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writing the literature review presented by colleen cridland, learning skills adviser for the faculty of science colleen.

Writing the Literature Review. The workshop will cover:Purpose of the ReviewImportant considerationsStages of the ReviewConstructing the literatureStructuring the literature reviewReferencingWriting. The Literature Review. Is Research about researchAnalyses: critically evaluatesSources, theories, methods, gaps in researchSynthesisesYour own theme/argument of positionOutline the parameters of your own research .

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writing the literature review presented by colleen cridland, learning skills adviser for the faculty of science colleen.

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    1. WRITING THE LITERATURE REVIEWpresented by Colleen Cridland, Learning Skills Adviser for the Faculty of ScienceColleen.cridland@lib.monash.edu.au

    3. The Literature Review Is Research about research Analyses: critically evaluates Sources, theories, methods, gaps in research Synthesises Your own theme/argument of position Outline the parameters of your own research

    4. The purpose of the literature reviewWhat priorities do you have for undertaking the literature review To select research relevant to my study To outline existing knowledge in my field To evaluate existing research relevant to my field To identify research methods relevfant to my study To identify gaps in the research To Identify more appropriate research methods To position my study in the context of previous research To express views about the topic To indicate how my topic is to be investigated To justify my study

    5. 1. The purpose of the literature review Familiarises readers with the depth, breadth and scope of the research Defines key concepts Locates the research within a relevant body of literature Organises, reframes, reconceptualises existing approaches to establish the importance of your research Establishes how your research will contribute to the body of knowledge

    6. 1. Important considerations It is necessary to acknowledge important research in the field, but the review should be organised around concepts and issues not authors Choice and weighting of articles demonstrates your understanding The literature review is a critical discussion, not a summary. It evaluates concepts, theories, methodologies The literature review actively constructs existing research to highlight your contribution

    7. 2. Constructing a Literature Review The process of developing a literature review is not sequential. You may regularly return to an earlier process: Develop the focus of the literature review Identify the literature Manage the literature Record the literature Ensure relevance of the literature Retrieve the literature Order the literature Organise the structure of the literature review Review the literature Draft the literature review Write the literature review

    8. 3a. Retrieving the literature Identifying the literature Compile a list of references Supervisors and other staff may provide an initial reading list Check reference list of articles read Locate and use other research reviews Use the library’s search strategies databases Contact the Subject Librarian for your school or department Ask about the best retrieval systems and databases relating to your topic Develop an understanding of appropriate keywords

    9. 3b. Recording the literature Find a system that suits you – be consistent Card system Database system like Endnote Table Double notes

    10. 3b. Recording the Literature Taking Notes Find a standard that fits you: be consistent Essential information: Author, Title, page(s) Brief outline Your evaluation Additional comments, notes Quotation marks for verbatim passages Page numbers for important sections Double notes Bibliographical entry with brief notes Expanded notes directly relevant to research

    11. Reading Log for notes

    12. 3b. Recording the literature Suggestions for taking notes Do not overdo it (especially on facts) Analyse and evaluate rather than copy Record general observations and theoretical context rather than the minutiae of research Do not forget to record your own understanding and comments as you read Make sure you maintain sight of the bigger picture Make notes USEFUL: now and in your research project They are the map for your further study and research: be consistent, concise and to the point Allow for changes and additions: your opinions WILL change

    13. 3b. Recording the Literature Develop sound reading strategies Screen the relevance of material before you download Apply strategic reading steps to articles as you search to deduce relevance of material to your research

    14. 3b. Recording the literature Reading Ladder – Strategic reading steps Before you start serious reading and notetaking Read the title (usually descriptive) Read: a) the subheading to the title if there is one; and b) the sub-headings within the article Look at captions, titles of tables, axes. Take note about what the graphic data describes Read the abstract (or summary) at start. This should say why, how, what of the article Read the conclusion Read the introduction Ask yourself: a) How does this article help answer my topic? Is this article where I am likely to find usefl information When you have decided a source is relevant, begin to keep effective notes.

    15. 3b. Recording the literature Developing a critical approach Be active Question Evaluate Make judgements Identify problems Describe & Categorise Analyse Establish cause & effect

    16. 3b. Recording the literature Developing a critical approach Identify the significance of a text: What is this author saying? Try to put into your own words how the evidence and position of the researcher is being presented. Highlight the main findings of the research. Note them down. What is the quality of the evidence? Who is the author and when was this written? Was it written in response to other research? Is this a new piece of research? What is the author’s standpoint and what are the underlying assumptions in the research? Are the assumptions relevant? Is this a significant work in its field? Know the significant works in the field and include them as required.

    17. 3b. Recording the literature Developing a critical approach Assess the Evidence Examine the conclusion carefully and ask: is this the correct conclusion made from the research questions? Is every point relevant to the findings? Does one point lead logically to the next? (This is a way of checking whether it flows logically.) Does the methodology support the conclusions? Is the methodology significant to your research? Does the researcher account for different results from others? Can you identify reasons for differing results? What are the strengths of the research? What are the weaknesses? What assumptions does the author make? Do I agree or disagree with these? What has been left out and is this significant? Why?

    18. 3b. Recording the literature Developing a critical approach Pose questions about the articles you are reading Note down answers to the questions you have asked Record questions that come to mind in an organised and systematic way Within your reading log Within a document for the purpose

    19. 4) Structuring the Literature Review Introduction Content – what is covered Structure – how it is organised Boundaries – what is outside the scope Outline of content The Body Section 1 – The most important topic or a key concept Discussed and evaluated Summarised and related to your research project Section 2 – The next most important topic or key concept Discussed and evaluated Summarised and related to your research project Section 3 etc Conclusion From each of the section summaries, highlight the most relevant points Relate these back to the need for your research Reiterate what these mean for the research design

    20. 4b. Structuring the Literature Review: Organising the structure There are many ways to organise the literature review. Whichever structure you choose, make sure the structure is apparent to the reader and that the review is logical and coherent Common ways to organise literature reviews: Chronological Classical Approach Topical or thematic General-Specific Combined

    21. 4b. Structuring the Literature Review Organising the structure Chronological The research is discussed in chronological order. This may be useful to demonstrate the historical or developmental context of your research

    22. 4b. Structuring the Literature Review Organising the structure Classical Approach The research is presented in consideration of the most significant aspects of your research area and discusses the key research in relation to the topic

    23. 4b. Structuring the Literature Review Organising the structure Topical or thematic Sections are devoted to various concepts or categories relevant to your study.

    24. 4b. Structuring the Literature Review Organising the structure General-Specific This approach begins from a wide perspective and progressively focuses on the specific topic of your research.

    25. 4b. Structuring the Literature Review Organising the structure Combined A combination of the above approaches

    26. 4c. Structuring the Literature Review: The content Develop your research questions Primary question Generally more broad Secondary questions More specific Address aspects of broader question Place your topic in context of the literature A limited context may restrict your literature review Too broad a context will result in lack of control and direction Create a visual map of the concepts within your research

    27. 4c. Structuring the literature review: The content Present an overview of issues in your field and the interrelationships between them Identify main issues, findings and common themes Present current debates on these issues Explain how your research adds to, or contradicts this body of knowledge Position your research within a theoretical framework Show how your study will make an original contribution to the field Outline or reveal relevant methodologies and frameworks that you wish to use in your reesearch Help to justify your research questions

    28. 4c. Structuring the literature review: The content The Hierarchy of the Question Identify hierarchies: the zoom function of research Organising sources Categories (theory, approach, method, results) Chronological groups Comparison table Categories

    29. 4c. Structuring the literature review: The content

    30. 5. Referencing Literature Review There are two referencing systems: Author date system Numerical system Always acknowledge your source whether you summarise or paraphrase or quote

    31. 5. Referencing Identify the preferred system of referencing within your school or department Visit the library website and complete an online tutorial for the preferred referencing system If you are in doubt about correct citing conventions (in-text or end-text) consult a Learning Skills Adviser

    32. 6. Structure, Focus and Clarity Find a drafting method that works for you Mind maps, relational charts Risks of freewriting Outline Good outline allows spotting of logical errors Good outline allows you to work on sections separately Rework outdated outlines Writing Act on problems promptly. Visit a Learning Skills Adviser Use online resources Attend a workshop

    33. Learning Skills Homepage http://www.lib.monash.edu.au/learning-skills/ Class and workshop timetable Drop-in schedule Links to online resources LSA contact details colleen.cridland@lib.monash.edu.au

    34. http://www.monash.edu.au/lls/llonline/

    35. Final notes Does my literature review reflect sufficient analysis and synthesis? Did I sufficiently research my question? Are my references organised in a logical manner? Does my essay have a theme/position? Do I present it clearly enough? Do I feel the essay is my own piece of work? Does it flow? Is it clearly and logically presented? After reading my review, would I want to continue reading my research paper?

    36. References Learning Connection (nd). Research Writing, Research Education, University of South Australia. Accessed May 18, 2008 from http://www.unisanet.unisa.edu.au/learn/ResearchEducation/?PATH=/Resources/research-Education/research+education/&default=Online+resources/Research+writing.htm Study Support (2007). Critical Analysis, Deakin University. Accessed May 20, 2008 from http://www.deakin.edu.au/current-students/study-support/study-skills/handouts/critical-analysis.php#resources

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