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SEERA-EI. www.seera-ei.eu. WP5 – Dissemination and liaison with pan European initiatives. Sofia, Networking Meeting, May 13-14 th , 2010. Margarita Nikolova EA “ECNIS”/ MTITC (ex-SAITC) m.nikolova@esmis.government.bg. A5.1 – Dissemination and outreach.
SEERA-EI www.seera-ei.eu WP5 – Dissemination and liaison with pan European initiatives Sofia, Networking Meeting, May 13-14th , 2010 Margarita Nikolova EA “ECNIS”/ MTITC (ex-SAITC) m.nikolova@esmis.government.bg
A5.1 – Dissemination and outreach In order to realize our obligations – dissemination and outreach we organize this meeting in Sofia, Bulgaria. From January till now ( 12th May), the SEERA partners informed us for their participation in the following events:
In the scope of Action Point 5.1, TUBITAK prepared a report on the first meeting of ESF Member Organisation Forum on Research Infrastructures. The meeting took place on 11-12 January 2010, in Strasbourg. The ESF MO Forum on RIs is a recently launched initiative and it is a complementary exercise of ESFRI. The working groups will mainly focus on international RIs in Europe open to access from abroad which also concerns SEERA-EI partners. TUBITAK underlined the importance of access to RIs especially from non-member states and mentioned there is a strong urgency for information and clearance about this subject. A5.1 – Dissemination and outreach
A5.1 – Dissemination and outreach The focus of the Forum was“shared access RI” that means “international infrastructures in Europe open to external users”. The ESF MO Forum on RIs is a recently launched initiative and as it is stated in the report it is a complementary exercise of ESFRI. The working groups will mainly focus on international RIs in Europe open to access from abroad which also concerns SEERA-EI partners. TUBITAK underlined the importance of access to RIs especially from non-member states and mentioned there is a strong urgency for information and clearance about this subject. TUBITAK attended funding and evaluation working group and informed the project partners about the related issues.
A5.1 – Dissemination and outreach One workshop, four minor workshops in other cities (mainly University of Shkodra and University of Vlora) in Tirana organize Polytechnic University of Tirana PUoT-AL. Minor workshops of ICT-WEB-PROMS in other cities reduced in two. First wasin University of Shkodra17 February 2010. Second wasin University “Pavaresia [Independence]” in Vlora in 23 April 2010, with presence of local TV. In both workshops a short description of SEERA-EI was given, included in a full presentation about existing regional collaboration projects.
A5.1 – Dissemination and outreach XV Scientific-Professional IT Conference 2010 was organized from 24th to 27th February at the “Planinka” Hotel in Žabljak. Conference hosted lectures and round table discussions about trends of development in the field of global information technologies, as well as actual problems in this field in Montenegro. University of Montenegro (UoM-ME) and Ministry of Education and Science of Montenegro (MoES-ME) had local dissemination and presentation of SEERA-EI project on this conference. They introduced project and it's objectives to relevant people from the Ministry for information society, Ministry of education and science and University of Montenegro.
A5.1 – Dissemination and outreach Basic topics of conference were concerning development and implementation of information-communication technologies in all fields of science, education, industry and society in general. Special topics where: Strategy of CA introduction (Ministry for information society of Montenegro) Experiences of using eLearning in higher education of Montenegro - (CIS University of Montenegro, Faculty of Economics University of Montenegro and Mediteran university); Integral Information system of Bar Municipality - eAdministration of Bar Municipality;
A5.1 – Dissemination and outreach eGovernment services (Global Soft); Design of FTTH technology optical access networks: practical experiences and guidelines (Montenegrin Telekom); Regional eInfrastructure development and results (participants of SEE-GRID-SCI project) Presentation of FP7 projects and way of participation: - SEERA-EI (Ministry of education and science of Montenegro and University of Montenegro), - WINS-ICT ( (Ministry of education and science), - EURORIS-NET (Ministry of education and science),
A5.1 – Dissemination and outreach - IDEALIST (Ministry of education and science), - Overview of topics and goals within ICT CALL 6 (FP7 ICT Call 6), - Workshop – How to successfully participate in FP7 ICT projects. IMPACT POLITICAL LEVEL MISSING TO BE DISCUSSED AFTER PRESENTATION You can find: the presentation (http://www.it.ac.me/razni_fajlovi/SEERAEI-Zabljak.pdf), photos (http://www.it.ac.me/fotogalerija.php) and more information on the official web site of conference: http://www.it.ac.me/eng/index.php
A5.1 – Dissemination and outreach International Conference on Information Technologies, Systems and Networks, ITSN-2010 was organized during 25 – 26 February 2010by the Free International University of Moldova in Chisinau, Republic of Moldova, in cooperation with: Ministry of Information Technologies and Communications, Ministry of Education, Centre of Special Telecommunications of Moldova, International Commission for Optics, the Academy of Sciences of Moldova, Technical University of Moldova, State University of Moldova, University of Sussex (UK), Optical Society SPIE-Moldova and RENAM Association.
A5.1 – Dissemination and outreach Speakers from RENAM Association had presented four reports, related to e-infrastructure development in Moldova, including technical and administrative aspects of SEERA-EI Project. At the opening session General Director of RENAM, Prof. Andrei Andries made a brief introduction to the importance of e-infrastructure national sustainability policy support by governmental programs and outlined SEE-ERA project objectives. Leading specialist of RENAM presented aroadmapof e-infrastructure and grid computing development in Europe and in Moldova, including aspects of EGI activities, different aspects of security management in grid and HPC environments. Presentations had produced significant impact on national policy-makers and generated high interest of the Conference auditorium.
A5.1 – Dissemination and outreach Dissemination of SEERA-EI Project materials at the Open-i World ICT Conference Open-i World ICT Conference held on 22 - 27 of February 2010, in Chisinau, Moldova, was organized by AIESEC in Moldova and the Association for Students and Youth Initiatives Support (A.S.Y.I.S.) with the support of Moldovan Association of Private ICT Companies, the Information Society Development Institute (ISDI) of the Academy of Sciences of Moldova, Academy of Economic Studies of Moldova and other organizations.
A5.1 – Dissemination and outreach The SEERA-EI Project brochures and calendars were available for interested participants of the conference; the poster of SEERA-EI Project was posted up in the hall of the Information Society Development Institute where the opening and closing of the Conference took place. At the opening session director of ISDI Igor Cojocaru presented brief information about importance of international cooperation, mentioning especially SEERA-EI Project, emphasizing the objectives and expected results of the project. Disseminated materials and information about the project aroused interest of the participants of the event.
A5.1 – Dissemination and outreach SEE Regional Workshop on the “Role of Public Research Institutes in Development of Countries” was co-organised by the Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey (TÜBİTAK) and the Regional Cooperation Council (RCC) in Istanbul on 8 March 2010 under the auspices of the Turkish Chairmanship-in-Office of the South-East European Cooperation Process (SEECP). The workshop was followed by the site visits to the TÜBİTAK research institutes in the Marmara Research Center on 9 March 2010.
A5.1 – Dissemination and outreach 55 representatives from the Western Balkan Countries in the field of science and technology management and TÜBİTAK as well as representatives of relevant international organizations and respective stakeholders participated to the event, which was supported by TÜBİTAK, RCC and TURBO. This event aimed to contribute to the enhancement of the science and technology competitiveness of Western Balkan countries with regard to the impact of public research institutes in technological development of these countries and their integration into the European Research Area (ERA) by sharing Turkish experience.
A5.1 – Dissemination and outreach The workshop started with the opening speeches of TÜBİTAK Vice President Prof. Dr. Ömer ANLAĞAN, SEECP representative from the Turkish Ministry of Foreign Affairs Mr.Güçlü KALAFAT and Head of the RCC Building Human Capital Unit Mladen DRAGASEVIC And continued with the discussions on the contribution of public research institutes to the overall progress of a society; sharing good practices and lessons learned as well as identifying strengths and challenges the Western Balkan countries may encounter in the development of research infrastructure.
A5.1 – Dissemination and outreach The workshop discussed ways to raise knowledge on the contribution of public research institutes to an overall progress of a society; establish their mutual links and networks in the region; share good practices and lessons learned as well as identify strengths and challenges the Western Balkan countries may encounter in the development of research infrastructure. In his opening speech, the Vice President of TÜBİTAK Prof. Dr. Ömer ANLAĞAN stressed the importance of this event organized under the auspices of the Turkish Chairmanship-in-Office of the South-East European Cooperation Process (SEECP) in terms of promoting mutual cooperation in Western Balkan Countries in order to exchange good practices, create a learning platform, and benefit from synergies
A5.1 – Dissemination and outreach Participants of the workshop stressed that: - Cooperation between R&D, higher education and business sectors should befostered among the Balkan countries. - Research institutes in the region should focus either on extensive specializationor comprehensive integration on RTD. - Research Institutes and universities in SEE should better explore and use benefitsof regional cooperation by participating in the EU R&D programmes, especiallythe EU Framework Programmes.
A5.1 – Dissemination and outreach Please find the agenda and presentations http://www.fp7.org.tr/home.do?ot=5&rt=1&sid=5051&pid=547&cid=17411
A5.1 – Dissemination and outreach Dr. Xenophon TSILIBARIS - Programme Management and Administration - GRNET S.A., reported about the annual ERA-NET event has become the major event for policy makers and funding bodies, In Brussels on the 23rd and 24th of March 2010 The event brought more than 200 new and old stakeholders to keep them abreast of the latest policy thinking, to review progress in terms of the development of the platform, and to elicit their views on future activities.
A5.1 – Dissemination and outreach More specifically, it put a strong emphasis on interaction and mutual learning by offering eight different workshops dealing with issues at the heart of the current discussion on the coordination and cooperation of national and regional research programs. The ERA-NET scheme has been instrumental in promoting progress towards the European Research Area and the so-called ‘fifth freedom’, i.e. the free circulation of researchers, scientific knowledge and technology.
A5.1 – Dissemination and outreach The ERA-NET scheme has also contributed to the development of Joint Programming Initiatives (JPIs). A clear consensus emerged that the ERA-NET scheme should be maintained with its current remit. While ERA-NETs may have also served as preparatory phases towards JPIs, they should remain independent. The participants clealry stated that there is no need for yet another instrument at European level. Instead, the main concern was how to make more efficient use of existing mechanisms in a more solid and sustainable manner.
A5.1 – Dissemination and outreach The ‘opportunistic’ behaviour that initially led funding agencies and ministries to joinas many ERA-NETs as possible is now long gone. ERA-NET participations are nowincreasingly governed by key criteria such as the need to reach critical mass and toobtain a good match with national/regional strategic objectives. Nevertheless, it is important to build on achievements to date and to continue toprovide access to shared information and to identify common ground and joint principles enabling a more strategic and efficient approach to decision-making atMember State level concerning transnational coordination.
A5.1 – Dissemination and outreach At the same time, thelong-term commitment of resources at both national and transnational levels iscrucial to the development and implementation of effective transnational strategies. Please find the conference programme, participant list and slides: http://netwatch.jrc.ec.europa.eu/nw/index.cfm/static/event_4.html
A5.1 – Dissemination and outreach On 23-24 March,Ognjen Prnjat -GRNETwas at the 6th European Conference on Research Infrastructures in Barcelona. http://www.ecri2010.es/en SEE-GRID-SCI project had a booth (with a new, very effective poster), together with SEERA-EI. The brochures were distributed there and a number of contacts was make, most importantly with eInfraNet - ERANET project
A5.1 – Dissemination and outreach Governance models are a key issue and the panel mainly identified difficulties rather than providing solutions; apart from efficient management. General eInfrastructures such as PRACE and EGI are important for ESFRI projects support and this must be enforcised. More interactions between eInfras and users are needed; service models are encouraged; world-wide interaction and linking is necessary, not only Europe; data should be following open and trusted models.
A5.1 – Dissemination and outreach Open access to infrastructures is the key requirement - Trust between scientists and politicians is crucial - The idea of EC making proposals to member states is not the way forward but rather closer joint development of common objectives Some notes specific to SEERAEI project: - WP4: Structural funds can help development of RIs - WP4: Possibility of joint use of EIB funds should be explored by WP4 - WP3: ESFRI work on regional issues was underlined, there is a WG - WP4: ELI infrastructure: cz, hu, ro. RO partners should inform the list about this and suggest ways for future open access.
A5.1 – Dissemination and outreach e-IRG Roadmap 2010 The e-IRG Roadmap 2010 was endorsed by the e-IRG delegates on 23 March 2010. Comments tothe document made during the public consultation phase are available at the e-IRG website: http://www.e-irg.eu/publications/roadmap.html Sasa Ivanovic from Ministry of Education and Science Department for Science, Research and Technological Development, Montenegro – reported:
A5.1 – Dissemination and outreach The fundamental contribution of research e‑Infrastructure to European competitiveness isalmost universally acknowledged. Sustainable and integrated networking, grid, data andhigh performance and commodity computing services are now essential tools for 40 millionusers in research and academia across Europe. The innovation potential fuelled by this largescaledeployment of such advanced services should not be underestimated.
A5.1 – Dissemination and outreach The e‑Infrastructure Reflection Group (e‑IRG) supports this innovation process. e-IRG is a forumwhere service providers, technology developers, and existing and new user communitiescome together to help realise the innovation and inclusivity goals of the i2010 strategy. Increasingly, new and diverse user communities are relying on e‑Infrastructure services; as such, the common e‑Infrastructure must cater to new and updated requirements. Thisjunction between leading-edge research and the e‑Infrastructure that supports it is an areawhere considerable socio-economic benefits can be realised.
A5.1 – Dissemination and outreach The inclusion of new user communities has also highlighted the importance of providinge‑Infrastructure as a service, rather than continuing with a product- or technology-orientedapproach. Such service provision should be based on principles and models that allow directcomparison of different technical, organisational and financial paradigms. Adopting this approachwill ensure the continued ability of e‑Infrastructure to act as an ‘innovation engine’ and accelerate the transition of leading-edge, research-focused ICT applications into solutionsthat benefit society as a whole. Other major trends for the future of e-Infrastructure include the emergence of data-intensive science,the threatening software crisis, and the move towards the concept of computing as a service.
A5.1 – Dissemination and outreach Polytechnic University of Tirana PUoT-AL participated in CEBIT'2010 was supported mainly by WINS-ICT, with little contribution from ICT-WEB-PROMS. Three persons from AL participated, two from UPT and one from a private company (ISSETI).A number of organizations were contacted in this activity and collaboration possibilities investigated: Germany - 32 Rest of Europe - 26 Africa - 5 America - 2 Asia - 29 Australia - 1 Total - 95 IMPACT RESULTS MISSING – TO BE SHARED AFTER THIS PRESENTATION
A5.1 – Dissemination and outreach Sasa Ivanovic from Ministry of Education and Science Department for Science, Research and Technological Development, Montenegro – reported: e-IRG Press release, 9.04.2010 The e-IRG Roadmap 2010 is the result of a collective effort synthesizing numerous insights provided by the e-IRG experts. It also includes numerous valuable external contributions, in particular from the usercommunities belonging to the ESFRI network.
A5.1 – Dissemination and outreach Please visit the e-IRG website www.e-irg.eu to access the e-IRG Roadmap (Publications/Roadmap), and tojoin in the discussion on the future of European e-Infrastructures.
A5.1 – Dissemination and outreach Newsletter April 2010 e-IRG Workshop in Barcelona e-IRG endorses and releases new Roadmap on e-Infrastructures e-IRG secretariat P.O. Box 405 FI-02101 Espoo, Finland Phone: +358(0)9 457 2281 secretariat@e-irg.eu More information www.e-irg.eu www.e-irg.eu/support
A5.1 – Dissemination and outreach Dimitra Kotsokali - Communication & Public Relations Greek Research & Technology NetworkGRNET , informed partners about the issue No 1, April 2010, of the SEERA-EI Newsletter available on the SEERA-EI website:http://seera-ei.eu/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=111:seera-ei-newsletter-issue1&catid=1:latest-news&Itemid=95
A5.1 – Dissemination and outreach Topics inside this issue:- SEERA-EI Questionnaire for Systematic Data Collection & Analysis on eInfrastructure Initiatives in South East Europe - Programme Managers Sign Memorandum of Understanding - SEERA-EI PSC and Programme Managers' Networking Meetings Establish Human Network in South East Europe
A5.1 – Dissemination and outreach SEERA-EI Establishes Communication Platform for eInfrastructure Programme Managers in South East Europe News from partners About SEERA-EI
A5.1 – Dissemination and outreach Burcu Ortakaya from ULAKBIM – TR reported about First e-InfraNET Information Exchange Workshop, which was held in Leuven Institute for Ireland in Europe, in 15-16 April 2010 Leuven-Belgium. On be half of SEERA-EI project, he participated in this workshop to present SEE region activities, SEERA-EI project main objectives and information about programme manager questionnaire. The workshop was mainly focued on "Cloud and Green Computing" in the eInfraNET countries (Ireland, UK, Latvia, Spain, Turkey, Finland, Portugal, Hungary, Netherlands).
A5.1 – Dissemination and outreach Regarding the discussions on emerging policy issues the following main items have high priority. - Governance (EU and national) - Sustainability for purpose (Cloud, Grid, HPC,...) - Guidance (know-how, education,...) - Independent European solutions ( US oriented leading companies!) - Openness - Interoperability - Government support (funding and policy) - ICT applications to reduce the carbon emmission - Policies for the facility locations (google facility in Finland)
A5.1 – Dissemination and outreach 23 April 2010; RENAM and Institute of Mathematics and Computer Science of the Academy of Sciences of Moldova organized SEE-GRID-SCI project application developers training event. There was30 participants from research institutes, universities and other organizations of Moldova. SEERA-EI project was presented in the opening speech of Prof. A. Andries WP5 LEADER COMMENT: SEERA-EI RELATED ASPECTS CAN’T BE RECOGNIZED
A5.1 – Dissemination and outreach MoCT-BA reported What are the results from the accomplished events relevant to the project: Ministry of Communications and Transport did chair the second meeting of the ICT Dialogue Forum on ICT research for Western Balkan Countries on the 12th November 2009. At that meeting MoCT-BA did present the SEERA-EI project as well as the countries contribution to this project. What was accomplished is the importance of this project to the region as such and to this ministry in the way that they did address the issue and the need of their entity level institution to work closer and together for reaching the goal of a single ICT space, and using the Infrastructure in a way to benefit Bosnia and Herzegovina. WP5 LEADER COMMENT: IS THIS IN THE ASPECT OF SHARED USING SEERA-EI PARTIES eINFRASTRUCTURES FOR eSCIENCE DEVELOPMENT, RESEARCHERS TEAMBILDINGS OR OTHER? HOW YOU SEE BENEFITS EXPECTED?
A5.1 – Dissemination and outreach MoCT-BA continue that The importance of this project is being addressed in each and every formal meeting that concern the ministry and the ICT in Bosnia and Herzegovina. Through theirvarious seminars and workshops, the SEERA-eI and as being a part of this project was addressed and mentioned. In Brussels, on a workshopfor the e-Gov, MoCT-BA did mention their role several times, as they did implement the first phase of the e-Gov, and this information was stated in their report for the SEERA-EI questioners.
A5.1 – Dissemination and outreach On 29.04.2010GSRT presented SEERRA-EI Project at International Cooperation Network for Central Asian and South Caucasus Countries (IncoNet CA/SC) kick of meeting, 29-30 April, Istanbul. MoCT-BA were tackled the importance of e-Government and having the adequate infrastructure that is needed for implementing the G2G, G2B and G2C at the GIF meeting in Brazilon the 02-06.may 2010. Ministry of Communications and Transport did present the e-Gov in Bosnia and the obstacles that theyneed to address in various segments as well in the segment of Infrastructure.
A5.1 – Dissemination and outreach-futurities RENAM in cooperation with ASM and Universities of Moldovawill organize 4th RENAM Users Conference and Fiber Link Moldova-Romania Inauguration event May 2010; Over 50 participants from approximately 10 countrieswill be there and will be a Discussion of actual problems and development perspectives of the information infrastructure and services for e-science and e-learning communities of Moldova
A5.1 – Dissemination and outreach-futurities Overview of EC policies and regional programmes for eInfrastructures; harmonization of National eInfrastructure activities with international and regional collaboration aspects Policy makersinvolved: representatives of the Ministry of Information Technologies and Communications / Vice-president of the Academy of Sciences of Moldova WP5 LEADER SUGGESTION: NATIONAL-REGIONAL LEVEL COLLABORATION UNDER THE SEERA-EI PROJECT INITIATIVE and NRENs TO BE EMPHASISED AS CRUTIAL ISSUE FOR CROSS-BORDER RESEARCH ORIENTED TEAMBUILDINGS
A5.1 – Dissemination and outreach-futurities Project-related topics discussed and impact they have to project goalswill be: dependency of modern education and research activities and development of a high-speed communication infrastructure and computer networks based on the newest technologies. New networking services and instruments for research activities support; Design, implementation, management of R&E networks, development of new application fields, knowledge of networking state-of-the-art.
A5.1 – Dissemination and outreach-futurities Info on materials, presentations, publications about the project producedwill be: - Presentation of SEERA-EI project interim results and potential impact of the project on further National eInfrastructure development. - The event program comprises specialized round tablediscussions with participation of high level representatives from the Ministry of Education of Moldova, Academy of Sciences and Ministry of Information Technologies and Communications
A5.1 – Dissemination and outreach-futurities 17.05.2010 - 22.05.2010 Ministry of Information Technologies and Communication, Academy of Sciences of Moldova MTIC, ASM, Information Society Development Institute of ASM, Institute of Mathematics and Computer Sciences of ASM, RENAM will organize International ConferenceICT+ 2010 (www.ictplus.md) (within ICT week in Moldova) 18 May 2010, Chisinau, Moldova,I. Cojocaru (ASM)Academy of Sciences of Moldova, Information Society Development Institute of ASM will organaize International EC project EXTEND Consultation Workshop “Research and Development Priorities of Information and Communication Technologies in Moldova for 2010-2015” and Training Workshop “FP7 ICT programme opportunities, procedures and thematic priorities” http://www.extend-ict.eu/node/371 (within ICT week in Moldova)
A5.1 – Dissemination and outreach-futurities 20.05.2010 – 23.05.2010 Technical University of Moldova in cooperation with the Academy of Sciences of Moldova, Ministry of Information Technologies and Communications, Moldtelecom JS, Moldcell JS and RENAM; will organize Third International Conference on Telecommunications, Electronics and Informatics (ICTEI-2010) - www.ictei.utm.md activities in the framework of WINS-ICTin Tirana, second half of May 2010. The topics will be discussion of research priorities in WBC. Presentation of SEERA-EI and other regional projects is in consideration, considering that it may help such discussions. WP5 LEADER SUGGESTION: NATIONAL-REGIONAL LEVEL COLLABORATION UNDER THE SEERA-EI PROJECT INITIATIVE and NRENs TO BE EMPHASISED AS CRUTIAL ISSUE FOR CROSS-BORDER RESEARCH ORIENTED TEAMBUILDINGS AND SERVICES PROVISION