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Therefore Choose Life. When Moses was about to end his work and his life on earth he preached the lessons found in the book of Deuteronomy. Toward the end of those speeches, he described two futures and two fates.
Therefore Choose Life. • When Moses was about to end his work and his life on earth he preached the lessons found in the book of Deuteronomy. • Toward the end of those speeches, he described two futures and two fates.
In chapters 27 he appointed blessings that were to be read upon Mount Gerizim, and curses to be read on Mount Ebal. • Then in chapter 28:1-14, he described the blessings of obedience, and in 28:15-68 the curses of disobedience.
“I set before you life and death…” Choices Blessings Untold Curses, Death
How much judgment would it take to be able to make such a choice? • Nevertheless Israel chose death and curses. • They were carried away into captivity, and a remnant returned from captivity. • God gave this remnant choices:
“I set before you life and death…” Choices Blessings Untold Curses, Death
Once again, how much judgment would it take to make the right decision in this situation? • Nevertheless foolish Israel rejected life and chose death. • In the days of Jesus God gave His people their final choice. • He also gave the world its last choice.
“I set before you life and death…” Choices Blessings Untold Curses, Death
In spite of these wonderful choices, many chose darkness instead of light. • They chose death instead of life, condemnation instead of salvation, and hell instead of heaven. • Did these choices make any more sense than the choices the Israelites made? • Are our choices any more sensible? • I want to put before you choices just as the Israelites had.
“I set before you life and death…” Choices Blessings Untold Curses, Death
Young people, you have been taught principles of reverence toward God and respect for His word. • This is life and good, with untold blessings. • If you choose disobedience and death and evil with its curses, then you will reap what you sow. • It will be just as foolish for you to make the wrong choice as it was for Israel. • Nevertheless countless young people have done just that. Please don’t make that choice.
“I set before you life and death…” Choices Blessings Untold Curses, Death
Husbands and wives, you have examples of faithful marriages before you, and have been taught what is involved in truly loving one another and remaining true to one another until death. • This is life and good, with great blessings. • If you choose to have an affair, to leave your partner for another, you will have made as foolish a decision as the Israelites ever did.
“I set before you life and death…” Choices Blessings Untold Curses, Death
People, heaven awaits us. • Jesus has gone to prepare us a place. • We may either follow Him and faithfully serve the Lord or abandon Him for the cares of this world: job, sports, money, fame, and when we do we will have made as foolish a decision as Israel ever made.
“I set before you life and death…” Choices Blessings Untold Curses, Death
Eastside, you have been set in the right direction in Bible study, in congregational peace and unity, in constructive work. • Choose for these things to continue. • Give diligence to keep the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace. • This is the way of life, and good, and blessings. • To settle for anything else is to take the lower path, one that leads to death.
“I set before you life and death…” Choices Blessings Untold Curses, Death
We have the choice of love, mercy, devotion to one another. • If we allow selfishness, arrogance, and pride to consume us, we will be guilty of jealousy and faction, and where these are there is every kind of vile deed (James 3:16). • If we sacrifice the body of Christ for our own selfish ambitions, we will have chosen the wrong path. • We will have chosen death.
“I set before you life and death…” Choices Blessings Untold Curses, Death
“I call heaven and earth to witness against you this day, that I have set before thee life and death, the blessing and the curse: therefore choose life, that thou mayest live, thou and thy seed” (Deut. 30:15).