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FLORIDA INTERNATIONAL UNIVERSITY PCB 2099 - FOUNDATIONS OF HUMAN PHYSIOLOGY (Fall 2012). Instructor : Steven Reinhardt Lectures : Mondays & Fridays, 2:00-3:15pm/ Rafael Diaz-Balart; 1100
FLORIDA INTERNATIONAL UNIVERSITYPCB 2099 - FOUNDATIONS OF HUMAN PHYSIOLOGY(Fall 2012) • Instructor : Steven Reinhardt • Lectures: Mondays & Fridays, 2:00-3:15pm/ Rafael Diaz-Balart; 1100 • Course description : This is a one semester survey lecture course in basic human physiology primarily for pre-nursing majors and non-majors fulfilling natural science UCC requirements. • Required text : Marieb, E.N. (2011). Anatomy & Physiology, 4th Ed. (or previous)Pearson/Benjamin Cummings • Office/Contact Information : (305) 348-7614 E-mail : reinhard@fiu.edu Office hours : Mondays - Fridays; 10:00 AM – 12:00 PM (Please make appointment in advance)
PCB 2099 - FOUNDATIONS OF HUMAN PHYSIOLOGY Grading policy: There will be four multiple-choice exams administered this semester, of which all scores will be calculated for the final grade. The grading scale is as follows: A=100-90, B=89-80, C=79-70, D=69-60, F=59-0. MISSED EXAMS WILL RESULT IN A ZERO SCORE There will be no make-upexams administered unless circumstances beyond the student’s control arise and are IMMEDIATELY accompanied by the appropriate documentation: -Death of an immediate family member requires official bereavement statement. -Student/immediate family member with acute/terminal illness require an official hospital/clinic notification. -Traffic accident requires official accident report. -Jury duty requires county clerk summons. -Military duty. The aforementioned will be taken into consideration or, if applicable, allow students to request an “Incomplete” grade. Candidates for grades of “Incomplete” include those students that have completed 60% of the course work satisfactorily (C grade or higher) and cannot justifiably finish the course (pre-planned vacation/business trips do not constitute a serious interruption).
PCB 2099 - FOUNDATIONS OF HUMAN PHYSIOLOGY • Peer-Led Team Learning (PLTL): • PCB 2099 students have the option of participating in the Peer-Led Team Learning (PLTL) sessions. Registered students will have weekly meetings with a PLTL leader along with a small group of students. The PLTL leader’s role as facilitator will guide students through assigned activities that can only enhance comprehension of basic human physiology. If you decide to fully participate in PLTL, your PLTL score will be converted to 100 points and averaged into your lowest exam score only (i.e. lowest exam score + 100 PLTL points/2=adjusted lowest exam score). All students are encouraged to utilize the PLTL resources to the utmost; however,students opting not to fully participate in PLTL will not accrue any semester points (lowest scores are not dropped in this course). • PLTL can not hurt your grade only improve it.
PCB 2099 - FOUNDATIONS OF HUMAN PHYSIOLOGY The Day of the Exams: PLEASE BRING TWO SHARPENED #2 PENCILS WITH ERASERS AND YOUR STUDENT ID OR OTHER PICTURE ID WITH YOU TO ALL EXAMS. All other materials will have to be placed at the front or back of the class, so it is best not to carry anything to the room on exam day. NOTE: this includes hats, phones, computers, purses, backpacks, tissues, sweaters and jackets, calculators, lunch boxes—everything except pencils. Please turn off all phones. You will be asked to remove your hats. We will check your student ID before you are allowed to turn-in your exam and leave. Please do not forget to bring ID. You must write your name on the exam and turn it in with your scantron when you are finished. No one can leave unless they have returned the exam. You may write on the exam. You will be supplied a scantron. I use a database to record the grades. The identifier is your Panther ID Number/Student Number. If you incorrectly bubble in your Student Number, you will receive no grade for the exam. You must also bubble in your name correctly (last name first, first name last). When you are finished, you must return ALL materials given to you during the test whether filled-out or not. Testing Rules: No looking around or talking after test has started, even if you are not cheating I will take your test and you will receive a zero for that test. Cheating, you will fail the course (see below). Arriving late for exams: If you arrive to an exam more than 30 minutes late, or after the first person finishes the test (whichever comes first) you will not be allowed to take the exam or make it up. You must take the exams during your registered class time and place.
PCB 2099 - FOUNDATIONS OF HUMAN PHYSIOLOGY Checking your grades : Grades will be posted on-line as soon as I receive them and can enter them into my database. Please do notemail me asking what your grade is or when the grades will be posted. Cheating policy : Cheating (i.e. possession of crib sheets/notes, glaring at another’s paper) during any of the administered exams is a direct violation of FIU’s student conduct code and will not be tolerated in this course. The instructor will be proctoring exams diligently; violators will either receive a failing semester grade or be subjected to university administrative action. This policy adheres to the following: “Florida International University is a community dedicated to generating and imparting knowledge through excellent teaching and research, the rigorous and respectful exchange of ideas, and community service. All students should respect the right of others to have an equitable opportunity to learn and honestly demonstrate the quality of their learning. Therefore, all students are expected to adhere to a standard of academic conduct, which demonstrates respect for themselves, their fellow students, and the educational mission of the University. All students are deemed by the University to understand that if they are found responsible for academic misconduct, they will be subject to the Academic Misconduct procedures and sanctions, as outlined in the Student Handbook.”
Tips on the successful completion of this course: -Attendance is mandatory.Poor attendance can only result in poor grades. The lecture topics will have “objectives” that will only be posted during the class and not available on moodle. I will also cover some topics in class that might not be on power point moodle presentations and these topics could possibly be on exams -Make emphasis on careful note-taking and pre-reading skills. In the case of missed lecture days or impending absences, students are responsible for obtaining lecture notes and in-class announcement information from fellow classmates (do not summon the instructor for this). -All electronic equipment should be silenced (i.e. phones, computers, I-pads), computer are not allowed on in class unless they are used to take notes or augment the lecture in some manner and should be silent. Please be considerate with the use of computers so as to not encumber the learning and thinking process of others. -Disruptive behavior during lectures/exams is deemed inappropriate and will not be tolerated. If any of the preceding information elicits a conflict of interest, you are strongly urged to DROP the course. Please be advised that the course syllabus schedule of events is subject to change at the instructor’s discretion.
PCB 2099 - FOUNDATIONS OF HUMAN PHYSIOLOGYTentative Lecture schedule
Please be advised that the course syllabus schedule of events is subject to change at the instructor’s discretion.