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Words: The Power Within

Words: The Power Within. Lesson 10 Understanding Life. ANIM. Animal Anim + al (related to) Literal definition – related to life Dictionary definition – (n) a living, breathing creature; ( adj ) related to animals We went to the zoo and saw a variety of animals. ANIM. Animated

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Words: The Power Within

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  1. Words: The Power Within Lesson 10 Understanding Life

  2. ANIM • Animal • Anim + al (related to) • Literal definition – related to life • Dictionary definition – (n) a living, breathing creature; (adj) related to animals • We went to the zoo and saw a variety of animals.

  3. ANIM • Animated • Anim + ate (showing) • Literal definition – showing life • Dictionary definition – (adj) full of life or excitement; lively • Our animated conversation in the middle of the mall caused many people to stop and stare.

  4. ANIM – LIFE, SOUL, SPIRIT, MIND • Animosity • Anim + ity (state of) • Literal definition – state of mind • Dictionary definition – (n) strong hostility, originally in the sense of spirit or courage • The animosity between the teams often resulted in fights on the field.

  5. BIO • Amphibious • Amphi (both) + bio + ous (given to) • Literal definition – given to both lives • Dictionary definition – (adj) relating to, living on, or suited for both land and water • Frogs are amphibious because they can live on both land and water.

  6. BIO • Antibiotic • Anti (against) + bio + ic (characteristic of) • Literal definition – characteristic of against life • Dictionary definition – (n) a medicine that inhibits the growth of or destroys microorganisms • When Wolfgang got strep throat, the doctor administered antibiotics get rid of the infection.

  7. BIO - LIFE • Biography • Bio + graph (write) + y (result of) • Literal definition – result of writing life • Dictionary definition – (n) an account of a person’s life written by someone else • For school, I had to read a biography about Mark Twain.

  8. GEN (GENER) • Generalize • Gener + ize (make, do) • Literal definition – make kind • Dictionary definition – (v) to infer widespread principles from; to regard everything as one kind • To generalize that all teenagers act the same would be a mistake.

  9. GEN (GENER) • Generate • Gener + ate (make, cause) • Literal definition – make begin • Dictionary definition – (v) to cause something to start or come about • Wolfgang needed to generate an exit strategy so that he could escape the compound unharmed.

  10. GEN (GENER) • Generation • Gener + ation (act of) • Literal definition – act of beginning • Dictionary definition – (n) all of the people born and living at about the same time; about 30 years • At the reunion, three generations of the Smith family attended.

  11. GEN (GENER) – BEGIN, KIND, FAMILY, RACE (PEOPLE) • Generic • Gener + ic (characteristic of) • Literal definition – characteristic of people • Dictionary definition – (adj) relating to a kind (class) or group of things; not specific; having no brand name; (n) a consumer product having no brand name or trademark • Generic medicine is often cheaper than brand name medicine.

  12. NAT • Innate • In (in, into) + nat • Literal definition – born into • Dictionary definition – inborn, natural • Some people are born with innate abilities while others have to work hard to learn them.

  13. NAT • Native • Nat + ive (one belonging to) • Literal definition – one belonging to birth • Dictionary definition – (n) a person born in a specified place or associated with a place by birth; (adj) associated with the country, region, or circumstances of a person’s birth; of indigenous origin • While in Spain, we partnered with some native Spanish speakers to help guide us through the city.

  14. NAT – BIRTH, BORN • Natural • Nat + al (related to) • Literal definition – related to birth • Dictionary definition – (adj) existing in or caused by nature; not made or caused by humankind; of or in agreement with the character or makeup of, or circumstances surrounding, someone or something; (n) a person born with a particular skill • Zoos try their best to create natural habitats for the animals in their exhibits.

  15. VIV (VI, VIT) • Revival • Re (back, again) + viv + al (related to) • Literal definition – related to life again • Dictionary definition – (n) an improvement in the condition or strength of something; an instance of something becoming popular, active, or important again; a reawakening of religious fervor • Certain fashions often undergo a revival every decade or so.

  16. VIV (VI, VIT) • Vital • Vit + al (related to) • Literal definition – related to life • Dictionary definition – (adj) absolutely necessary or important; required for the continuance of life • Tonight’s game is a vital conference game for us; if we win, we advance to the state tournament.

  17. VIV (VI, VIT) - LIFE • Vivid • Viv + id (showing) • Literal definition – showing life • Dictionary definition – (adj) deep or bright; lively; producing feelings or strong clear images in the mind • Known for her vivid colors, Lebinda sold out of her newest painting in a matter of minutes.

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