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Hydro-power: used by humans since the ancient ages….

Hydro-power: used by humans since the ancient ages…. Modern installations: Two world’s largest hydropower plants: Itaipu Dam, on the border between Brazil and Paraguay, until recently the largest (14,000 MW) The Dam of Three Gorges In China, currently the largest (18,300 MW, target

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Hydro-power: used by humans since the ancient ages….

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  1. Hydro-power: used by humans since the ancient ages….

  2. Modern installations: Two world’s largest hydropower plants: Itaipu Dam, on the border between Brazil and Paraguay, until recently the largest (14,000 MW) The Dam of Three Gorges In China, currently the largest (18,300 MW, target power 22,500 MW). (for comparison: average power consumption in Oregon: 5,300 MW; USA in December 2008: 461,000 MW).

  3. The largest US hydropower station, and another very large one: Hoover Dam (power: 2080 MW; 4 TW-hour annually) Grand Coule Dam (Columbia River): (6800 MW; 22.6 TW-hour annually) World: List of the largest hydropower plants

  4. Hydroelectric Energy actually is Solar Energy “somewhat transformed” by the lady shown below: Mother Nature

  5. Global hydropower resources: Enough to satisfy almost 50% of the current global consumption. But the power supplied by all existing installation is only 6% of the total global consumption.

  6. Global power production: Hydropower production, by countries:

  7. Idaho Washington Oregon S. Dakota Maine Montana

  8. TRY THIS: Pumped-storage power plant -- animation Aerial view of the reservoir of a pumped-storage power plant in Italy

  9. Generator/motor Turbine Pump

  10. Raccoon Mountain Pumped-Storage Power Plant, TN, the US fifth-largest (1530 MW). The largest in the US, and in the world: Bath County, VA (2700 MW). List of the largest Pumped-Storage plants worldwide, by countries

  11. A graph showing a typical daily activity of a pumped-storage plant: Pumping (mostly, during night hours), and Power Generation – the power generated may sharply go up and down, depending on how much “backup” the nation’s power system needs at a given moment.

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