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The Industrial Revolution Spreads. 6.1 Notes. Standards. 10.3 Students analyze the effects of the Industrial Revolution in England, France, Germany, Japan, and the United States.
The Industrial Revolution Spreads 6.1 Notes
Standards • 10.3 Students analyze the effects of the Industrial Revolution in England, France, Germany, Japan, and the United States. • 10.3.2 Examine how scientific and technological changes and new forms of energy brought about massive social, economic, and cultural change (e.g., the inventions and discoveries of James Watt, Eli Whitney, Henry Bessemer, Louis Pasteur, Thomas Edison).
Objective • At the end of this section you should be able to: • Understand how the Industrial Revolution spread • Understand the contributions and inventions of key figures of the time • Understand how these contributions and inventions sparked massive changes
What you’ll need • Outline Guide Worksheet • Piece of paper • A partner
Vocabulary • Dominate- to rule or control by power or influence • EX. The leader of the group dominated the discussion and barely let anyone else speak • The Beaumont Football Team dominates and doesn’t let the other team score
I. New Industrial Powers Emerge • A. Nations Race to Industrialize • 1. Britain can’t prevent spread of new ideas • 2. Other nations caught up quickly • More natural resources • Followed Britain’s lead
I. New Industrial Powers Emerge cont. • B. Uneven Development • 1. US, Germany, Japan industrialize quickly • 2. Eastern, Southern Europe/Russia slower
Question • Why are some countries slower to industrialize than others? • Write on your paper what you think then share with your partner. • I will call on a pair to explain what they think
I. New Industrial Powers Emerge cont. • C. Effects of Industrialization • 1.Urbanization • 2. New goods, Low prices • 3. Western dominance
II. Technology Sparks Industrial Growth • A. Steel Production • 1.Bessemer process- new cheaper way to make steel from iron • B. Innovations in Chemistry • 1. Many new products (e.g. asprin, soaps) • 2. Nobel invents dynamite
Question • A country’s output of steel was often considered a measurement of how well the country had industrialized and its power • Why do you think that is? Write your answer on a piece of paper and then turn to you partner and discuss your reasoning
II. Technology Sparks Industrial Growth cont. • C. Electric Power • 1. Electricity replaces steam power • 2. Volta develops battery • 3. Faraday develops electric motor • 4. Edison makes first light bulb
II. Technology Sparks Industrial Growth cont. • D. New Methods of Production • 1. Interchangeable parts developed • 2. Assembly Line
III. Transportation and Communication Advances • A. Auto Age Begins • 1.Otto invents gas powered engine • 2.Henry Ford mass produced cars early 1900’s • B. Airplanes Take Flight • 1. Wright Bros. first plane • 2. 1920’s commercial air travel • C. Rapid Communication • 1. Morse develops telegraph 1844 • 2.Bell telephone 1876 • 3. Marconi invents radio 1890
Question • Which of the inventions we just talked about do you think is most important? • Write on you paper first • Then discuss what you think with your partner • Again, I will call on a pair to share out
IV. Business Takes a New Direction • A. Rise of Big Business • 1. Stock used as a source of capital • 2. Corporations- businesses owned by stock investors • B. Move toward Monopolies • 1.Monopoly- one company controlling a type of business • 2.Cartels- association of corporations that fix prices
IV. Business Takes a New Direction cont. • C. Move Toward Regulation • 1.Reformers call for laws to prevent monopolies
Question! • Ask you partner to explain the following terms to you • Big Business • Monopoly • Regulation
Question • How did science, technology, and big business promote industrial growth? • Write first on you paper • Talk about it with your partner • I will pick a pair to share out