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NuMI Target Hall Air System Review Introduction. Air system for cooling target pile Requirements: Provide thermal stability to keep beam components aligned Prevent materials from overheating Provide reasonable pile thermal cool-down time for servicing
NuMI Target HallAir System Review Introduction • Air system for cooling target pile • Requirements: • Provide thermal stability to keep beam components aligned • Prevent materials from overheating • Provide reasonable pile thermal cool-down time for servicing • Minimize radioactivated air release (re-circulating) • Keep humidity low to reduce corrosion • What motivated us to adopt air system? • Cooling must equal beam heating – target hall is like brick oven • Air system maintenance items are external to pile (as opposed to e.g. cooling coils) so ALARA is easier • Extended volume, many things to cool – air is reasonably simple • Where was air system insufficient, and water cooling used? • Horn conductor cooling • Target fin cooling • Hanger/clamp from module to horn (and module to target carrier)
Where does 400 kW ofproton beam energy go? 18 kW in target/horn water cooling 129 kW / 141 kW (L.E. / M.E. focus) in rest of target pile -> air system 150 kW / 132 kW in decay region 60 kW in hadron absorber (rest of energy in nuclear binding energy, muons, neutrinos) Used 158 kW in specification for air system
Target Hall Side View Layout Air Path
NuMI Target Hallbeam’s eye view Horn+Module in transit Stripline Concrete Cover (oops – really only one layer) “Carriage” - Module Support Beams Horn Shielding Module Horn Steel Shielding Air returns down center of beam-line Concrete Shielding Top air seal Air from chiller runs down outside of pile
Target / Baffle componentand its support module Drive motors Module Baffle Target T/B Carrier Coiled water, vacuum lines
Horn, stripline, and support module –and target/baffle Motor drives for transverse and vertical motion of carrier relative to module 25 cm wide, 2 m deep Steel endwalls with positioning, water, electric feedthroughs Target/Baffle Module Horn 1 Module Remote Stripline Clamp Stripline Baffle Carrier Water tank Target Horn 1 Target moves relative to carrier for insertion into horn for Low Energy beam, and back for Semi-Medium Energy beam
Target Hall Layout Drop-shaft from surface power supply RAW water for horn utility room Compressor target pile re-circulating air cooling system Cooling coils pre-target beamline target hall drop hatch to pre-target hot work cell
Target HallClosed Loop Air Conditioning Plan View Blower Duct Sight riser 26,000 cfm air flow 240 kW of cooling for spec. 158 kW beam heating of pile 18 mph wind in beam channel 27 ft Filters Survey hole in duct for sight riser Chiller coils Side Views
Air-flow down module wallkeeps module end-wall cool Air flow supply T-block shielding Module end-wall Stripline Air flow return Horn Shower from one beam proton
Air Cooling System Thermal model of horn 1 module end-plate in target pile (left half of symmetric target hall) Closed loop air recirculating system Cool air flow upstream on outside of pile Then downstream inside target chase Module at comfortable 66 deg C Module motors less than 40 deg C
But thermal stability motivatedwater-cooled horn clamps Horn vertical centerline
Horn Power Stripline Cooling- air is sufficient Aluminum stripline reaches 100 deg C with air at 13 deg C
Rest of items in beam spray • Have also checked (or designed such) that air cooling is sufficient for: • Horn alignment cross hair • Target carrier rails, frame • Target casing (requires He fill instead of vacuum) • Baffle • Decay pipe window • Have not checked • BLM for horn cross hair system • but believe this will be OK, • (only used occasionally at low intensity, could be removed for hot runs)
Purpose of review This is the final review of the air system before ordering compressor, chiller coils, filter bank, blower, controls, instrumentation, etc. The primary purpose of this review is to catch any mistakes in the engineering design of the air system. The secondary purpose is to communicate the design to other stakeholders who may have integration issues. Radiation issues are being separately reviewed, and are not really in the scope of today’s review.