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Module B Review. 2 nd Quarterly Assessment Review Units 6 & 7. BIO.B.2.2. Explain the process of protein synthesis (i.e., transcription, translation, and protein modification). Describe how the processes of transcription and translation are similar in all organisms .
Module B Review 2nd Quarterly Assessment Review Units 6 & 7
BIO.B.2.2 • Explain the process of protein synthesis (i.e., transcription, translation, and protein modification). • Describe how the processes of transcription and translation are similar in all organisms. • Describe the role of ribosomes, endoplasmic reticulum, Golgi apparatus, and the nucleus in the production of specific types of proteins.
6. RNA codon for methionine (Met) codon for leucine (Leu) transcription complex start site 5. nucleotides • RNA RNA differs from DNA in three major ways. • DNA has a deoxyribose sugar, RNA has a ribose sugar. • RNA has uracil instead of thymine (found in DNA) • A pairs with U • DNA is a double stranded molecule, RNA is single-stranded. • TRANSCRIPTION & TRANSLATION: To make a protein from DNA using RNA.
BIO. B.2.1: Describe processes that can alter composition or number of chromosomes (i.e., crossing over, nondisjunction, duplication, translocation, deletion, insertion, and inversion). • BIO.B.2.3 : Explain how genetic information is expressed. • Describe how genetic mutations alter the DNA sequence and may or may not affect phenotype (e.g., silent, nonsense, frame shift).
mutated base Some mutations affect a single gene, while others affect an entire chromosome. A gene mutation affects a single gene. • Many kinds of mutations can occur, especially during replication. Types of Gene Mutations: • A point mutation substitutes one nucleotide for another. Ex: Sickle Cell Anemia
Nonsense Mutation • Type of point mutation • Results in a premature stop codon and usually a nonfunctional protein
A frame-shift mutation inserts or deletes a nucleotide in the DNA sequence. Throws off the reading frame. • THE CAT ATE THE RAT • THC ATA TET HER AT
Chromosomal mutations affect many genes and an entire chromosome. Chromosomal mutations may occur during crossing over.
Deletion • Due to breakage • A piece of a chromosome is lost
Inversion • Chromosome segment breaks off • Segment flips around backwards • Segment reattaches
Translocation results from the exchange of DNA (piece of one chromosome) segments between non-homologous chromosomes.
Nondisjunction • Failure of chromosomes toseparate during meiosis • Causes gamete to have too many or too few chromosomes
Nondisjunction • Can cause “Trisomy” (three copies of the same chromosome in an egg or sperm) • Trisomy 21 (Down syndrome)
Gene duplication results from unequal exchange of segments crossing over. Results in one chromosome having 2 copies of some genes and the other chromosomes having no copies of those genes.
X Y Several methods help map human chromosomes. • A karyotype is a picture of all chromosomes in a cell.
BIO.B.2.4 • Apply scientific thinking, processes, tools, and technologies in the study of genetics. • Explain how genetic engineering has impacted the fields of medicine, forensics, and agriculture (e.g., selective breeding, gene splicing, cloning, genetically modified organisms, gene therapy).
9.1: Manipulating DNA • Key Concept: • Biotechnology relies on cutting DNA at specific places.
A DNA fingerprint is a type of restriction map. • DNA fingerprints are based on parts of an individual’s DNA that can be used for identification • Based on noncoding regions of DNA • Noncoding regions have repeating DNA sequences • Number of repeats differs between people • Banding pattern on a gel is a DNA fingerprint
DNA fingerprinting is used for identification. • DNA fingerprinting depends on the probability of a match. • Many people have the same number of repeats in a certain region of DNA • The probability that two people share identical numbers of repeats in several locations is very small (only one chance in over 5 million people that they would match) • Several regions of DNA are used to make a DNA fingerprint.
Uses of DNA Fingerprinting • Evidence in criminal cases • Paternity tests • Immigration requests • Studying biodiversity • Tracking genetically modified crops
Cloning • A clone is a genetically identical copy of a gene or an organism • Cloning occurs in nature • Bacteria (binary fission) • Some plants (from roots) • Some simple animals (budding, regeneration)
Pros/Cons of Cloning Benefits Concerns Low success rate Clones “imperfect” and less healthy than original animal Decreased biodiversity • Organs for transplant into humans • Save endangered species • Reproduce beneficial traits
(bacterial DNA) Genetic Engineering/Gene Splicing • Involves changing an organism’s DNA to give it new traits • Based on the use of recombinant DNA • Recombinant DNA contains DNA from more than one organism
Uses of Genetic Engineering • Transgenic bacteria can be used to produce human proteins • Bacteria can be used to produce human insulin for diabetics • Transgenic plants are common in agriculture • transgenic bacteria infect a plant • plant expresses foreign gene • many crops are now genetically modified(GM) • Transgenic animals are used to study diseases and gene functions
BIO.B.3.1, BIO.B.3.2BIO.B.3.3 • Explain the mechanisms of evolution. • Explain how natural selection can impact allele frequencies of a population. • Describe the factors that can contribute to the development of new species (e.g., isolating mechanisms, genetic drift, founder effect, migration). • Explain how genetic mutations may result in genotypic and phenotypic variations within a population. • Analyze the sources of evidence for biological evolution. • Interpret evidence supporting the theory of evolution (i.e., fossil, anatomical, physiological, embryological, biochemical, and universal genetic code). • Apply scientific thinking, processes, tools, and technologies in the study of the theory of evolution. • Distinguish between the scientific terms: hypothesis, inference, law, theory, principle, fact, and observation.
Theories of geologic change set the stage for Darwin’s theory. • There were three theories of geologic change: • Catastrophism: natural disasters such as floods and volcanic eruptions have shaped landforms and caused species to become extinct. • Gradualism: changes in landforms resulted from slow changes over a long period of time • Uniformitarianism: the geologic processes that shape Earth are uniform through time
Darwin observed differences among island species. • Variation: difference in a physical trait • Galapagos tortoises that live in areas with tall plants have long necks and long legs • Galapagos tortoises that live in areas with low plants have short necks and short legs • Galapagos finches (Darwin’s finches) that live in areas with hard-shelled nuts have strong beaks • Galapagos finches that live in areas with insects/fruit have long, thin beaks
Adaptation: feature that allows an organism to better survive in its environment • Species are able to adapt to their environment • Adaptations can lead to genetic change in a population
Several key insights led to Darwin’s idea for natural selection. • Natural selection: mechanism by which individuals that have inherited beneficial adaptations produce more offspring on average than do other individuals • Heritability: ability of a trait to be passed down • There is a struggle for survival due to overpopulation and limited resources • Darwin proposed that adaptations arose over many generations
Fossils & the Fossil Record • Shows how species changed their form/shape over time • Ways of dating fossils: • Relative dating: estimates the age of fossils by comparing fossil to others in the same layer of rock • Pro: can be used if there is no other way to tell the age of the fossil • Con: layers of rock can be shifted by natural events (earthquakes, mudslides, etc.) and this can mess up estimate • Radiometric dating: uses the decay of radioactive isotopes (carbon-14 changes into carbon-12) • Pro: can give an accurate age • Con: can’t give an age for really old fossils (if all isotopes have decayed)
Biogeography • Island species most closely resemble nearest mainland species • Populations can show variation from one island to another • Example: rabbit fur vs. climate
Larva Adultbarnacle Adult crab Embryology • Similar embryos, diverse organisms • Identical larvae, diverse adult body forms • Gill slits and “tails”as embryos
Homologous Structures • Similar in structure, different in function • Evidence of a common ancestor • Example: bones in the forelimbs of different animals (humans, cat legs, whale fins, bat wings)
Vestigial Organs/Structures • Remnants of organs or structures that had a function in an early ancestor but have lost their function over time • Evidence of a common ancestor • Examples: • Human appendix & tailbone • Wings on flightless birds (ostrich, penguins) • Hindlimbs on whales, snakes
Molecular Biology • Common genetic code (A, T, C, & G) • Similarities in DNA, proteins, genes, & gene products • Two closely related organisms will have similar DNA sequences & proteins
11.1 – Genetic Variation Within Populations • Key Concept: • A population shares a common gene pool.
Directional Selection • Favors phenotypes at one extreme
Stabilizing Selection • Favors the intermediate phenotype
Disruptive Selection • Favors both extreme phenotypes
bald eagle migration Gene Flow • Movement of alleles between populations • Occurs when individualsjoin new populations and reproduce • Keeps neighboring populations similar • Low gene flow increases the chance that two populations will evolve into different species
Genetic Drift • Change in allele frequencies due to chance • Causes a loss of genetic diversity • Common in small populations • Bottleneck Effect is genetic drift after a bottleneck event • Occurs when an event drastically reduces population size
Sexual selection occurs when certain traits increase mating success. • Sexual selection • Occurs due to higher cost of reproduction for females • Males produce sperm continuously • Females are more limited in potential offspring each cycle • Two types: • Intrasexual selection: competition among males • Intersexual selection: males display certain traits to females
Species can become extinct. • Extinction: elimination of a species from Earth • Background extinction • Mass extinction