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PROGRESSIVISM. Progressive Movement : A movement by the people to make the government more responsive (no more Laissez Faire) It’s aim was to restore economic opportunities and correct injustices in American life. . Promoting Moral Improvement.
Progressive Movement: A movement by the people to make the government more responsive (no more Laissez Faire) • It’s aim was to restore economic opportunities and correct injustices in American life.
Promoting Moral Improvement • reformers wanted immigrants and poor city dwellers to uplift themselves by improving their personal behavior. • Prohibition: The banning of Alcoholic beverages, they feared that alcohol was undermining Americans morals.
WOMEN (in moral improvement) • In the 1890s, Cary Nation worked for prohibition by walking into saloons, scolding the customers, and using her hatchet to destroy bottles of liquor
Creating Economic Reform Because of the Panic of 1893 some Americans, especially workers, embraced socialism. Big business received favorable treatment from the government Muckrakers: Journalists who wrote about the corrupt side of business and public life.
Fostering Efficiency • progressive leaders put their faith in experts and scientific principles to make society and the workplace more efficient. • targeted not only industry AND government
Robert La Follete • Governor of Wisconsin during Progressive Era • Led the way in regulating business • The railroad industry was his major target
African American’s Civil Rights • Progressives remained blind to problems of African Americans • Didn’t push press for racial equality • White southern progressives pushed for disenfranchisement and segregation
African American Reformers Booker T Washington -- Best known; accepted by white leaders • Wanted blacks and whites to work together through gradual approach to equality • Accepted status under Jim Crow laws • Encouraged vocational training for blacks
African American Reformers WEB DuBois 1st African American to earn PhD from Harvard Argued immediate social and economic equality Wanted end to Jim Crow laws Created NAACP in 1909 Found little support Critiscized Booker T Washington
African American Reformers Ida B. Wells Lynching--Lynching is an extrajudicial execution carried out by a mob, often by hanging, but also by burning at the stake or shooting • Led a national anti-lynching crusade after 3 of her friends were lynched for crimes they did not commit • Her research revealed that 728 black men and women were lynched in the previous decade
Women’s Rights • Early 19th century • Strong women needed in household 24/7 • Man ruled the home • Women excluded from public life • Lacked the right to vote, serve on juries, or hold public office
Mid 19th century • Women began to organize • Held a convention at Seneca Falls; passed a resolution that proclaimed that women were equal to me • Women upset when the 14th & 15th amendments were passed for African Americans, but not women
Susan B. Anthony • Tried to vote in New York in 1872 under the 14th amendment • Supreme court ruled in 1874 that women were citizens, but couldn’t vote • She helped to earn suffrage in western states, but failed to get a federal amendment passed
19th amendment • Granted women the right to vote in 1920 • Did not lead to dramatic political changes • Failed to bring economic equality between the sexes • Last notable reform of progressive era