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Enlisted Association of the National Guard of the United States. YOUR Professional Association!. NDAA 2008. Pay Raise. Early Retirement. More Retirement Points. MGIB Portability. CNGB gets 4 th Star. IDT Travel Pay. Repeal Insurrection Act changes. No TRICARE increases.
Enlisted Association of the National Guard of the United States YOUR Professional Association!
NDAA 2008 Pay Raise Early Retirement More Retirement Points MGIB Portability CNGB gets 4th Star IDT Travel Pay Repeal Insurrection Act changes No TRICARE increases Retain combat Injured Mil Techs Extend VA health Care from 2 to 5 yrs NG Empowerment $66M Yellow Ribbon Reintegration Program $800M NGREA
NDAA 2008 Separate NGB budget authority Seat on JCS For CNGB Joint Duty Credit For TAGs SBP DIC Offset removal Cold War Victory Medal 2 more WMD/CST Teams Retroactivity for early Retirement provisions TRICARE for gray Area retirees Postal benefits for OIF/OEF mailings Commissary access by Surviving spouses MGIB-SR stays with HASC and not HVAC
2 ½ year study, 6 Major Areas, 163 findings, 95 recommendations COMMISSION ON THE NATIONAL GUARD FINAL REPORT AND RESERVE Eliminate BAH-II DHS, not DOD, to determine civil support requirements HLS is primary mission for Guard, combat role is for actives and federal reserves Reduce duty statuses from 29 to 2; cease IDT pay One retirement system, vest at 10 years, collect at age 57—60--62 Reduce AGR program, assign active component to billets in units Paid IDT Travel over 50 miles with no restrictions, but promote and assign anywhere SSS registrants used as manpower pool for national emergencies Directors Army & Air Guard report to CSA & CSAF not CNGB
NO COMBAT “I would say defending the homeland is combat, it is war fighting.” Maj Gen (Ret) Arnold Punaro, CNGR Chair, National Journal 2/2/2008
ANG Major Units Eielson 8 Elmendorf 8 Kulis 8 Kulis 8 Fairchild 8 Bangor 8 Great Falls 15 Portland 21 Duluth 15 Hector 0 Burlington 18 Hector 8 Alpena/CRTC Boise 15 Pease 9 Minn/ST Paul 8 Boise 4 Hancock 15 Klamath 15 Barnes Otis 15 Niagara 8 Volk/CRTC Schenectady 14 Jose Foss 18 Quonset 8 Gen Mitchell 9 Bradley C-21 Selfridge 8 Stewart 12 Bradley 8 Kellogg 15 Truax 18 Gabreski 9 Selfridge 15 Willow Grove 15 Sioux City 8 Cheyenne 8 Pittsburg 16 Toledo 18 McGuire 16 FT Wayne 18 Des Moines 18 Harrisburg 6 Mansfield 8 Offut/Det Atlantic City 18 Reno 8 Peoria 8 New Castle 8 Salt Lake 8 Lincoln 8 Rickenbacker 16 Martin St 18 Moffett 9 Martinsburg 10 Terre Haute 15 Buckley 15 Rosecrans 8 Martin St 8 Andrews 18 Spring/Beck 12 Buckley 2 Andrews 4 Capital 15 Forbes 8 Richmond 15 Lambert 15 Charleston 8 Fresno 18 Louisville 8 Scott 8 McConnell 9 Channel Is 8 Charlotte 8 Nashville 8 Tulsa 21 McGhee Tyson 8 Kirkland 18 Ft Smith 15 Sky Harbor 8 Memphis 8 March 0 McEntire 24 Will Rogers 8 Birmingham 8 Little Rock 8 Robins 12 Tucson 53 Ft Worth 8 Savannah 8 Jackson 8 Tucson 0 CRTC Hickam 8 Key Fld 9 Dannelly 18 Hickam 15 Gulfport/CRTC Hickam 8 The MDS Jacksonville 15 Ellington0 New Orleans 15 KC-135 E F-16 15 F-16 15 Kelly Fld 18 KC-135 R F-16 25 F-16 25 The Host The Host C-130 E F-16 30 F-16 30 Air Force Air Force C-130 H F-16 32 F-16 32 ANG ANG C-130 J F-16 42 F-16 42 AFRC AFRC NO COMBAT C-5 F-15 F-15 Navy Navy C-17 A-10 A-10 Muniz 8 Sp Alft UAV UAV CSAR J8
Fees indexed to retired pay Fair to American Taxpayer Very generous benefit, but not free Retiree enroll fees +380% in 5 yrs TASK FORCE ON THE FUTURE OF MILITARY HEALTH CARE FINAL REPORT
Annual /Monthly Enrollment Fees for Prime Family before Proposed Indexing TASK FORCE ON THE FUTURE OF MILITARY HEALTH CARE FINAL REPORT Single would feature an enrollment fee and a deductible that equals half of those for family rates.
DOD overestimated costs and projected enrollment TRICARE RESERVE SELECT (TRS) GAO Report DOD Est. FY’05 cost $70M, actual cost $5M DOD Est. FY’06 cost $442M, actual cost $40M Health care costs went up 4.7% for FY’06, DOD raised rates 8.5% DOD charges premiums of $81 monthly for member, $253 monthly for family GAO said premiums should be $48 member, $175 family PREMIUMS PAID BY MEMBERS EXCEEDED COSTS !! 22,616 Total TRS plans 8,311 member-only plans 14,305 member and family plans 61,376 covered TRS beneficiaries as of February 25, 2008
EANGUSLegislative Priorities for 2007-2008 57 LEGISLATIVE GOALS 2005-2007, 13 ‘PRIORITY 1’ Employment protections for caregivers of wounded warriors Public Law 110-181, Section 585 (07-19) National Guard Empowerment provisions (2 resolutions) Public Law 110-181, Sections 1801-1826 (07-09 & 06-27)(07-13,P2) Reduced retirement eligibility (“age 55 retirement”) Public Law 110-181, Sections 1801-1826 (07-04)(06-19,P3) CRSC/CRDP for 100% disabled & rated IU Public Law 110-181, Section 642 (06-05) TRICARE available on affordable cost share basis Public Law 109-364, Section 706 (06-23) Increased funding and modernization of equipment NGREA increased from $150M to $800M from FY’07 to FY’08 (06-02)(07-13,P2)(05-17) Permanent TRICARE health and dental care Funding streams provided in earlier fiscal years (07-07) Veteran status by Veterans Affairs for all 20-year retirees Continuing to work with House staff on a bill (07-16) Increased AGR authorizations & control grades (2 resolutions) AGR ramps protected; working with House staff on a bill for increased control grades (07-01 & 06-16) [2 other P1 had no measurable action] Retain combat injured Mil Techs without regard to NDS limits Public Law 110-181, Section 511 (06-15,P2)(06-04,P3) Improved MGIB benefits, including transportability Public Law 110-181, Sections 530 & 535 (05-12) [TMC G-R 2008 goals include 20 additional legislative resolutions]
TMC Guard – Reserve CommitteeLegislative Priorities for 2008 Reduced retirement eligibility retroactivity to 9/11 (07-04,P1) $2 billion cost according to CBO Seamless transition for mobilized reservists and families Expand Benefits Delivery at Discharge Program, establish Flexible Spending Accounts, authority for employers to contribute to 401(k)/403(b) during mob, academic protections for mobilized students, reemployment rights for reserve spouses who suspend employment to care for children during mobilizations Improved MGIB benefits Raise rates, cumulative benefits for multiple combat tours, integrate active and reserve MGIB programs, extend usage period post-discharge, transferability to dependents Guard & Reserve readiness (07-01,P1) (07-10,P4) (07-12,P5) (06-02,P1) (06-16,P1) Maintain end strengths and proper funding for equipment and training Family support programs Better access to web based programs like Military OneSource, robust preventive counseling services, rights and benefits education, child care off the installation Authorize tax credits for employers of reservists (07-03,P2) (06-24,P1) Pass meaningful tax credits and reinforce employer support
TMC Guard – Reserve CommitteeLegislative Priorities for 2008 Continuum of health care insurance options (07-05,P2) (06-17,P3) (05-13) Oppose any TRS fee increases without adequate justification, equivalent offset to civilian plan premiums during mobilization, increase dental benefits to ensure dental readiness standards when facilities are not available within 50 miles, adequate access and treatment for PTSD and TBI off the installation Changes to above-the-line deduction for overnight travel expenses (05-16) Change 100 mile restriction to 50 miles Veteran Status for Guard-Reserve retirees (07-16,P1) Expand veteran status to 20-year retirees but do not otherwise qualify under Title 38 Reserve compensation system (07-14,P2) (06-08,P9) (05-20) (05-04) Revise 1/30th rule for special pays, eliminate BAH-II, improve Space-A travel provisions, improve reserve income replacement program for mobilized reservists USERRA & SCRA improvement (06-07,P5) (06-22,P12) (05-15) Stronger credit provisions, greater teeth in USERRA to protect mobilized reservists and their families
6 Not returning in 2009 SAC-M SVAC SAC-M SAC-D SASC
35 Not returning in 2009; all are up for re-election HVAC HASC HAC-D HASC HAC-D, HAC-M HASC HASC
YOUR Professional Association! 1-800-234-3264 http://www.eangus.org