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WORDS: THE POWER WITHIN. BRONZE EDITION – LESSON 1 Putting First Things First. CON (CO, COL, COM, COR). Cooperate Co + operati (work) Literal definition = work together; work with Dictionary definition = (v) to act jointly; to work toward the same end
CON (CO, COL, COM, COR) Cooperate Co + operati (work) Literal definition = work together; work with Dictionary definition = (v) to act jointly; to work toward the same end We need to cooperate if we are to get anything accomplished.
CON (CO, COL, COM, COR) Compress Com + press (push) Literal definition = push together Dictionary definition = (v) to flatten by pressure; to squeeze; to shorten or abbreviate (n) a pad of absorbent material pressed onto the body to relieve inflammation or to stop bleeding (v) We need to compress this five-page document into a two-page document. (n) Keep the cold compress on the bruise to reduce swelling.
CON (CO, COL, COM, COR) Concur Con + cur (run) Literal definition = run together; run with Dictionary definition = (v) to be of the same opinion; to agree; to happen at the same time; to coincide I concur with your decision to give a quiz tomorrow. The swim meet and soccer game concur, so I can only go to one of them.
CON (CO, COL, COM, COR) Corrode Cor + *rodere (gnaw) *Rodere is the base for rodent Literal definition = gnaw with Dictionary definition = (v) to destroy or damage slowly by chemical action; to weaken If you leave old batteries in the remote, they will eventually corrode the surrounding metal parts. CON = TOGETHER, WITH
DE Decrease De + crescere (grow) Literal definition = grow down; grow away Dictionary definition = (v) to become smaller or less in size, intensity, or degree; (n) an instance of becoming smaller or less (v) My parents decreased my allowance when I didn’t do my chores. (n) There was a decrease in the number of thefts in Wake County last year.
DE Descend De + scandre (climb) Literal definition = climb down Dictionary definition = (v) to move or fall downward The airplane descended to 5000 feet as it prepared to land.
DE Destruct De + struct (build) Literal definition = build down; build away Dictionary definition = (v) to cause deliberate; irreparable damage to; to destroy The bombs destructed what remained of the abandoned city. We need to destruct these missiles so they do not fall into the wrong hands. DE = DOWN, AWAY, FROM
IN (IL, IM, IR) Illiterate Il +litera (words or letters) Literal definition = not words; not letters Dictionary definition = (adj) unable to read or write The illiterate man was unable to read the assembly directions for the bookcase.
IN (IL, IM, IR) Impossible Im + possible Literal definition = not possible Dictionary definition = (adj) not able to occur, exist, or be done It is impossible to sneeze without blinking or closing your eyes.
IN (IL, IM, IR) Incredible In + cred (believe) + ible (able) Literal definition = not able to believe Dictionary definition = (adj) impossible or difficult to believe Bob made an incredible, game-saving catch in the closing seconds.
IN (IL, IM, IR) Irresponsible Ir + responsible Literal definition = not responsible Dictionary definition = not showing a proper sense of duty, obligation, or control The irresponsiblesecurity guard forgot to lock the front door, and the business was robbed. IN (IL, IM, IR) = NOT
IN (IL, IM, IR) Illuminate Il + lumin (light) Literal definition = in light; into light Dictionary definition = (v) to light up; to decorate with lights; to help clarify or explain The addition of the ground lights helps to illuminate the path. Perhaps this explanation will help illuminate the answer to the math equation.
IN (IL, IM, IR) Immerse Im +mers (dip) Literal definition = dip in; dip into Dictionary definition = (v) to dip in a liquid; to involve oneself deeply in a particular activity or interest Bob filled the sink and immersedhis head to cool down after practice. Sometimes I will immerse myself in a good book and spend hours reading it.
IN (IL, IM, IR) Include In + clud (close, shut) Literal definition = close in; shut in Dictionary definition = (v) to comprise or contain as part of a whole The price of the movie ticket already includes sales tax. Please include your rubric when you turn in the final paper.
IN (IL, IM, IR) Irrigate Ir +rigar (water) Literal definition = in water; into water Dictionary definition = (v) to supply water to land or crops to help growth, usually by means of channels Farmer Bob built a pond next to his fields so that he could use the water to irrigate his crops. IN (IL, IM, IR) = IN, INTO
PER Permit Per + mit (send) Literal definition = send through Dictionary definition = (v) to give authorization, permission, or consent to; to allow; (n) authorization (v) I will permit you to enter our secret club if you know the password. (n) You need a fishing permit to fish in Bob’s lake.
PER Perpendicular Per + pend (hang) Literal definition = hang through; hang thoroughly Dictionary definition = (adj) at an angle of 90 degrees to a given, line, plane, or surface. We practiced drawing perpendicular lines in math class.
PER Persuade Per + suadere (advise) Literal definition = advise thoroughly Dictionary definition = (v) to cause someone to do something through reasoning or argument; to convince We persuaded Bob to let us borrow his brand new XBOX game by telling him we could unlock secret levels. PER = THROUGH, THOROUGHLY
PRE Predict Pre + dict (speak, say) Literal definition = speak before; say before Dictionary definition = (v) to say that something will happen in the future or will be a consequence of something I was able to predict the winner of the Super Bowl based on how the teams performed during the regular season.
PRE Prefix Pre + fix (place, put) Literal definition = put before; place before Dictionary definition = (n) an element placed at the beginning of a word to adjust or qualify its meaning We can use the meaning of prefixes to help figure out the definitions of words.
PRE Prejudice Pre + jud (law, judgment) Literal definition = judgment before Dictionary definition = (n) an opinion that is formed before having the evidence of its truth or usefulness; one that is not based on reason or actual experience; (v) to make biased (n) Your prejudice might prevent you from getting to know someone who is really an awesome person. (v) Don’t prejudice the audience by saying negative things about your opponent. PRE = BEFORE