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GPC 355 Special Education. Introduction Unit 1. Dean Owen, Ph.D., LPCC METU-NCC Spring 2014. Welcome to GPC 355 Special Education Hoş Geldiniz!. 1. Introductions… Who are we???. Plan for the day. 2. Review the course syllabus and the requirements for the class! What must I do?.
GPC 355 Special Education Introduction Unit 1 Dean Owen, Ph.D., LPCC METU-NCC Spring 2014
1. Introductions… Who are we??? Plan for the day 2. Review the course syllabus and the requirements for the class! What must I do? 3. Provide an overview of the course topics….what kind of things will be talking about and doing together? • Make an assignment for next week. What is due for 24 February?
Prof. Dr. Dean W. Owen Office: T 124 Phone: +90 392-661-3001 Email: dean@metu.edu.tr Personal web-site: http://vargadriver.weebly.com Your Instructor
If it is not fun…..don’t do it! My Philosophy But, if you must do it, have as much fun as you can!!!
I have only one responsibility….. To help you master the information in this course……to help you reach your goal of becoming a counselor! Important Note
We are going to make a trip together….you and me! A Short Story I am going to be your guide.
That’s what every class is about….moving from here to there as easily as possible. That will require change and that’s never easy. A Short Story
I cannot go any faster than you can walk! If you can run….we will run! If you can walk….we will walk! If you can only crawl….then we will crawl But I will not stop…nor will you!!
09:00 to 12:00 Wednesday and by appointment. Office Hours
Text No Text will be used for this class. Assigned readings and PowerPoints created by your instructor will be the foundation of this class.
Catalog Description: Basic concepts and principles of special education; examination of the various types of handicaps in childhood and adolescence; types of special education services; intervention strategies offered to different types of handicaps. Organizations, programs, curriculum, and their implications provided for various types of handicaps
This unit has been designed to introduce students to the counselor’s role and function as a critical component of the educational team providing services to special needs students. This will involve analysis of the counselor’s role in the school as well as an understanding of the various categories of exceptionality.
Objectives: By the end of this course, each of the students will be able to describe and discuss each of the following: 1. The history and importance of Special Education as an importance component of the educational process. 2. The role of the school counseling professional in delivery of special education services within the school and community. 3. The phases of the special education process including preliminary identification, assessment, planning and delivery of educational services. 4. The concepts of disability and giftedness.
5. The etiology, development, expression, and effects of disabling conditions affecting cognitive, emotional/behavior, and physical development. • 6. The assessment procedures utilized in the identification of “special needs” clients. • 7. The consultative and educative role of the counseling professional for students, family and colleagues. • 8. The importance of creating a school environment that is inclusive and tolerant. • 9. The importance of addressing issues of personal belief, bias, and attitude in working with special needs clients and their families.
Course Requirements: As an entry level survey course in the field of special education great deal of material will be presented during the course of the semester. Student will be expected to : 1. read the assigned material each week; 2. actively participate in class discussions/demonstrations and homework; 3. successfully demonstrate mastery of the course material on two mid-term examinations. 4. prepare and present a class presentation on a specific topic from the field of Special Education. 5. Successfully demonstrate overall mastery of the material on a final examination.
Student Assessment: Students will be assessed on the following five (5) components: 1. Mid-Term Exam I: 40 points 2. Mid-Terms Exam II: 40 points 3. Presentation: 40 points) 4. Final Exam: 60 points 5. Homework assignments 50 points Total points possible 230 points
Prepare Research Presentation: This component of the course will require students to: a. Select a specific and contemporary topic from the field of Special Education (Instructor must approve topic) and; b. Prepare a 20 minute (15 min presentation, 5 min Q&A) conference style classroom presentation on the topic making use of handouts and/or PowerPoint presentation.
Research Presentation: Due Date: Weeks 12, 13, and 14 of the semester. Duration: 15 minutes of presentation + 5 minutes of Q & A part Maximum points available from presentation: 40
Rules for submission of written assignments: When written assignments are required students are expected to submit a hard copy of the assignment on the due date at the beginning of the class. Please note that no email submissions are allowed. If you are unable to submit your assignment on time please contact the instructor. Referencing: All written material submitted or presented is expected to conform to the American Psychological Association (APA) style of referencing.
For APA Style you may consult either of the following sites for some basic information. 1. http://www.lesley.edu/library/guides/citation/apa.html 2. http://owl.english.purdue.edu/owl/resource/560/01/ When submitting your material it is NOT necessary to put your work in a plastic sleeve…..
Academic Regulations Please familiarize yourself with the METU academic rules and regulations. Read the documents on the following web pages: http://www.ncc.metu.edu.tr/studaffairs/acadrules.php http://www.ncc.metu.edu.tr/academic/acadcode-of-ethics.php
Academic Regulations What is plagiarism ?
Academic Regulations Each student must submit by the third class meeting a certificate indicating they have completed the online training program from the University of Indiana on plagiarism. That program can be accessed by visiting the following web-site: https://www.indiana.edu/~istd/
Attendance Attendance is compulsory. Failure to maintain a regular attendance record and to participate in all class discussions may seriously undermine a student’s ability to satisfactorily complete the unit as some of the materials to be covered in exams will be available only in lectures. Please also refer to the assessment details.
Class Web-Page In order to provide and easily accessible source of information for students a web-page has been created in which all necessary information related to the course will be published. The course syllabus, all lecture PowerPoint presentations and other readings will be place on this web-page. Assignment will be posted here as well.
Class Web-Page Students are strongly encouraged to consult this web-page frequently (at least once time per week). http://vargapilot.weebly.com
The answer is very simple…… 1. Read the assigned material each week…….
Examinations in 4 Steps Step 1: Before you prepare for a task you must know what the task is and what you must do….. Solution: Read the study guide that will be given to you….it will tell you what topics will be on the exam and what you must be able to do……
Examinations in 4 Steps Step 2: Preparation and study is essential. You may wish to consider forming study groups if that suits your style….using the study guide will make this process more efficient, focused and quicker….
Examinations in 4 Steps • Step 3: Come prepared to take the exam…. • Show up on time • Have a #2 pencil with you • Go through the test answering those questions of which you are sure…. • Return to those items you could not answer on the first pass….remember, your first idea is usually the best one.
Examinations in 4 Steps Step 4: Bring your exam to the instructor to receive a special service…..IEDS “Instant Error Detection Service” no waiting necessary!
Make-Up Exams Make-up exams will be offered at the discretion of the instructor and only in those cases where sufficient justification exists. Students may be asked to provide evidence of medical condition/treatment or other extraordinary situation to document a compelling need for a make-up exam. Pplease contact the instructor as soon as possible.
Special Acomodations ADA Statement: This course will be conducted in compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). All qualified students enrolled in this course are entitled to “reasonable accommodations”. It is the student’s responsibility to inform the instructor of any special needs or accommodations required as the result of physical disability or other handicapping condition by the second class meeting.
OK, so what’s the course about, anyway? The simple answer is ….Special Education….or providing services to students with special needs. The more complete answer is that to provide services to special needs students and their families a counselor needs to have a complete understanding of what makes some students “special needs” students. This is the study of exceptionality.
Special Education OK…aren’t we all special???
OK…aren’t we all special??? Take a few minutes and write down a description of a “perfect person”….an “ideal person”…..a person others would admire! Try to include at least 5 qualities.
OK…aren’t we all special??? YES!!!!!
Special Education Touching the lives of children and their families Lifting people up
Special Education The counselor’s role will be to coordinate services and opportunities to remove barriers to education for all children!!