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Surpass your Business Expectations with Intranet Portal Solution

Learn about the advantages and disadvantages of intranet portal solutions along with implementation steps, technical components, and development costs.

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Surpass your Business Expectations with Intranet Portal Solution

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  1. Surpass your Business Expectations with Intranet PortalSolution Employees, partners, stakeholders, and customers have a crucial role in enterprise success. For their productivity, it’s essential that they can access the right information at the right time, communicate with one another, and streamline businessprocesses. Thankfully, intranet portals are thriving. They help augment bottom lines and improve service with partners and clients. An intranet portal solution offers numerous benefits to businesses, such as better engagement and customer satisfaction. However, while researching intranetportal sales@crmjetty.com

  2. development, there are various factors to consider – whether you want to go for an open-source solution or a custom development. An easy communication portal or an intranet portal with an in-depth knowledge base, file, and project managementcapabilities. Considering the elements of intranet portal development, we have curated this article. It covers the benefits and the development cost. Here you’ll also learn how to set up an intranetportalandgetthemostoutofit. What is an IntranetPortal Intranetportalisacollaborativetool that helps and other organizations manage data, applications, information effectively. They can engage, share ideas, and collectively contribute to company goals. An example of an intranet is a private website that is used exclusively by an airlinecompanytodeliverupdatestoitsemployees. While the general purpose of an intranet portal solution is collaboration, you can even integrate different toolsand socialchannels experience—for MicrosoftOffice. toimprovethecommunication example,SharePointintranetfrom DoyouNeedtoUndergoIntranetPortalDevelopment? sales@crmjetty.com

  3. You need a clear picture of your business requirements to decidewhetheryouneedanintranetportalornot. A few questions to askare: • Doestheexistingsolutionofferan customerexperience? • Does it allow third-partyintegrations? • Are your employees/customers satisfied impeccable withthe • service? • Istherealackofcommunicationbetweenteams? • Do you need a solution that will simplify the business process? • If you’re unsatisfied with your existing solution, you need an intranet solution. Deploy an apt intranet portal solution to enjoy benefits such as improved collaboration and engagement, better productivity, customer satisfaction, business efficiency, document and knowledge management, etc. • Why you Needan Intranet Portal Solution • Communication, collaboration, and information sharing are the key elements to business success and productivity. An intranet portal solution allows you to organize content for departments, categories, teams, etc. It strengthensthe sales@crmjetty.com

  4. inter-team relation, streamlines the business process, and automates manualtasks. Here’show: Benefits of IntranetPortal Improves Collaboration andEngagement 65 percentof US employees are not engaged at work. The primary reasonis the lack of communication or an unorganized system. An intranet portal solutionfacilitates internal communication avoiding miscommunication.Itprovidesvarious silosand channelsfor two-way interaction and helps co-workers to share informationwithoneanothereffectively. Intranet helps employees raise queries and get accurate answers to questions. It offers social options like @-mentions, comments, document sharing, notifications, etc. These features enhance communication by pulling the right people at the right time while keeping feedback contextual. sales@crmjetty.com

  5. An intranet portal solution allows your teammates to edit and work together on a project in real-time. They can edit documents and task assignments with others to meet deadlines. Apart from that, you can set up a feedback loop and gain actionable insights. You can conduct surveys and work togetherwithyourteamtodeliverexcellence. IncreasesProductivity Online collaboration and digital workspace increases productivity by 30 percent. This productivity increases ROI and thereby savesrevenue. Here’showanintranetportalsolutionhelps: It provides your employees a centralized platform from where they can carry out all theiractivities. They don’t need to switch between different platforms. For example, they can retrieve a customer’s information directly fromthe sales@crmjetty.com

  6. portalwithoutswitchingtoCRM. Theycangetremindersof their upcoming meetings and appointments directly in the portal. They can share information with other teammates without wasting time on sending emails. Industry-wise announcements, shared posts, trending discussions, and topicsintheorganizationcanbeviewedonthedashboard. Streamlines BusinessProcesses Your company, whether it’s small or big, has a lot of information to store. In most cases, the information is stored across multiple platforms like Google Drive, local storage, email, word documents, etc. An intranet portal solution offers a unified space for all the information, making it easy for the employees to find what they need.It sales@crmjetty.com

  7. also provides a search feature along with self-service capabilities. Builds TransparentCulture 87 percentof individuals want to work for a transparent company. An intranet empowers everyone to comment and like, on anything shared within the company, building transparency between execs and employees. Every employee/team across the world can share their pieces, bridging the physical distance of regions and mental distance of culture andvalues. When teammates feel empowered to open up with their peers, it helps build strong relationships. This fosters understanding, leads to strong relationships of trust, and empowersemployeestoprovidevaluetotheorganization. Available Anytime,Anywhere Once your organization builds an intranet portal solution, your employeesand execs can log in and access it anytime sales@crmjetty.com

  8. from any place and on any device. Despite the geographical differences, teams can work together on a project, share ideas, and collaborate in real-time. An intranet bridges all the communication, productivity, and engagement gapsthat organizations face in internaloperations. Challenges of IntranetPortal Although intranet is a great tool for yourorganization, there aresomechallengesofusinganintranetportal,suchas: DataSecurity Collecting data in one place is risky. Besides, you can’t share all data with all employees. Intranet portal development companiesensurethatthesystemsaresecure,butthat’snot enough. You need to implement firewalls and gateways. Set up defined policies and processes on the use of theintranet portal.Createacodeofconductforusers. To limit the access, ask your provider for a role-based feature. Overload ofInformation Too much information creates chaos. If it’s scattered, it confuses and overwhelms employees and makes it difficult to find the right document or article. The difficulty in finding content may force them to avoid theportal. Without sales@crmjetty.com

  9. proper categorization and organization of content, your knowledge management is of no use. It’s like having resourcesandyetnothavingasingleresource. Time Management andCosts Another challenge is time and cost. Most intranet providers suggest a quick, ready solution. However, everyorganization has different challenges. Their goals, purpose, employees’ expectations, and working are different. Hence, you should go for custom development. It takes time, and the cost is higher than ready-made solutions but has numerous long-term benefits such as tech support, flexibility to expand, updates, andmore. While choosing an intranet vendor, ask about their development process, demo, additional services, charges, etc. You can even request a quote before you decide on a portal. Want to know how we help you with Intranet Portal Development? ContactUs HowtoSetUpanIntranetPortal An intranet portal set up depends on the benefits you want to harness. Understand your requirements and createa sales@crmjetty.com

  10. coherent, feature-rich intranet portal solution by following the stepsbelow: Step 1: Define BusinessObjectives Before you build an intranet portal, make sure all the stakeholders are in for the proposal. Build a team of stakeholders who will supervise the solution selection process. To simplify the selection process, pre-define your business goals and intranet motives. It will help you decide the requirements, features, andtechnology. Step 2: Explore UserPreferences Your employees will be using the intranet. Hence, their inputs are essential. They will suggest ideas and help in intranet development. Conduct surveys, ask for feedback, create a pilot group that will act as a mediator between the employeesandthedevelopmentteam. Step 3: Develop Intranet PortalSolution Reaching this step means you have chosen the solution provider and readied the list of features and requirements. Complete the development process by sharing your ideas with the team, considering their inputs, and undergoing development. sales@crmjetty.com

  11. Step 4: Pilot Test, Roll Out, andMeasure Once the solution is ready, ask the pilot group to test it and get the alterations done. After the group is satisfied, launch it in the organization. Make policies for intranet portal usage. Assign responsibilities for handling, content creation, and governance. Measure metrics for success, engagement, analytics, etc. Address the improvements required in the longterm. Key Components of Intranet PortalSolution While setting up the portal, here are some technical elementsthatyouneedtoconsider. Custom Development orOff-the-Shelf An out-of-the-box solution is for companies that don’t need customizations and are comfortablewith the solutions and sales@crmjetty.com

  12. the services offered. However, most companies have unique requirements and thus may require custom solutions consideringthesecurityandpotentialstability. On-Premise orCloud-Based Some companies prefer on-premise storage as they believe it offers better security. However, setting and maintaining it requires a lot of effort, time, and cost. Cloud-based, on the other hand, offers businesses a wide range of services. It savestheirtimefrommaintenanceandhelpssavecost. Customized Functionalities andIntegrations sales@crmjetty.com

  13. Itcoversthefeaturesandthethird-partypluginsrequiredin the intranet portal solution—for example, payment types and socialchannels. Maintenance andSupport Any intranet portal solution requires constant updates to stay relevant and offer continuous improvements. It should notify you of the system updates before the actual process so that you can plan your business continuity. Also, youwill sales@crmjetty.com

  14. needtechnicalsupportthathelpsyouintheprocess.Hence, lookforateamthatofferstechsupport. Apart from this, adoption, training, and technologies are other key components of intranet portal development. A team with extensive knowledge of portal development can guide you properly. If you would like to know more, you can connect with ourteam. Talk toExperts Costs of Custom IntranetPortal • It depends on various factors such as operations, maintenance,space,setup,andmore.Toidentifytheapprox cost,youneedtoconsiderthetotalcostofdevelopment. • InfrastructureCost • Intranet portal will require hosting, maintenance, etc.If sales@crmjetty.com

  15. you choose on-premise hosting, you may need a physicalspace fortheserver.Thenumberofemployees also affects thecost. • SubscriptionCost • Though cloud-based solutions cost less than on-premise solutions, the subscription fee will add up to your budget. It depends on thesubscription package you choose, the duration of the subscription, and how muchyourbusinessscalesafterthesubscription. • SetupCost • It includes the development cost along with features and additional resources that you add to your solution. The development cost of an intranet portal dependson various factors like the location of the development team, total hours required to develop solutions, technologies,etc. • Training and OnboardingCost • Training ensures that your team can utilize intranet portal solutions without any difficulties. For that, you need to train your IT support team so that they can train staff members to raise tickets and find solutions using knowledgebase and reduce the number of request queries. This organization-leveltraining sales@crmjetty.com

  16. requires time andmoney. • Hence,thecostofanintranetportalisnotjustrelatedtothe development. It covers the entire cost of ownership, from techsupporttocompanysize.Thus,it’sdifficulttoknowthe exact cost of an intranet portal solution in one go. The intranet portal development company can give you a rough idea of the development cost in theinitial stage. Rest, all the components,youneedtofigureitout. • Why You Should have CRMJetty as your Development Partner • CRMJetty is a hub of portal solutions. It has a wide range of industry-specific knowledge and experience in developing custom solutions. We believe that every organization is unique and help maintain the uniqueness by developing a portalsolutiontailoredtoyourbusinessrequirements. • Choosing CRMJetty means youget: • Custom Development: The intranet portal solution will be built from scratch with the technologies, features, and integrations you require. It will be a flexible solutionthatgrowsalongwithyourbusiness. sales@crmjetty.com

  17. RichFeatures:Weprovide allthefeaturesyouandyour employees suggest, considering how well they fit inthe solution and the market trends. You will also get other trendingandfuturisticfeaturesinyourportal. • Training and Support: After launch, we will provide you with extensive training over the intranet portal solution functioning. You will also get a limited-time free supportpost-launch. • There’s a lot more we can do for you, and to know that, you can reachus. • ContactUs Source: https:/ www.crmjetty.com/blog/business-expectations-i ntranet-portal-solution/ sales@crmjetty.com

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