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Learn 6 important things about kids born after 1980 and how to effectively reach and engage them. Discover their idealistic nature, commitment to change, understanding of right and wrong, and their strong focus on family.
Reaching Millennial Kids Presented by- Natalie Beaman
understanding generations helps us wisely target them 6 things you must know about kids born from 1980 on…
Millennials are idealistic A protective wave of adult concern bathes this generation of children. Boomers are working hard to shield Millennial children from sex, violence, and profanity in the media. For example, the new TV show ratings and legislated V-chip enable parents to screen out objectionable programming.
The Benefit • The awesome benefit of such protective concern, is that a valued, protected generation grows up believing in its ability to make a difference. • This is an idealistic, hopeful generation—a generation, I believe, whose heart has been crafted by God to serve him with zeal and passion. • This generation will own the message that with God, all things are possible!
2. Millennials are committed to changing their world. Nickelodeon’s annual Big Helpathon encourages kids to volunteer in their communities. Over 400,000 children volunteered for the event in 1994. In 1996, that number grew to 8 million. Zoom- television show on PBS highlights “Zoom into Action” stories about children doing volunteer work
Characteristics • They gravitate toward social goals • They need human relationships that can be clearly defined • They expect and receive challenges from older generations • Churches are catching on to the need to involve kids in meaningful, world-changing activities.
Kids Quest • In Riverside, California, Bill Russell’s KIDS QUEST program is a weekly discipleship program where sixth-graders study the Bible, deal with tough issues, and train for service. Groups of eight or nine meet weekly for 17 weeks. At the end of that time, these groups join 200 sixth- and seventh-graders for an outreach project in Mexico.
God’s hand is at work creating a heart cry in children to be involved in something bigger than themselves. God is working in the hearts of children so they’ll embrace what’s on his heart. If we don’t convince them that giving their lives in service to Christ is a big enough cause, they’ll go elsewhere to find a compelling cause they can give their lives to.
3. Millennials work together. • Cooperative learning groups—are a big part of the school scene. • Part of this shift in education is due to the changing workforce and the need to prepare children for more collaborative work situations. • And in part because of the effectiveness of kids learning in groups, solving problems together, and benefiting from each other’s strengths.
Characteristics • They are instinctive team players • They have a peer-enforced code of dutiful conduct • They have an overwhelming sense of community • This generation is eager to rally together to solve problems
God is raising up a new breed of Christian that can fulfill the Great Commission to the ends of the earth! The more we get kids working together at church; learning together; serving together; and playing together, the more effective we’ll be in training them.
4. Millennials understand right from wrong. • The previous generation was taught “if it’s right for you, then it’s right." And society, the church, and parents are rebounding from the results of such a philosophy. • Educators are seeking now to instill clear-cut values in children. Public schools are now running many programs to confront social issues such as anger management, bullying and tolerance.
Secular Values • Parents are also trained to point the way. Here are a few article titles that appeared in secular parenting magazines this year: "Raising a Kind Child,“ "Do Unto Others,“ "What It Takes to Raise a Responsible Child." This generation of children will champion truth because they’ll understand that there is truth!
What a great opportunity for children’s ministers to help children grab onto God’s Word as the absolute authority in life.
5. Millenials are family-centered. • Faith Popcorn, a trend analyst and the author of Clicking, coined the term "cocooning" to describe a trend among today’s families. • the need to protect oneself from the harsh, unpredictable realities of the outside world • extra commitments perceived as a threat to their time together • It’s very difficult to get families to commit to more than Sunday morning activities. • In a recent survey, 41 percent of grades 1 through 6 said they’d rather spend time with family than play sports with friends, watch TV, play video games, read a book or listen to music.
The Role of the New Father • In the Million Man March and the Promise Keepers movement men are vowing to become better role models for this generation’s future. • Working fathers now average 11 hours per week with their kids, or 94 minutes per day, up from a 1988 study in which they spent only three hours a week, or 26 minutes a day, with their children.
"We’re seeing a brand-new type of family emerge, one that’s going to improve parent-child attachment and reduce social problems.“ - Psychologist Dr. Robert A. Frank Darrell Fraley, children’s pastor at Hope Church in Cincinnati, Ohio, recruits parent volunteers in children’s ministry. He encourages them to get involved because "one of the best places for parents to informally learn solid parenting skills is at church, serving in children’s ministry."
6. Millennials need relationships. • Today’s kids are technologically savvy. They’re whizzes on computers, the Internet, and electronics • They have the world at their fingertips. • They have a "been there/done that" attitude because they can see or do practically anything through media. Except experience relationships.
The Importance of Shepherding • We’re tempted to compete with technology and make our ministries technologically exciting. • But the truth is, what these kids need is less stuff and more relationship for them to "get it.“ • Rather than focusing primarily on programs, we need to focus on people. Millennial kids need consistent teachers who enable kids to be in nurturing relationships with one another and with adults.
What an awesome thing God is doing in our midst. He’s raising up a generation of children that’s cut from the same cloth as Joshua—kids who are eager to go into the Promised Land and claim it for their God. May God give us wisdom and insight in the days ahead!
Insight into Transforming Popular Culture • Because kids' culture contains non-Christian images and messages mixed with biblical truths, we Christians are often willing to throw the whole package out. But if we do, we'll miss out on great opportunities to teach our children to discern truth.
The Chronicles of Narnia • C.S. Lewis • presents biblical metaphors that help kids better relate to Jesus (Aslan) and Bible themes. • witches, evil spells, mystical creatures, and other characters that could be viewed as New Age if seen in a current movie. • However, we deal with the images in this series because of the positive effect of the stories. • We've learned to look beyond the externals to find the "Christ motif."
Current Culture? • Does it present evil as evil, or is evil disguised as good? • Does good triumph over evil in the end? • Are there relevant themes you can use to point kids to God's Word? • When characters do something wrong, do they suffer the consequences of their actions?
Apply it… • Ask your kids to look for Bible themes in what they see and hear. • We can teach children to view their culture in a way that reveals hidden glimmers of biblical truth. • Then help them find specific Scriptures related to their metaphor. You'll be surprised to see kids discover Bible truths on Nickelodeon, Fox Kids Club, Disney movies—even in commercials.
Teach as Jesus taught! He related to them, using illustrations from their world, about issues that concerned them.