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World War II. Blitzkrieg. Germans referred to a Schwerpunkt = focal point or point of maximum effort Ground, mechanized & tactical air forces concentrate on this point of maximum effort
Blitzkrieg • Germans referred to a Schwerpunkt = focal point or point of maximum effort • Ground, mechanized & tactical air forces concentrate on this point of maximum effort • local success at the Schwerpunktis followed by a small force that breaks through and gains advantage by fighting in the enemy's rear • “Nichtkleckern, klotzen!” (Don't fiddle, smash!)
How to achieve a breakthrough: • armoured forces attack the enemy's defensive line directly • supported by motorized infantry, artillery fire and aerial bombardment • tanks and motorized units could break through without being slow like infantry on foot (WWI) • air forces also gain by attacking aircraft on the ground, bombing airfields, & air to air combat.
Schwerpunkt (focal point) principle: • Gives attacker numerical superiority at the point of the main effort, • Therefore gives attacker tactical and operational superiority even though the attacker may be numerically and strategically inferior along the entire front
Blitzkrieg Pursuit: • Once through German forces attempt to paralyze the enemy's ability to react by moving faster than enemy forces • They exploit weaknesses and act before opposing forces can form a response • Faster mobility + quick decisions = sooner action than opposition
Directive Control: = fast & flexible method of command • No explicit orders • Commander told of superior's intent • Method of execution based on situation • Staffing reduced at the top and spread among commands more knowledgeable about their own situation • Initiative encouraged at all levels • Significant decisions could be made quickly (verbally or short written orders)
Destruction of pocket resistance: • Final phase • Kesselschlacht("cauldron battle") = concentric attack on encircled forces • Here most losses were inflicted upon the enemy mostly through capture of prisoners and weapons • Ex. During Barbarossa - massive encirclements resulted in nearly 3,500,000 Soviet prisoners + equipment
Air Power: • provided in the form of the dive-bombers and medium bombers • Supported focal point of attack from the air • German successes = success in the air war • Allied Air Forces success = Army
Invasion of Poland: Sept.1939 Black arrows =primary assaults Red arrows =secondary assault Right hand side arrows from the East into Poland, =Soviet advance into Poland that followed the German invasion
Blitzkrieg Limitations: The Environment: dependent upon terrain and weather conditions • When ability for rapid movement across “tank country” not possible, armoured penetrations were avoided or resulted in failure • Ideal terrain = flat, firm, unobstructed by natural barriers or fortifications, & interspersed with roads and railways. • If hilly, wooded, marshy, or urban, muddy or snow =units could be halted by mud or extreme snow • Disadvantages nullified if surprise by an attack through such terrain Ex. Ardennes.
Counter-Tactics: • Blitzkrieg is very vulnerable to enemy emphasis on anti-tank warfare & anti-aircraft weaponry • Holding the flanks or “shoulders” of penetration was essential to channelling the enemy attack • Tank and vehicle production was a problem for Germany, ex. late in the war many panzer divisions had no more than a few dozen tanks • Near the end of WWII Germany experienced critical shortages in fuel and ammo stocks from strategic Allied bombing & blockades • Some Luftwaffe fighter aircraft were unable to fly for lack of fuel & remaining fuel went to panzer divisions
Invasion of Western Europe: • May 10, 1940 – Hitler invades Netherlands, Belgium, Luxembourg, & France • Retreating forces trapped at port of Dunkirk • 340,000 troops evacuated by British navy Why significant? • A defeat, but moral victory for Allies • Highly trained troops who would go on to fight in the war
Operation Dynamo: The Evacuation of Dunkirk: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tKB-ZkWelb0
Fall of France: June 14, 1940 Germans enter Paris June 22, 1940 France surrenders
Why Does France Fall So Quickly? • Maginot Line Proves Useless
Maginot Line: • Named after French Minister of Defense Andre Maginot • Was a line of concrete fortifications, tank obstacles, artillery casemates, machine gun posts, and other defenses • Constructed along French border with Germany and Italy, • In the light of experience from WWI, lead up to WWII
Why Does France Fall So Quickly? • Maginot Line Proves Useless • French deploy tanks (same # as Germans) at speed to match their infantry • Luftwaffe had quality aircraft compared to French • Internal division within France: • Fascists and Communists existed within and both opposed the war
Terms of Surrender: • Northern France + Atlantic ports occupied by Germans • French Army demobilized • Southern France (Vichy) = semi-independent government to begin • Later collaborated with Nazis
Battle of Britain:Goering’s Luftwaffe vs. RAF = battle for skies above Britain and English Channel • Germans = VIP – Operation Sealion = invasion of British Isles • British = survival
Battle of Britain: • RAF planes outnumbered 3:1 • But had kill ratio of 1882 : 1017 • Due to manoeuvrability of the Spitfire • And radar = could detect German bomber and fighter squadrons
The “other” advantage: German cipher machine- Enabled British to receive and decode German messages
Battle of Britain Significances: • First time Hitler had been denied conquest • Setback meant war would be a long one – advantage Britain with USA’s industry support • Future Allies had a geographic “springboard” close to Europe to launch reinvasion of Europe
U.S.A Enters the War: • Pearl Harbour – Dec. 7th 1940 • surprise military strike by Imperial Japanese Navy on USA Navy base at in Hawaii • Next day USA declared war on Japan resulting in their entry into WWII • Attack was intended as a preventative action in order to keep the U.S. Pacific Fleet from influencing the war that the Japanese were planning in SE Asia, against Britain and the Netherlands, as well as the U.S. in Phillipines
The Eastern Front: = more intense and larger battles took place • Winter War = Nov. 30, 1939 Red Army attacks Finland – ends March 1940 • June 1940 Red Army takes Baltic States (Latvia, Lithuania, Estonia) • Oct. 1940 Germany occupies Romania (who later join the Axis) • Late Oct. 1940 Mussolini attacks Greece, British assist the Greeks, but both Greece and Yugoslavia fall in April 1941
Winter War: • http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tvEUKcEoN_g&feature=related
Operation Barbarosa:Hitler’s Attack on the Soviet Union 3 goals: • Major object of Nazi policy of Lebensraum (inferior peoples had to make way for “master race”) • Hitler wanted the “breadbasket” of Europe –the resources of the Ukraine and Soviet Union • Destroy his archrival = Communism
Operation Barbarosa: • Hitler goes against the Nazi-Soviet Non-Aggression Pact • Attacks on a front stretching from the Baltic to the Black Sea – 2,000 miles long • Initially Germany sends 153 divisions (10-15,000 soldiers = division) • Soviets caught by complete surprise • By end of Day 1 = Germans 50 miles into Soviet Union
Barbarossa: Germans utilized Blitzkrieg perfectly: • Soviet air force destroyed on the ground • Red Army prisoners = eventually reached 2 million • Stalin asked citizens to “fight for mother Russia” • Adopted the “scorched earth” policy – Germans could not live off the land • Nazis take Leningrad, Kiev...halted 50km from Moscow • Harsh Russian winter halts Germans
Barbarosa video link: 1. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8L-GBHNNqrQ&feature=related2. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F00TssZASkY&feature=related
North Africa:Important for several reasons: • Suez Canal – vital British shipping connection to Far and Middle East
Suez:Important for: 2. Oil – If you control North Africa then it is more possible to control the Middle East oil resources -important for keeping vehicles mobilized during war
Introducing:General Erwin Rommel • (the Desert Fox) • Commanded the German Afrika Korps
Introducing: General Bernard Montgomery • Known as “Monty” • Aug. 1942 took command of British troops in North Africa
El Alamein • Oct. 1942 • Located 60 miles from Suez Canal
El Alamein: • Winner would control Suez Canal • 1st battle of El Alamein in July of 1942 – Allied troops halted Axis advance • Oct. 23 to Nov. 3 “Monty’s Desert Rats” defeated Rommel • German/Italian retreat across Africa began
El Alamein Significances: • Suez Canal stayed under Allied control • Hitler could not access oil resources of Middle East • Allies gained confidence knowing that the best of Hitler’s commanders could be defeated
Following El Alamein: • Rommel’s forces retreat towards Tunisia • Allies led by General Dwight D. Eisenhower (“Ike”) arrive in Morocco, attack from the west • Montgomery attacks from the east, trap the Germans • Rommel & 1,000 men return to Europe
El Alamein: • http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XUFn8WBMgNQ&feature=related • http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Fznpf64Xc6Q (START 2:00) • http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kts6pj36zqQ
Allied Victory: • Prepares way for liberation of Italy • Re-opens routes to Middle East • 1st USA action in alliance with European forces in WWII...American involvement key in defeat of Axis