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What is Stress? How to overcome it?
What is Stress? How to overcome it? Stress means different things to different people. What may be a cause of stress to one person may be of very little concern or absolutely no concern to another. Some people are more capable to handle pressure than others. And, not all stress is bad. Your nervous system responds by releasing stress hormones in to your body including adrenaline and cortisol, when you perceive a threat. These hormones arouse the body for emergency action. During stress, your heart rate increases, breathing quickens, muscles tighten, and blood pressure rises.
Top four sources for stress are: •Work •Money •Health Concerns •Family responsibilities Examples of stress •Divorce •Loss of a job •Emotional problems •Chronic illness or injury •The death of a loved one •Increase in financial obligations.
Signs of psychological and emotional stress include: •Making bad decisions •Depression or anxiety •Anger, irritability, or restlessness •Racing thoughts or constant worry •Trouble sleeping or sleeping too much •Problems with your memory or concentration •Feeling overwhelmed, unmotivated, or unfocused Physical symptoms of stress include •Insomnia •Headaches •Low energy •Loss of sexual desire •Frequent cold and infections •Chest pain and rapid heartbeat •Aches, pains, and tense muscles •Upset stomach, including diarrhea, constipation, and nausea. Tips to help reduce and manage your stress levels •Take Control •Get More Sleep •Talk to Someone •Learn to say “NO” •Manage Your Time •Keep a Stress Diary •Try Relaxation Techniques •Indulge in Physical Activity
Exercise One of the most important things you can do to combat stress is Exercise. It might seem paradoxical, but putting physical stress on your body through exercise can relieve mental stress. The benefits are strongest when you exercise regularly. People who don’t exercise regularly are likely to experience nervousness than those who exercise. Activities such as walking or jogging that involve repetitive movements of complete body parts can be particularly stress relieving. Exercise also helps in lowering your body’s stress hormones, such as cortisol in the long run. Cortisol is a steroid hormone made by your adrenal glands. It helps your body respond to stress, fight infections, and regulate blood sugar. In most people, cortisol levels are highest in the morning when they wake
up and lowest around midnight. Exercise can also improve your sleep quality, which can be negatively affected by anxiety and stress. When you exercise regularly, you may feel more competent and confident in your body, which in turn will not only give you positive self esteem, but you would feel and express a range of emotions. Smile and laugh It’s hard to feel restless when you’re laughing. It’s good for your health, and it may help relieve stress. Laughter and Smile helps in relieving your stress response. What is Stress response? Stress response is the emergency reaction system of the body. It is there to keep you safe in emergencies. The stress response includes thought and physical responses to your
perception of various situations. It also helps in relieving tension by relaxing your muscles. In the long term, laughter can also help improve your mood and immune system. Hanging out with friends who make you laugh or try watching a funny TV show. Be part of a laughter club or start one where in you can do all kinds of laughter exercises in the morning to relax all your stress muscles. Get social support Social support from family and friends can help you get through stressful times. Being part of a friend network gives you a sense of self- esteem and belonging, which can help you in tough times.
One study found a natural stress reliever for women in particular, and that was spending time with friends and children. Keep in mind that both men and women gain from acquaintance. Meditation Meditation primarily does this by increasing body and breath awareness. Some studies have examined meditation’s effect on mental health. Overall, research has found that meditation can enhance mood and may even be as effective as antidepressant drugs at treating depression and anxiety. However, many of these studies are limited, and there are still questions about how meditation works to achieve stress reduction. In general, the benefit of meditation for stress and anxiety seems to be related to its effect on your nervous system and stress response.
Meditation may help lower cortisol levels, blood pressure and heart rate. CONCLUSION Regular exercise can help lower stress, nervousness and improving your sleep and self esteem. Find the humor in everyday life, watch a comedy show or spend time with funny friends to help relieve stress. Have strong social ties, discuss your problems with someone you trust, ask for help, you never know, who can show you the path of opportunities, which can lend a hand to get rid of your problems and it may help you get through stressful times and lower your risk of anxiety. Meditation is widely used for stress reduction. It may help lower stress blood pressure and hormone levels.
I have seen lot of people dying due to heart attack or suicide because they are not able to manage their stress levels. I do not understand one thing: the reason for which people are taking stress today, will this reason be valid even after a week, a month or a year? Question yourself! Good and bad time comes in every one’s life. We enjoy ourselves in good time and in bad time we start taking unwanted stress and spoil our health and relationships. We need to stay positive in bad time. That is why in bad time you need to stay calm and peaceful to resolve the problem. “Where there is a problem there will be a Solution” On a personal front I come up with stress, by asking myself the below question.
I have a problem; can I do something about it? If my answer is "YES" than why take the stress, because then I will be working towards resolving the problem. & If my answer is "NO" than why take the stress, because in that case your only hope is god almighty. I had once heard a famous saint explain the above beautifully in one of his public speech.