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Lesson 23: Push That Product

Lesson 23: Push That Product. Ma Guilan. Warming up. Do you like to invent something? What can you invent?. What does “push a product” mean?. It means “to try to sell it”. How would you push your product?. Ads. New words. push- pin n. 图钉 bulletin n. 公报;公告 board n. 木板;牌子

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Lesson 23: Push That Product

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  1. Lesson 23: Push That Product Ma Guilan

  2. Warming up • Do you like to invent something? What can you invent?

  3. What does “push a product” mean? • It means “to try to sell it”.

  4. How would you push your product?

  5. Ads

  6. New words • push- pin n. 图钉 • bulletin n. 公报;公告 • board n. 木板;牌子 • rent v. 租用 • magazine n. 杂志 • journal n. 杂志;期刊 • own v. adj. pron. 拥有;自己的 • employee n. 雇员

  7. Listening task: True or false • Push-pin was invented in 1900. • His first ad was in a newspaper. • Today a push-in is cheaper than it was before.

  8. Reading task: answer the questions • Who invented push-pin? • Edwin moor. • Why are push-pins useful? • We can push them into walls or bullets to hold up posters, maps and other things. • What do the Moor family do today? • They still make push-ins and more than 200 other small, useful products.

  9. Language notes • He would make something useful that people would like to buy. 他想制造一些实用而人们又愿意购买的东西。 • something useful有用的东西 • something为不定代词,用形容词修饰的时候应将形容词后置。 • useful是由use(用途,用法)加后缀-ful派生而来,意为“有用的”。 • This piece of wood is useful, don’t take it away. 这块木头还有用,不要拿走。(useful作表语) • That is a useful dictionary. I want to buy it. 那是一本很有用的词典,我想买下它。(useful作表语)

  10. 【提示】: • 尽管useful第一个字母为元音字母u,但其发音为/ju:/,即第一个字母因素为辅音因素,因此注意不定冠词需用a。 • 【拓展】: • 再看几个n.+ful=adj.的例子: • care(n.注意)----careful(adj.小心的,仔细的) • help(n.帮助)----helpful(adj.有帮助的) • beauty(n.美,美丽)----beautiful(adj.美丽的) • pain(n.痛)-----painful(adj.疼痛的)

  11. .His first ad was in a magazine called The Ladies Home Journal. 他的第一个广告刊登在一本叫做妇女家居的杂志上。 • a magazine called The Ladies Home Journal.一本叫妇女家居的杂志。 • 句中called为过去分词,用作定语,表示被动,修饰前面的名词magazine。called也可用named来代替。 • I have a good friend called/named Peter. 我有一个叫彼得的好朋友。 • Do you know the city called Weifang? 你知道潍坊这个城市吗?

  12. There is a push-pin holding up this piece of paper. 这里正有一枚图钉钉着一张纸。 • There is a sb. (sth.) doing sth. 意为“正有某人(某物)在干什么。” • 其实这个句子可以分解为两个:There is a sb. (sth.) . He is doing sth.如 • There is a boy crying under the tree. 树下有个男孩在哭。 • 可改为:There is a boy. He is crying under the tree. • There are some children playing games. • =There are some children. They are playing games. • 有一些孩子在游戏。

  13. .What else was important to his success? 对于他的成功还有哪些起了重要作用? • else adj. 别的,其他,此外,置于不定代词或疑问词后 • What else do you want? 你还想要什么? • When else can we come again? 我们什么时候还能来呢 ? • Little else remains to be done today. 今天没有什么事要做的了。 • The lady hurried to take away someone else’s bag. 匆忙中那位妇女拿走了别人的包。

  14. Exercises B • ( )1 If he ___ harder, he is sure to catch up with us soon. A study B studies C will study D studied • ( ) 2 When a German buys something __ a Japanese or an Indian sells something __ a Frenchman, they often use English. A from to B to from C for from D to for • ( ) 3 What ___ useful book the dictiotary is! • A a B an C the D / • ( ) 4 I have ___ to tell you. • A something else B else something C anything else D else anything • ( ) 5 He met a man ____ Zhou Jian on his way home A call B calls C called D calling • ( ) 6 There is a boy____under the tree. A sit B sits C siting D sitting A A A C D

  15. Thank you Bye-bye

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