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New Student Orientation. What is CWE Education programWeb site: www.foothill.edu/co-opDeadlines and Due Dates www.foothill.edu/co-op/coop-requirementsCWE Student Manual www.foothill.edu/co-opStudent/Employer ResponsibilitiesNext Steps
1. Foothill College’sCooperative Work Experience(CWE) Program Marti Carlson, Interim Director
(650) 949-7208 or 949-7232
Room 4106 (CTIS/Math Div Office)
2. New Student Orientation What is CWE Education program
Web site: www.foothill.edu/co-op
Deadlines and Due Dates
CWE Student Manual
Student/Employer Responsibilities
Next Steps…..
3. CWE Office Operations
Main Office- Room 4118 (CTIS/Math Div Office)
Hours: Mon-Fri 8:00-4:00
CWE Staff:
Marti Carlson, Interim Director
Beckie Urrutia-Lopez, Instructor urrutialopezbeckie@fhda.edu
Zarmina Razzaqui, Adm Asst razzaquizarmina@fhda.edu
Richard Forester, Travel Careers, Instructor rjforster@netzero.net
Instructors set their own appointments and locations
4. What is CWE Education? Relate your college courses to your career goals
“Getting Credit” for Your Work Experience
Occupational/General CWE course(s)
Maximum units: 24 Co-op Units
Transferable units to the CSU systems, as an elective
Opportunity for developing professional leads and build resume
5. CWE Website Homepagewww.foothill.edu/co-op
6. Grade Sheet
7. First Assignments Download CWE Student Manual from website: www.foothill.edu/co-op
Complete online orientation
Submit Employer Letter to Supervisor & discuss CWE program and job-related Learning Objectives
Set-up first meeting w/CWE Instructor
Complete Job Description form
Complete Learning Objectives Worksheet
Meet with CWE Instructor to discuss Learning Objectives and Required Project
8. Cwe Student Manual
Download off CWE's web site:
Table of Contents:
Pages 1-16, The “how to’s”
Pages 18-28, forms for assignments
Note: Returning CWE students print web site link only. www.fhda.edu/co-op/ret.student.CWE.pdf
9. Employer Letter FOOTHILL COLLEGE
TO: Employer (Supervisor)
FROM: Cooperative Education Director
The employee who delivered this memorandum to you has demonstrated an interest in improving on the job by enrolling in our Cooperative Education course this quarter. The main purpose of this course is to help the student get on-the-job training that will make him/her a more efficient and valuable employee for you while providing practical education that supplements and enhances classroom theory learned in other college courses.
A major advantage of this program is that it gives you the opportunity to make a contribution to this employee’s college education in a way that will also directly benefit you and your organization. In order for this contribution to be documented for college credit, the State and Foothill/De Anza Community College District requires that learning or performance objectives must be new or enhanced. The objectives need to be written at the beginning of the quarter. The student will work to achieve the goals on the job during the quarter term. Please discuss the learning possibilities with the employee and help write suggested objectives.
The Cooperative Education Learning Objectives generally will fall within one of the following categories:
Present duties:
• Improving quantity or quality of present output.
• Solving a functional problem in the work area.
• Solving a human relations problem.
• Continuing new learning experiences recently started in this job.
2. Expanded duties:
• Adding new duties to ones already preformed satisfactorily.
• Learning new information or duties that will lead to the next level job.
3. New job:
• Starting a new job classification and learning the duties to be preformed.
4. Service Learning:
• Researching ways to become more involved in the community.
• Looking how their employer impacts the immediate community.
• Proposing suggestions for employer involvement in community projects or initiatives.
We look forward to working with you in helping this student grow on the job. For your reference, see Sample Learning Objectives handout.
10. Learning Objectives Each unit in CWE = 1 Learning Objective = 50 hrs.
Must be work related
Must be action-oriented
Must be measurable and completed by end of quarter
Evaluation by supervisor (45% of grade)
Reflection in Self Evaluation essay
11. Six Types of Learning Objectives Creative
New Assignment
Personal Improvement
Routine Duties
Service Learning
12. Guidelines for Writing Learning Objectives
13. Guidelines for Learning Objectives (cont.) Service Learning- Researching ways in which your employer is involved with the community and/ or how your employer impacts the community. Through this Learning Objective you will be able research possibilities of how your employer can be more involved with the immediate community in a proactive way through humanistic endeavors. An example would be: I will research how perishable food items such as vegetables and fruits are recycled and if there are opportunities for these food products to be used by community organizations.
14. 5 Questions to be answered ? What are your going to do?
How will you accomplish your objectives(s)?
When will you be completing the objectives?
What is the purpose of the objective(s)?
How can you measure these results?
15. Checklist to verify if objectives are valid: Can objectives be completed by end of quarter ?
Is the objective feasible ?
Is the objective achievable ?
Is the objective measurable ?
16. Learning Objective Worksheet
On-the-Job Learning Objectives Worksheet
Show this Learning Objectives Worksheet to your job supervisor, discuss the objectives and revise them if necessary. Have your supervisor approve them by signing below. You will then need to give this completed and signed Worksheet to your Co-Op Ed Coordinator at your first meeting. During the meeting, your Co-Op Ed Coordinator will transfer the finalized objectives onto the official Performance Agreement that needs to be signed by your Supervisor. You will retain a copy of the Performance Agreement.
______________________________ ______________________________
Student's Name Supervisor's Signature
Coordinator's Name
What is the objective to be accomplished? _____________________________________
How will it be accomplished? _______________________________________________
How will it be evaluated (measured) and by whom? ______________________________
When will it be completed? _________________________________________________
FINAL FORMAT: _______________________________________________________
What is the objective to be accomplished? _____________________________________
How will it be accomplished? _______________________________________________
How will it be evaluated (measured) and by whom? ______________________________
When will it be completed? _________________________________________________
FINAL FORMAT: _______________________________________________________
17. Performance Agreement Form Name Company Date
Soc. Sec #
Job Title Job Supervisor Job Supervisor's Phone
§ Each term that a student is enrolled in Co-Op it is necessary to identify new learning objectives, that should be specific, measurable and within his or her ability to accomplish.
§ Once the objectives are developed, employer, student and Co-Op coordinator must approve them at the beginning of the academic term.
§ Before the end of the academic term, the employer, student and Co-Op coordinator will discuss progress made on the objectives and the employer will rate this progress. From the employer rating and other required course work, the college will determine the overall academic credit the student will receive.
§ If is understood that the employer will provide adequate protection for the student employee through Workmen’s Compensation and/or liability insurance as required by law and compliance with OSHA.
We agree with the validity of the learning objectives listed. The employer and the college agree to provide necessary supervision and counseling to insure that the student/employee receives appropriate educational benefit under the control of the College District.
Job Supervisor's Signature____________ Student's Signature ________________ Coordinator's Signature___________________
Student/Employee Objectives: Use rating scale below
1=Outstanding 2=Good 3=Average 4=Fair 0=Not done-no progress
Target Date:
Employer/Supervisor Signature: Date:
18. Job Description form
Employer: _______________________________________________________________
Job title: ________________________________________________________________
Type of business: _________________________________________________________
Supervisor's title: _________________________________________________________
Other people report to me: Yes ________ No ________ If yes, how many? __________
What is the main activity of my department or work area: _________________________
Description of job duties: ___________________________________________________
What are the job requirements of your present position: ___________________________
I am interested in this type of work as a career: Yes ____________ No _____________
19. Guidelines for Required Project There are several options offered for the Required Project.
Training Seminar paper- if you are involved in work-related training and will
be learning new skills or attaining new information about a function of your
job you can write a paper about this learning experience. The paper must
be at least a one page, typed, single-spaced,12 pt. The Training Seminar paper will include the following: 1.) name of the training, 2.) the purpose of the training, 3.) a descriptive narrative on what you learned in the training and, 4.) how the training will be incorporated into your job assignment.
Examples of training seminars are as follows: Safety Training on Hazardous and Toxic Waste, seminar on Diversity in the Workplace, workshop on Advanced Power Point tips or a workshop on Hiring trends for the new Millennium Worker, etc.
Service Learning Project- An opportunity to express a your perspective on the social involvement and consciousness of your present employer. A view on how the organization impacts the immediate community, i.e., 1.) through employment opportunities or workforce development, 2.) or what impacts your employer may have on the environment. Other service learning projects could be, 1.) researching and suggesting ways in which your employer may better work with the community, i.e., recycle centers, building non-profit partnerships and or becoming more involved with community through a variety of activities or services.
The Learning Service Project must be at least a one page essay describing your thoughts and perspective on your employers involvement. The format of the essay is a 12pt. typed paper.
Resume /Career Portfolio
Review your present resume and revise and update resume and present to your Coordinator for your file. Another option is to build a career portfolio and show to your Co-Op Coordinator. The portfolio must include samples of your work, i.e., graphic works, brochures, pictures of art pieces, web site development, descriptions of collaborative efforts and or the development of training sessions that your have completed.
4.Extra Learning Objective
An additional Learning Objective is also an option and fulfill the requirements of this assignment. Discuss this with your Co-Op Coordinator
20. Guidelines for Writing Self-Evaluation Essay The Self-Evaluation report is a reflective essay assessing and describing your learning experiences accomplished while enrolled in the Cooperative Education program.
The following are guidelines for your Self-Evaluation Essay:
Include each of your learning objectives,
Describe how the learning objectives were accomplished and the steps used to complete objectives,
If there were challenges accomplishing your objectives what were they and what did you learn about yourself,
Did your experience improve your job skills and improve your efficiency and productivity on the job,
Did the experience help develop your career objectives and/or,
Did the experience help clarify your career goals.
The format of the Self-Evaluation Essay is as follows:
Report heading must include your name, Co-Op Coordinators name and date,
Typed 2-3 page essay,
Double-spaced, 12pt.
Please adhere to the deadlines stated on the "Course Requirements and Deadline" Sheet. The Self-Evaluation Essay is a mandatory assignment for the course; if the report is not completed an automatic “F” will be given.
Student Name: Report for Months Hours
Months Total hrs.
Coordinator: Company:
OFFICE USE ONLY:-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Hours must be certified by supervisor: _______________________________________________________
Supervisor's signature: Date:
Supervisors Comments:
22. Forms Section
23. Student Responsibilities Adhere to all Due Dates
Read Course Syllabus/Grading Sheet
Employer Introduction to CWE
Minimum of one appointment and 2 phone contacts w/ Instructor
Develop & Perform Learning Objectives and Required Project
Write Self Evaluation Essay
24. Employer Responsibilities Receive CWE letter from student (employee)
Average time commitment -2 hours p/quarter
Assist with Learning Objectives
Sign 3 time cards during quarter
Feedback on Learning Objectives
Site Visit and Rating Students’ Learning Objectives
25. Next Steps Your Instructor will call you for your first appointment
Prepare Learning Objectives Worksheet
Decide on Required Project
Complete Job Description
Read and sign Student Agreement
Be sure to have employer signatures on appropriate forms
“YOUR job is your classroom”