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Juan Ponce de Leon: Explorer of the New World

Learn about Juan Ponce de Leon's childhood, his journey to the New World sponsored by Queen Isabella and King Ferdinand, his quest for the 'Fountain of Youth', obstacles he faced, expedition results, and his legacy.

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Juan Ponce de Leon: Explorer of the New World

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Juan Ponce de Leon By: Monika, Michael and Ashton

  2. Childhood • Born- Leon, Spain 1460 • Son of very noble family • Knew how to read and write • Became a page in royal court (Page means a young boy who serves the king and queen in court) • Also became a page to become a soldier • Became a soldier • Went on Columbus’s second voyage to the New World in 1493

  3. Sponsored Juan Ponce de Leon got sponsored by Queen Isabella and King Ferdinand.

  4. Why He When To The New World Juan Ponce de Leon went to the New World because he wanted to find the ‘Fountain of Youth’ which is a story about a fountain that has water and when you drink the water, you will become young forever. And he also went there to find gold.

  5. Obstacles Juan Ponce de Leon faced many obstacles one of the main obstacles where the Calusa’s because they ambushed them. So they fled back to their ships and left the area because they noticed that the Calusa’s were a very unfriendly tribe.

  6. Results of The Expedition JPDL never did find the ‘Fountain of Youth’. But, he did make it to the New World. He found gold and colonized Florida. And named it La Florida (that means place of flowers).

  7. 1521 Juan Ponce de Leon died in 1521 when he was 61. he was shot by an arrow in Florida and died of injuries in Havana, Cuba and the governor of Cuba gave him a funeral.

  8. Links http://charlespaolino.wordpress.com/tag/christopher-columbus/ http://powerofpositivity.net/?p=638 http://bellsouthpwp.net/r/u/ruiz_b/PuertoRico/juan_ponce_de_leon.htm http://www.warmmineralspringsshop.com/fountain-of-youth/ elcivics.com transcendent-wellness.com

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