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Minnesota National Guard Enlisted Association (MNGEA). What is MNGEA?. The Minnesota National Guard Enlisted Association (MNGEA) is a Non-Profit Professional Military Organization that represents the interests of the enlisted personnel of the Minnesota Army and Air National Guard.
Minnesota National Guard Enlisted Association (MNGEA)
What is MNGEA? The Minnesota National Guard Enlisted Association (MNGEA) is a Non-Profit Professional Military Organization that represents the interests of the enlisted personnel of the Minnesota Army and Air National Guard. MNGEA is the only Professional Organization that specifically works on behalf of the Enlisted Guard Members in the State of Minnesota. WHAT IS THE PURPOSE OF MNGEA?To promote and support adequate security for the State of Minnesota and the United States of America. To foster, improve and advance the status, welfare, and professionalism of the National Guard of the State of Minnesota and the National Guard of the United States, and generally do all lawful acts and things necessary, proper and suitable to accomplish these purposes. To be affiliated with the Enlisted Association of the United States (EANGUS), and to be subject to the Constitution and By-Laws of that body, insofar as they effect and prescribe the function of the Minnesota National Guard Enlisted Association (MNGEA), but do not conflict with the articles of incorporation, and the laws of the State of Minnesota.
Scholarships Annual scholarships available to Association members only: CSM VIRGIL R. WILLIAMS SCHOLARSHIP $2,000 awarded each year Eligibility: 1. EANGUS members 2. Unmarried sons and daughters of EANGUS members 3. Spouses of EANGUS members 4. Unmarried spouses and unmarried dependent sons and daughters of deceased EANGUS members who were in good standing at the time of their death. EANGUS AUXILIARY SCHOLARSHIP Eligibility: 1. EANGUS Auxiliary members 2. Unmarried, dependent sons/daughters of EANGUS Auxiliary members 3. Spouses of EANGUS Auxiliary members MNGEA AUXILIARY (MINUTEMAN) SCHOLARSHIP Eligibility: 1. Current MNGEA members and their dependents.
Life Insurance State Sponsored Life Insurance (SSLI) Did you know that every member of the Minnesota National Guard is covered with $1,000 SSLI at no cost to the member. This $1,000 benefit is provided through the Militia Insurance Trust Group Life Insurance Plan. You do not need to be a member of NGAUS or MNGEA to get this. It is derived from United States Public Law 93-289, May 24, 1974; Sections 204 and 206 of Title 37, United States Code. Minnesota provides SSLI through their National Guard Associations, sponsorship of the Group Life Plans detailed in their Web sites. You can find out more at http://www.ngssli.com/ and http://www.ngamn.org/insurance.php. Key Benefits of the SSLI * $500,000+ in coverage available for the MN National Guardsman through a combination of the SSLI plans. * Coverage available for the spouse and children. * Rates do not go up just because you separate from the National Guard -you can keep coverage when you separate. * Coverage 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. * No War Exclusion - you are covered in combat. * No Aviation Exclusion - aviators are covered. * New Recruits are eligible for $10,000 SSLI coverage under the MIT Group Life Insurance Plan at no cost for the first year of service in the MN National Guard. Enrollment must occur with in 90 days of joining the MN National Guard. Go to www.NGSSLI.com for more information including eligibility, benefits, rates, exclusions, limitations and renewal provisions. Enrollment forms are also available online. Contact information: call R. Austin Jenkins, CLU at 1-800-633-8333 Policy service: toll free 1-800-633-8333
What has the Association Done? • Every Soldier and Airman is entitled to the benefits that result from their service. Without an Advocate looking out for those interests, however, benefits can and will be lost. • Some Current Benefits that were impacted by Enlisted Association advocacy: • IDT Pay protection (Defeated efforts to eliminate the 2 UTA/day pay structure) • Increased IDT points for retirement • Burial benefits • VA Home Loan Program • Military Leave protection for Federal Technicians • Post 9-11 GI Bill benefits • AGR Retirement at highest grade held • Protection and expansion of tuition reimbursement & FTA programs • Homeowners insurance protection
2013 Accomplishments • The legislative staff at EANGUS worked tirelessly to ensure that National Guard issues and legislative priorities were included in the FY14 NDAA. Accomplishments include: • No major changes to Army or Air National Guard end strength • Ample funding for National Guard accounts • Saved the UH-72 Lakota helicopter from retirement and increased procurement funding • Requires the Department of Defense to submit reporting on the role of the National Guard in U.S. Cyber Command and cybersecurityoperations • Limitations on deployment cancellations and off-ramping for National Guard units • Improved mental health care for National Guard service members • Stopped the Air Force from divesting the A-10 Warthog
CALL TO ACTION • Current “CALLs” active before the 113th Congress: • 14-02: Support H.R. 3930 establishing a National Commission on the Structure of the Army • 14-01: Back the Hunter/WalzLetter (Army and Air Guard Force Structure protection) • 13-08: Providing Members of the National Guard with Hiring Preference Points for Federal Civil Service Jobs • 13-07: Streamlining the VA appeals process and granting Veteran Status to Guard and Reserve retirees • 12-04: Maintaining the National Guard's Overseas Missions • 13-06: Protecting Guard and Reserve Pay During a Government Shutdown
MNGEA Resolutions in 2013 • Resolutions passed by the 2013 MNGEA Conference Delegation and brought forward to the appropriate legislative bodies: • Resolution 13-01: Support for HF89 & SF217, Civil immunity from damages provided in certain situations with participation in the Beyond the Yellow Ribbon program and business discrimination provision • Resolution 13-02: Protection of uniformed service personnel that protect the State • Resolution 13-03: Extension of benefits for the Post 9-11 GI Bill • Resolution 13-04: Military Retirement Tax Exemption • Resolution 13-05: Enabling Business to direct pay for TRICARE Reserve Select • Resolution 13-06: Support for EANGUS Resolutions and efforts affecting members of the National Guard
EANGUS Resolutions in 2013 • Select resolutions from the 2013 EANGUS Conference Delegation and brought forward to the appropriate legislative bodies: • NR13-02:GI Bill Fairness to Veterans Retired Before August 1, 2009 • NR13-04:Providing for Physical Therapy Under TRICARE • NR13-06: Protecting Dual-Status Military Technicians from Furlough Under • Future Sequesters • NR13-08: Modernization of the Army National Guard UH-60 Black Hawk Helicopter Fleet • NR13-09:Veterans Status for Dual-Status Military Technicians Serving During Identified Times of War • NR13-10: Funding the National Guard Counterdrug Program • NR13-12: Early Retirement • NR13-13:National Guard Federal Hiring Preference Points • NR13-15:End Strength of the National Guard • NR13-18:Sustainment and Field-level maintenance facilities • NR13-20:Concurrent Receipt
WWW.MNGEA.COM Conference Information Legislative Updates Meeting Schedule Executive Board Area / Chapter Listing
JOIN TODAY Join the United Voices of Enlisted National Guard members in Minnesota and across the 54 States and Territories. Join online at: www.eangus.org Snail Mail a paper application from: www.mngea.com
MNGEA Executive Board 2013-2014 *** Positions subject to 2014 elections
Contact Information • STATE OFFICE (651) 775-8262 • Website: www.mngea.com • Email: • Executive Director: director@mngea.com • Membership services: membership@mngea.com • NATIONAL OFFICE 1-800-234-EANG • Website: www.eangus.org • Email: eangus@eangus.org
Discounts for Members Visit the EANGUS Website for details EANGUS TRAVEL