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SEERA-EI. WP5 – Dissemination and liaison with pan European initiatives. www.seera-ei.eu. Belgrade, Networking Meeting, December 21st, 2009. Margarita Nikolova EA “ECNIS” / MTITC (ex-SAITC) m.nikolova@daits.government.bg. WP 5 – Objectives.
SEERA-EI WP5 – Dissemination and liaison with pan European initiatives www.seera-ei.eu Belgrade, Networking Meeting, December 21st, 2009 Margarita Nikolova EA “ECNIS”/ MTITC (ex-SAITC)m.nikolova@daits.government.bg
WP5 – Objectives Dissemination/Communication Coordinator (Dissemination Coordinator -DC) Roles and responsibilities The DC is nominated among the members of the SC. The responsibilities of the DC will be: To coordinate the dissemination and communication work of the project, To prepare, maintain and advance the promotional material and the web portal, To disseminate project’s results, through established PR channels, to newspapers, journalists, web-sites and news forums, To organise policy workshops; To liaise and create synergies with other ERA-NETs. SEERA-EI PSC03 meeting, Belgrade, 21-22nd December 2009
Spreading excellence, exploiting results, disseminating knowledge Dissemination and exploitation Due to its political “flavour” SEERA-EI will strongly pursue dissemination and exploitation of its tangible results. Public awareness is among the main ingredients of success. As a consequence, a dedicated “horizontal” work-package will tackle explicitly the production and flow of information to a significant mass of eInfrastructure stakeholders. Multilingual provision of the dissemination material is anticipated. SEERA-EI PSC03 meeting, Belgrade, 21-22nd December 2009
Dissemination and exploitation A dedicated web portal will be available to facilitate the internal and external communication. The project coordinator will provide the required infrastructure and the resources to host the web portal. Besides the “virtual” means, printed material will also be prepared and circulated. Folders, press releases, fact sheets and brochures that will provide information on topics of common interest are expected to be released in regular time periods. Visibility by liaising with eIRG, EGI, ESFRI, other ERA-NETs and co-ordination actions will be pursued. Synergies with digital repositories and infrastructure projects will broaden the target audience. SEERA-EI PSC03 meeting, Belgrade, 21-22nd December 2009
Dissemination and exploitation Analytically, the action list for the dissemination and exploitation activities is as follows: The resulting studies of the project will be promoted by preparing and distributing publicity materials to promote both the results achieved regarding national programme owners’ collaboration, development of national programmes, and joint regional activities; as well as the general widespread use of eInfrastructures by all members and all disciplines of the regional research and education community. SEERA-EI PSC03 meeting, Belgrade, 21-22nd December 2009
Dissemination and exploitation The project will prepare a promotional package including the project brochure and a presentation. Newsletters, distributed through existing established channels will ensure a wide information flow and dissemination activity, targeted at a wide audience and public at large. The consortium will organize two workshops: one targeted at a wider regional audience and one specifically targeted at wider peer European audience. The targeted audience are the key stakeholders in the region and on the pan-European level. SEERA-EI PSC03 meeting, Belgrade, 21-22nd December 2009
Dissemination and exploitation Actions will be taken for liaising with other pan-European efforts with similar or adjacent objectives such as other ERA-NET initiatives. Synergies with policy bodies such as eIRG will be sought. Feedback will be gathered from the project participants in the organized project meetings (physical or video-conference) about the project results of dissemination. The suggestions will be used to further increase the effectiveness of the actions. SEERA-EI PSC03 meeting, Belgrade, 21-22nd December 2009
Dissemination and exploitation Presentations at policy-oriented conferences and EC concertation events are the capstone of this activity. A white paper with strategic orientation will be compiled in the context of WP3. The paper will outline the best practices and a blue-print for national eInfrastructure programme management (however taking into account local specificities). SEERA-EI PSC03 meeting, Belgrade, 21-22nd December 2009
Dissemination and exploitation WP5 deliverables will facilitate the achievement of dissemination activities planned; the promotion package including a brochure and an electronic presentation are the main deliverables serving for the promotion of both project results and the e-infrastructure in general. The web site, document repository will be further useful tools. In much the same way as SEE infrastructure implementation projects (SEEREN, SEE-GRID) have laid down a blueprint for other regional infrastructure developments, SEERA-EI will aim to set and example for pan-European collaboration or programme managers in the field, and through the above-mentioned dissemination mechanisms way spread excellence in Europe and beyond. SEERA-EI PSC03 meeting, Belgrade, 21-22nd December 2009
WP5 Task A5.1 – Dissemination and outreach – This task has to ensure a wide dissemination campaign aimed at national, regional and European levels, encompassing the audience as wide as research infrastructure operators and users, other government bodies and policy makers, and industry. T.Gurov, BAS; coordinated by GrNet & M. Nikolova EA ”ECNIS” /MTITC A5.2 – Related Initiatives’ liaison - This task has to ensure that the relevant activities in eInfrastructure programme coordination on the European level are followed in detail and contributed to significantly. GrNet (supervision) & Margarita Nikolova – EA “ECNIS” (coordination BG political support) SEERA-EI PSC03 meeting, Belgrade, 21-22nd December 2009
WP5 Task A5.3 – Develop and maintain promotional material The project has to prepare a promotional package including the project brochure or fact sheet and a presentation, which will be updated when needed. Newsletters, distributed through existing established channels will ensure a wide information flow and dissemination activity GRNet + Emanouil Atanasov – IPP – BAS SEERA-EI PSC03 meeting, Belgrade, 21-22nd December 2009
Deliverables and month of delivery (1) D5.1a – SEERA-EI Promotional material – M06 This deliverable will outline the project promotional material. The material includes a brochure or a fact sheet and an electronic presentation of the project’s main characteristics (i.e. consortium structure, goals and objectives, etc.). The aim of these materials will be to spread the project’s strategic mission and objectives with different formats adapted to the events where the SEERA-EI will be presented. O. Prnjat GRNet SEERA-EI PSC03 meeting, Belgrade, 21-22nd December 2009
Deliverables and month of delivery (1) D5.2a – Intermediate report on project dissemination and outreach – M18 This deliverable will include the reports on all dissemination activates the project will pursue. Concertation events, representation in eInfrastructure workshops and presentations to conferences are a few to name. GrNet,Todor Gurov – IPP-BAS (eInfrstructure workshops), Kalin Shutilov & Greta Stoycheva, EA “ECNIS” (summary of partner reports), Margarita Nikolova, EA “ECNIS”/MTITC (coordination of M18 preparation) SEERA-EI PSC03 meeting, Belgrade, 21-22nd December 2009
Deliverables and month of delivery (2) D5.3a – Intermediate report on project liaison activities – M18 D5.3 includes reports from the result of liaison with similar regional or European activities. Some of them have already been addressed and ranked as of high priority. To name a few, GEANT and EGEE are the cornerstone projects that the consortium will establish substantial synergies. GrNet, Kiril Boyanov – IPP- BAS & M. Nikolova (GEANT); GrNet, Todor Gurov – IPP-BAS (EGEE) SEERA-EI PSC03 meeting, Belgrade, 21-22nd December 2009
Deliverables and month of delivery (3) D5.4 – Project conference for EU audience – M30 D5.4 will report on the results of a regional workshop of SEERA-EI with a broader audience that will also serve to increase the interaction of research communities and concentrate on project opportunities appeared by the realization of SEERA-EI. Kalin Shutilov & Diana Vassileva EA “ECNIS”(summary report); Todor Gurov & Emanouil Atanasov (GRID outcomes report); GrNet O. Prnjat & Margarita Nikolova – coordination SEERA-EI PSC03 meeting, Belgrade, 21-22nd December 2009
Deliverables and month of delivery (3) D5.1b– SEERA-EI Promotional material – M31 Second version of D5.1 D5.2b – Final report on project dissemination and outreach – M36 Second version of D5.2 D5.3b – Final report on project liaison activities – M36 Second version of D5.3 SEERA-EI PSC03 meeting, Belgrade, 21-22nd December 2009
Deliverables SEERA-EI PSC03 meeting, Belgrade, 21-22nd December 2009
Milestones SEERA-EI PSC03 meeting, Belgrade, 21-22nd December 2009
Timing of WP5 and its components SEERA-EI PSC03 meeting, Belgrade, 21-22nd December 2009
DISSEMINATION DESCRIPTION and liaison with pan-European initiatives: A GENERAL OVERVIEW • The South-East European eInfrastructure initiatives aim to ensure equal participation of the region in European networking and Grid computing trends. SEEREN initiative has established regional network and SEE-GRID the regional Grid. SEE-LIGHT project is currently establishing dark-fibre backbone in the region, and SEE-GRID-SCI empowering strategic regional user communities in common use of the eInfrastructure. Close collaboration of National Research & Education Networks and National Grid Initiatives in the region was crucial in materialising this vision. The above initiatives have also raised awareness of national ministries for the necessity of local programmes and financial support for eInfrastructures: a number of ministries have contributed to local network funding and regional interconnections, as well as national Grid programmes. SEERA-EI PSC03 meeting, Belgrade, 21-22nd December 2009
DISSEMINATION DESCRIPTION and liaison with pan-European initiatives: SEERA-EI will capitalise on this momentum and link national-level programme managers and provide an open forum for information exchange, in order to enable coordination of national programmes in eInfrastructures, and to set the framework for a common regional agenda. The project will gather and exchange information regarding current programmes and carry out a state-of-the-art analysis; produce set of best practices and guidelines for national eInfrastructure programmes; and identify areas for joint regional activities, ranging from short-term soft actions, mid-term policy-level actions, to preparatory activities for long-term actions. SEERA-EI PSC03 meeting, Belgrade, 21-22nd December 2009
DISSEMINATION DESCRIPTIONand liaison with pan-European initiatives: SEERA-EI will reduce fragmentation of national programmes, create a harmonised approach to national-level initiatives in eInfrastructures, ensure local commitment, and pave the way towards common regional vision, strategy and sustainable cooperation which will give the region a common voice on European and international stage and strengthen the ERA as a whole, enabling collaborative high-quality research across a spectrum of scientific fields. SEERA-EI PSC03 meeting, Belgrade, 21-22nd December 2009
DISSEMINATION ACTIVITES TYPES PROJECT LOGO - available WEBSITE GRAPHICS - available SEERA- EI Website - available NEWSLETTER – open BANNER, e-PUBLICATIONS – available locally SEERA- EI Brochure - available SEERA- EI Poster - available for 1st period SEERA- EI Calendar - available SEERA-EI PSC03 meeting, Belgrade, 21-22nd December 2009
FULL DESCRIPTION OF THE DELIVERABLE CONTENT (1) PROJECT LOGO SEERA-EI South East European Research Area for eInfrastructures SEERA-EI PSC03 meeting, Belgrade, 21-22nd December 2009
FULL DESCRIPTION OF THE DELIVERABLE CONTENT (2) NEWSLETTER The newsletter is in progress (parties provided activities done within the period; to be provided additionally outcomes on dissemination activities carried out by parties) SEERA-EI PSC03 meeting, Belgrade, 21-22nd December 2009
FULL DESCRIPTION OF THE DELIVERABLE CONTENT (3) PRESS RELEASE The press release is downloadable in PDF format (A4) at the address: http://www.seera-ei/images/stories/pr/PR-NewERAofeInfrastructuresinSEE.pdf SEERA-EI PSC03 meeting, Belgrade, 21-22nd December 2009
FULL DESCRIPTION OF THE DELIVERABLE CONTENT (5) SEERA-EI PSC03 meeting, Belgrade, 21-22nd December 2009
DESCRIPTION OF THEDELIVERABLE CONTENT (6) BROCHURE A brochure has been provided in a square, attractive format. It is a 16.49x29.98cm (closed) and 65.96x29.98cm (open)folder. The original file is downloadable at theaddress: http://www.seera-ei.eu/images/stories/dmdocuments/material/SEERA-EI-brochure.pdf SEERA-EI PSC03 meeting, Belgrade, 21-22nd December 2009
BROCHURE - 1 SEERA-EI PSC03 meeting, Belgrade, 21-22nd December 2009
BROCHURE - 2 SEERA-EI PSC03 meeting, Belgrade, 21-22nd December 2009
FULL DESCRIPTION OF THE DELIVERABLE CONTENT (7) POSTER The poster is available by partners on the website menu “materials”. The PDF is downloadableat theaddress: http://www.seera-ei.eu/images/stories/dmdocuments/material/SEERA-EI-poster.pdf SEERA-EI PSC03 meeting, Belgrade, 21-22nd December 2009
POSTER SEERA-EI PSC03 meeting, Belgrade, 21-22nd December 2009
DISSEMINATION DESCRIPTION and liaison with pan-European initiatives: SEERA-EI PSC03 meeting, Belgrade, 21-22nd December 2009
DISSEMINATION ACTIVITES CARRIED OUT At present, many partners have already carried out dissemination actions on several occasions. It is undeniable that the work played by some partners in the meetings and conferences during which was presented SEERA-EI - Athens, April 23rd, 2009SEERA-EI project kick off: The press release is downloadable in PDF format (A4) at the address: http://www.seera-ei.eu/images/stories/pr/PR-NewERAofeInfrastructuresinSEE.pdf - Bucharest, July 06, 2009 SEERA-EI second PSC meeting SEERA-EI PSC03 meeting, Belgrade, 21-22nd December 2009
Dissemination activities carried out: Moldova Chisinau Moldova, May 18 -21, 2009, International Conference ICT+ “Information and Communication Technologies - 2009”, took place in the Conference Hall of the Central Scientific Library of the Academy of Sciences of Moldova. It was attended by over 1000 participants from different countries. SEERA-EI PSC03 meeting, Belgrade, 21-22nd December 2009
Dissemination activities carried out: Moldova The works of the Conference ICT+ “Information and Communication Technologies - 2009” were structured in 4 areas of interest: ICT in Public Administration (ICT+government), ICT in Business (ICT+business), ICT for Society (ICT+citizen), ICT in Science (ICT+science). SEERA-EI PSC03 meeting, Belgrade, 21-22nd December 2009
Dissemination activities carried out:GR SEERA-EI PSC03 meeting, Belgrade, 21-22nd December 2009 ERA-NETs on stage GRNet; Annual ERA-NET event, 31 March - 1 April 2009, Brussels 20-21 May 2009, GRNet ICT INFORMATION AND BROKERAGE EVENT, 20-21 May 2009, Belgrade (project presented by O. Prnjat) Open e-IRG Workshop that took place in Uppsala Sweden, 14-15 October, 2009. Presentation by Xenophon Tsilibaris, open invitation to EU ministries to fill in SEERA-EI WP2 questionnaire. GRNet 39
Dissemination activities carried out: TR Istanbul October 21-23, 2009 The eChallenges e-2009 Conference, the nineteenth in a series of Annual Conferences supported by the European Commission, regularly attracts over 650 delegates from leading commercial, government and research organisations around the world to share knowledge and experience, lessons learnt and good practice in the areas of ICT;- Networked Enterprise & RFID, The goal of e-2009 was to stimulate rapid take-up of Research and Technology Development (RTD) results by industry and in particular SMEs, and to help to open-up European Research Area (ERA) to the rest of the world. For more information: http://www.echallenges.org/e2009/ SEERA-EI PSC03 meeting, Belgrade, 21-22nd December 2009
Dissemination activities carried out: Montenegro The banner and link of the project was placed on the websites of MREN (Montenegrin Research and Education Network)- http://www.mren.ac.me/projects.php (there you can find overview of the project too), Centre of Information Technology – http://www.cis.ac.me/ , http://www.cis.ac.me/djelatnost.htm and University of Montenegro - http://www.ucg.ac.me/cg/linkovi.htm. SEERA-EI PSC03 meeting, Belgrade, 21-22nd December 2009
Dissemination activities: Moldova SEERA-EI PSC03 meeting, Belgrade, 21-22nd December 2009 - presentation on Regional Projects of eInfrastructure and Informational Services for Research Community development, that included relevant information on SEERA-EI, within EXTEND - Opening Conference “Fostering scientific and research co-operation between the Eastern Europe and Southern Caucasus countries and the EU”, June 19, 2009 (http://www.extend-ict.eu/sites/default/files/upload/Panel_II_1_Andrei_Andriesh_Moldova_Best-Practicies.pdf) 42
Dissemination activities: Moldova SEERA-EI PSC03 meeting, Belgrade, 21-22nd December 2009 - presentation on Broadband e-infrastructure development in Moldova for e-science and e-learning services, that included relevant information on SEERA-EI, within “NGN and Broadband, Opportunities and Challenges” ITU-D Regional Development Forum, August 24-26, 2009 (http://www.renam.md/index.php?option=3Dcom_content&task=3Dview&id=3D111&I=temid=3D1) - presentation including relevant information of SEERA-EI project, within RENAM User Conference “National Research and Education Network RENAM – 10 years of activity”, October 1, 2009 43
Dissemination activities: MD SEERA-EI PSC03 meeting, Belgrade, 21-22nd December 2009 Upcoming local and international dissemination activities you are planning to organize or participate in the next 6 months- presentation on the development of SEERA-EI activities at the International Conference ICT+ 2010, a major event in ICT area in the Republic of Moldova, in late May 2010. 44
Dissemination activities carried out: Montenegro University of Montenegro (UoM-ME) and Ministry of Education and Science of Montenegro (MoES-ME) are planning to organise local dissemination on XV Scientific-Professional IT Conference 2010 that shall be held from 24th to 27th February1 2010 at the "Planinka" Hotel in Žabljak. Substantial to have there SEERA-EI Project presentation. (to be considered by parties acc to program agenda) SEERA-EI PSC03 meeting, Belgrade, 21-22nd December 2009
Dissemination activities carried out: BG Meetings of the Council of ICT directors of the governmental bodies of Bulgaria as sharing of good practice for ICT project-based South-European cooperation under the FP7 of the EC included in MTITC action plan 2010 - 2012 Official brochure of the State Agency for Information Technology and Communications (SAITC) distributed 2009 to the governmental bodies, municipalities, ICT branch associations and clusters, NGO-s, media representatives and to projects executing parties; project resume published on official SAITC web-site (after structural changes MTITC: http://www.mtitc.government.bg/page.php?category=479&id=3622) SEERA-EI PSC03 meeting, Belgrade, 21-22nd December 2009
Dissemination activities carried out: BG Main part of the brochure describes the projects already executed and the projects in execution – national and international, as implicit practical achievements of ICT-policies and their legal acts implementation and impact, addressed in favor of the Bulgarian citizens and business entities for development of the Information society services, better living and business environment and knowledge exchange, counting the impact to the target-groups. Open e-IRG Workshop, Prague, Czech Republic May 14-15, 2009, IPP-BAS E-IRG meeting of delegates, Prague, Czech Republic May 15 and June 17, 2009 , IPP-BAS SEERA-EI PSC03 meeting, Belgrade, 21-22nd December 2009
Dissemination actions carried out: BG Press-release in BAS bulletin, Sofia, Bulgaria http://www.bas.bg/fce/001/0145/files/bul135.pdf May, 2009 , IPP-BAS 7FP Infoday, Sofia, Bulgaria June 2, 2009 , IPP-BAS, SAITC Super-computer center competition for software environment for biochemistry, seismology, air pollution, dynamics, Sofia, Bulgaria Oct 28-31,2009, IPP-BAS , IPP-BAS Participation with own booth (SEERA-EI posters, multimedia project demonstration) in Annual ICT exhibition “ICT-EXPO”, 28-31 Oct, 2009, Expo center, Sofia, Bulgaria, IPP-BAS SEERA-EI PSC03 meeting, Belgrade, 21-22nd December 2009
WP5 – Future work and deadlines Step A – Apr 2009 to Sept 2010 Action:D5.2a – Intermediate report on project dissemination and outreach – M18 Strategy:This deliverable will include the reports on all dissemination activates the project will pursue. Concertation events, representation in eInfrastructure workshops and presentations to conferences are a few to name. SEERA-EI PSC03 meeting, Belgrade, 21-22nd December 2009