attached to bone or cartilage • movable end is called INSERTION • usually proximal to insertion

  6. How are muscles named? • location in the body • e.g., temporalis muscle • Origin and Insertion • first part = origin, 2nd part = insertion • Fascicle Organization • e.g., Rectus means “straight” • e.g., transverse means “across” • e.g., oblique means “oblique angle”

  7. How are muscles named? • Relative Position • e.g., superficialis, internus, lateralis, etc… • Structural Characteristics (shape and size) • e.g., deltoid, rhomboid, major, longus, etc… • Action • e.g., abductor, extensor, rotator, etc…

  8. Muscular Actions • Agonists (prime mover) • responsible for a particular movement • Antagonist • against movement of agonist • Synergists • aid agonists, stabilize an action • Fixators • specialized synergists • immobilize the origin of agonist so all tension is exerted at the insertion point

  9. Muscles of the Head and Neck • Epicranius • frontalis • action: raises eyebrows, wrinkles forehead

  10. Muscles of the Head and Neck • Epicranius • occipitalis • action: tenses and pulls scalp posteriorly

  11. Muscles of the Head and Neck • Orbicularis Oculi • action: closes eye, squinting

  12. Muscles of the Head and Neck • Orbicularis oris • action: constricts mouth (whistle, kissing)

  13. Muscles of the Head and Neck • Zygomaticus • action: the elevates corners of mouth and upper lip • smiling muscle • antagonist to depressor anguli oris

  14. Muscles of the Head and Neck • Levator Labii Superioris • action: raises upper lip, opens lips

  15. Muscles of the Head and Neck • Depressor Labii Inferioris • action: depresses lower lip

  16. Muscles of the Head and Neck • Depressor Anguli Oris • action: draws corners of mouth down • frowning muslce • antagonist to zygomaticus

  17. Muscles of the Head and Neck • Depressor Anguli Oris • action: draws corners of mouth down • frowning muslce • antagonist to zygomaticus

  18. Muscles of the Head and Neck • Masseter • origin: zygomatic arch • insertion: mandibular ramus • action: • elevates mandible • closes jaw

  19. Muscles of the Head and Neck • Temporalis • action: • elevates mandible • closes jaw

  20. Muscles of the Head and Neck • Sternocleidomastoid • origin: clavicle or manubrium • insertion: mastoid process • action: • together: flex neck • 1 side: bends head towards shoulder and turns face to opposite side

  21. Muscles of the Head and Neck • Scalenes • origin: cervical vertebrae • insertion: Ribs 1-2 • action: elevates ribs, flexes neck

  22. Muscles of the Head and Neck • Splenius Capitis • action: extend and hyperextend head

  23. Muscles of the Trunk and Back • Erector Spinae • iliocostalis • spinalis • longissimus • together: extends vertebral column • along: lateral flexion

  24. Muscles of the Trunk and Back • External Intercostals • origin: rib above • insertion: rib below • action: elevates ribs • inspiration

  25. Muscles of the Trunk and Back • Internal Intercostals • origin: rib below • insertion: rib above • action: depresses ribs • breath out

  26. Muscles of the Trunk and Back • Diaphragm • origin: xiphoid process, cartilage of ribs 4-10, lumbar vertebrae • action: expands thoracic cavity, compresses abdominopelvic cavity

  27. Muscles of the Trunk and Back • Transverse Abdominus • insertion: linea alba • action: compresses abdominopelvic cavity

  28. Muscles of the Trunk and Back • Internal Oblique • insertion: linea alba • action: compresses abdomen, depresses ribs, flexes or bends spine

  29. Muscles of the Trunk and Back • External Oblique • insertion: linea alba • action: compresses abdomen, depresses ribs, flexes or bends spine

  30. Muscles of the Trunk and Back • Rectus Abdominus • origin: pubic symphesis • insertion: xyphoid process • action: depresses ribs, compresses abdomen, flexes vertebral column

  31. Muscles of the Trunk and Back • Trapezius • origin: midline of neck and back • insertion: clavicles and scapular spines • action: elevation, depression, rotation, adduction of scapula, extension of head

  32. Muscles of the Trunk and Back • Rhomboid Major • origin: T2-T5 spinous processes • insertion: vertebral border of scapula • action: adduction of scapula

  33. Muscles of the Trunk and Back • Rhomboid Minor • origin: C7 and T1 spinous process • insertion: vertebral border of scapula • action: adduction of scapula

  34. Muscles of the Trunk and Back • Levator Scapulae • origin: C1-4 transverse process • insertion: vertebral border of scapula • action: elevates scapula

  35. Muscles of the Trunk and Back • Pectoralis Minor • origin: anterior surface of ribs 3-5 • insertion: coracoid process of scapula • action: depresses and contracts scapular end of clavicle (in complement with subclavius muscle)

  36. Muscles of the Trunk and Back • Serratus Anterior • origin: ribs • insertion: scapula • action: abducts scapula, swings shoulder anteriorly

  37. Gross Anatomy of the Muscular System Lab Week of February 25, 2008 Marieb & Mitchell: Exercise 15 Martini: Chapter 11 MUSCLES OF THE UPPER EXTREMITIES

  38. Pectoralis Major • Origin • Cartilages of ribs 2-6, body of sternum, inferior medial clavicle • Insertion • Humerus (greater tubercle and lip of intertubercular groove) • Action • Flex, adduct, medially rotate shoulder joint

  39. LatissimusDorsi • Origin • T6-12, lumbar, sacrum, ileum • Insertion • Humerus (floor of intertubercular groove) • Action • Adduction, extension, medial rotation at the shoulder joint

  40. Coracobrachialis • Origin • Coracoid process of scapula • Insertion • Humerus (shaft) • Action • Adduct, flex at shoulder joint

  41. Supraspinatus • Origin • Supraspinousfossa of scapula • Insertion • Humerus (greater tubercle) • Action • Abduction at shoulder joint, stabilizes joint • Rotator cuff group

  42. Infraspinatus • Origin • Infraspinousfossa of scapula • Insertion • Humerus (greater tubercle) • Action • Lateral rotation at shoulder joint • Rotator cuff group

  43. Teres Minor • Origin • Lateral border of scapula • Insertion • Humerus (greater tubercle) • Action • Lateral rotation at shoulder joint, stabilizes • Rotator cuff group

  44. Subscapularis • Origin • Subscapularfossa of scapula • Insertion • Humerus (lesser tubercle) • Action • Medial rotation at shoulder joint • Rotator Cuff Group

  45. Teres Major • Origin • Inferior angle of scapula • Insertion • Humerus (lip of intertubercular groove) • Action • Extension, adduction, medial rotation at shoulder joint

  46. Deltoid • Origin • Clavicle, scapula (spine and acromion) • Insertion • Deltoid tuberosity of humerus • Action • Altogether  Abduction at shoulder joint • Anterior  flexion, medial rotation at shoulder • Posterior  extension, lateral rotation at shoulder

  47. Biceps Brachii • Origins • Long head • Supraglenoid tubercle of scapula • Short head • Coracoid process of scapula • Insertion • Tuberosity of radius • Action • Flex at elbow AND shoulder joint, supination

  48. Brachialis • Origin • Humerus • Insertion • Ulna • Action • Flexes forearm (elbow joint)

  49. Triceps Brachii • Origin • Long: Infraglenoid tubercle of scapula • Lateral: humerus • Medial: humerus • Insertion • Olecranon of Ulna (for all 3) • Action • Long: extension elbow joint, extension and adduction at shoulder joint • Lateral and Medial: extension at elbow joint

  50. Brachioradialis • Origin • Distal humerus • Insertion • radius • Action • Flexion at elbow joint

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