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Weakness of the Multi-Store Model

Weakness of the Multi-Store Model. STM and LTM aren ’ t unitary stores. The assumption is that LTM and STM operate as single ‘ boxes ’ but...

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Weakness of the Multi-Store Model

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  1. Weakness of the Multi-Store Model

  2. STM and LTM aren’t unitary stores • The assumption is that LTM and STM operate as single ‘boxes’ but... • STM: case study of KF (Shallice and Warrington, 1970). Suffered brain damage  normal visual information processing, but couldn’t deal properly with verbal information • LTM: evidence from amnesia patients  Schachter et al. (2000) divided LTM into • Semantic memory (words and the world!) • Episodic memory (what did you do last night...) • Procedural memory • Perceptual-representation system (PRS!!)  memory related to priming / recognising stimuli which have been seen before • LTM: Spiers et al. (2001) – 147 amnesia patients • ALL had working procedural and PRS systems • BUT semantic and episodic systems showed problems

  3. Rehearsal versus Processing • It’s not only rehearsal that gets things into your LTM! • Craik and Lockhart (1972) Levels of Processing • LTM created by the processing you do • If you process something at a deeper level, it becomes more memorable • Craik and Tulving (1975) • List of nouns PLUS a question about each word • We’ll do this now so you can see what happens

  4. Rehearsal versus Processing • Three kinds of question • Shallow processing (capital letters) • Phonemic (does it rhyme) • Semantic processing (deep processing for meaning, is it a type of fruit) • Condition 3 showed more recall than condition 1 • This has led to an alteration of the MSM • Maintenance rehearsal has become ‘elaborative’ rehearsal (deeper/more semantic rehearsal) • Glenberg et al. (1977) showed that maintenance rehearsal did have an impact on LTM creation, but not as much as elaborative rehearsal

  5. Are STM and LTM separate? • Logie (1999) • STM relies on LTM • For example, try to remember these letters: • STARMOONSPACESHIPCAPTAINKIRK • To remember this you’d have to do what? • Summarise the Ruchkin et al. (2003) study for yourself – what they did, what they found and what conclusions they drew • Where this leads to...the Working Memory Model

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