What kind of media institution might distribute your media product and why? Question 3
What is a media institution? • A media institution is an established, often-profit based organization, that deal in the creation and distribution of advertising, entertainment and information services. For example ‘music mags’, IPC Media, EMAP, Conde Nast publish magazines.
Why? • A media institution that sells a variety of different magazine would be good to sell my Reggae magazine “Roots”. This is because then it would reach a bigger and wider population
What magazine publishing house might own your magazine? • I would use a publishing company called ‘MusicMags’, this is because they are well-known in the industry and publish a wide variety of magazines. • They have an increase revenue, their annual average is 2.5 times the industry standard and they have full credit for all returns. • They also sell more gear, having a ‘MusicMags’ rack is like having an extra salesperson on the floor. • They attract the right kind of customers, the musicians get an ample dose of inspiration from magazines with informative product reviews, features and advertising. They put in powerful knowledge that translates into return visits and higher customers who buy the magazines. • Entertain the customers and enhance loyalty. • It would support product promotions, magazine content is an excellent source for promoting a product. They can use the product to plan promotions • Increase foot traffic, ‘MusicMags’ have thier own rack to draw people to the store, especially to find music titles. • They also offer a broad selection of categories, such as drums, guitars, digital etc.
Where might your magazine be distributed? • I would distribute it in popular clubs such as SOHO for free, where mainstream artist may look at the magazine. • Make an online website where people can have access to the magazine online on a PDF file, they can also look at previous magazines and check out the completions and what is going to be on next magazine. Also previous reviews, interviews and free music previews of upcoming artist they could download. • Make an APP on app store and play store for smart phones, so people could have a look through the magazine on the go. People may prefer this as it is cheaper and eco-friendly. • Advertise on other similar genre websites such as ‘Reggae United’. • Advertise on TV, Radio stations, posters. • Involve social networking sites, Facebook and Twitter. • Available in newsagents, and supermarkets.
When might your magazine be distributed? • My magazine will be distributed monthly, as when I had received feedback from my questionnaires, majority of them said monthly. • The magazine may also be available on subscription.
What data have you got on magazines sales in your chosen genre? There has been an increase in Reggae magazine sales in the UK, since 2007 when these statistics are from Reggae united the sales have increased, however people buying Records of reggae artist have decreased.