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SEERA-EI. Overview. Motivation EGEE project The regional dimension Grid computing resources in Bulgaria Grid applications Perspectives. Collaborations. Грид. Support, training, education. GEANT Network infrastructure, National Grid resource centers. Motivation.
SEERA-EI R–ECFA meeting, Sofia, 7-8 May 2010
Overview • Motivation • EGEE project • The regional dimension • Grid computing resources in Bulgaria • Grid applications • Perspectives SEERA-EI PSC02 meeting, Bucharest, 6-7 July 2009
Collaborations Грид Support, training, education GEANT Network infrastructure, National Grid resource centers Motivation Grid – coordinated resource sharing and problem solving in dynamic, multi-institutional virtual organizations R–ECFA meeting, 7-8 May 2010, Sofia
The Bulgarian Grid consortium • Founders: Institute for Parallel Processing (IPP-BAS, former CLPP-BAS) and Institute for Nuclear Research and Nuclear Energy (INRNE-BAS) – (Agreement signed in September 2002) • Joined by: • Institute of Mathematics and Informatics (IMI), Bulg. Academy of Sciences • Institute of Mechanics (IM), Bulgarian Academy of Sciences • Faculty of Mathematics and Informatics (FMI), Plovdiv University • Computer Science Department (CSD), American University in Bulgaria (AUBG) • Department of Information Technologies at the Faculty of Mathematics and Informatics (DIT-FMI), Sofia University. • Institute of Electrochemistry and Energy Systems (IEES), BAS. • Institute of Astronomy, BAS • University of Mining and Geology • Geophysical Institute ( GPhI), BAS • Faculty of Physics – Sofia University • Institute of Organic Chemistry with centre of Phytochemistry • University of National and World Economics • Main purposes: • Sharing of resources and expertise in Grid technologies • Development of Grid applications R–ECFA meeting, 7-8 May 2010, Sofia
EGEE project • Services • Continuous monitoring of grid services • Support for diverse research disciplines • Archeology, Astronomy,Astrophysics,Civil Protection,Comp. Chemistry,Earth Sciences • Finance,Fusion,Geophysics,High Energy Physics, Life Sciences,Multimedia,Material Sciences, ... • Middleware • Production middleware distributed under business friendly open source licence • Implements a service-oriented architecture that virtualises resources • Adheres to recommendations on web service inter-operability and evolving towards emerging standards • User Support - Managed process from first contact through to production usage • Training • Expertise in grid-enabling applications • Online helpdesk • Networking events More than 100 000 CPU, 10 PB disk storage Moving from regional to national model R–ECFA meeting, 7-8 May 2010, Sofia
Regional dimension The regional Grid infrastructure is now fully integrated into the European Grid infrastructure. In the SEE-GRID-SCI project it serves as the basis for enabling new Grid applications from the domains of seismology, meteorology, environmental modelling and environmental protection SEEREN initiative has established regional network and SEE-LIGHT project is currently establishing dark-fibre backbone in the region. Bulgaria now has a GEANT Point of Presence at IPP-BAS. SEERA-EIwill capitalise on this momentum and link national-level programme managers and provide an open forum for information exchange, in order to enable coordination of national programmes in eInfrastructures, and to set the framework for a common regional agenda. R–ECFA meeting, 7-8 May 2010, Sofia
Grid computing resources in Bulgaria • BG03-NGCC was installed at IPP-BAS and delivered more than 50% of CMS usage in Bulgaria in the period 2009-2010. • The biggest Bulgarian Grid clusters have low-latency DDR Infiniband interconnect and achieve more than 90% efficiency in the LINPACK Benchmark (>3 TF each), which makes them especially suitable for parallel (MPI) applications from computational chemistry, environmental modelling, etc. • Thanks to the two NSFBG infrastructure projects Bulgaria became a leader in CPU resources in South Eastern Europe
Supported Virtual Organizations Bugarian Grid sites support the major HEP VOs – CMS, Alice, Atlas, LHCb, na48, geant4 Other EGEE VOs supported: ESR, Biomed, MAGIC Regional VOs: seegrid, see, env.see-gri-sci.eu, meteo.see-grid-sci.eu, seismo.see-grid-sci.eu National: mm-comp-chem.grid.acad.bg bgedu.grid.acad.bg, … R–ECFA meeting, 7-8 May 2010, Sofia
SALUTE - Stochastic ALgorithms for Ultra-fast Transport in sEmiconductors SALUTE is a grid application, which integrates a set of novel Monte Carlo and quasi-Monte Carlo algorithms for solving computationally intensive problems from ultrafast carrier transport in semiconductors. SALUTE studies memory and quantum effects during the relaxation process due to electron-phonon interaction in semiconductors; present version explores electron kinetics in GaAs nano-wires. R–ECFA meeting, 7-8 May 2010, Sofia
Bulgarian Grid Applications - Chemistry BG08-MADARA is used exclusively for modeling and simulations in the field of chemistry and materials science More than 1 million CPU hours delivered. Most popular job type – 16 CPUs for 29 hours on average, 662959 hours total, next one in popularity – 32 CPUs for 37 hours on average, 179772 hours total R–ECFA meeting, 7-8 May 2010, Sofia
Multiscale Atmospheric Composition Modeling • GRID environment based integrated, multi-scale Balkan region oriented AQ modelling system • Study the atmospheric pollution transport and transformation processes (accounting also for heterogeneous chemistry and the importance of aerosols for air quality and climate) from urban to local to regional (Balkan) scales; • Track and characterize the main pathways and processes that lead to atmospheric composition formation in different scales; • Provide high quality scientifically robust assessments of the air quality and its origin, thus facilitating formulation of pollution mitigation strategies at national and Balkan level. R–ECFA meeting, 7-8 May 2010, Sofia
MSACM Grid-mode tests: Country-to-country “blame” matrixes on the Balkans according to EMEP methodology R–ECFA meeting, 7-8 May 2010, Sofia
MSERRHSA: modelling accidental Chlorine release in “VEREJA-HIM” JAMBOL – averaged surfaceHCl concentrations for January 2008 for two release times R–ECFA meeting, 7-8 May 2010, Sofia
Conclusion From the Communication from European Commission “ICT Infrastructures for e-Science” „Research in 2020 cannot be imagined without the intensive use of sophisticated e-Infrastructures, so Europe needs to commit to a renewed strategy to tackle the associated challenges and priorities.” „Striving for world leadership in e-Science, establishing e-Infrastructures as a sustainable utility and exploiting them to promote innovation are the three vectors of a renewed European strategy to support the ground-breaking science of 2020 and beyond.” R–ECFA meeting, 7-8 May 2010, Sofia