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Spain Becomes a European Power

Charles I of Spain ascended to kingship in 1516, expanding Spain's power across Europe, Africa, and the New World. Despite challenges, like the French resistance and Ottoman threats, his son Philip II faced struggles maintaining this vast empire, losing territories in Europe, notably the Spanish Netherlands, due to religious conflicts and wars with England.

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Spain Becomes a European Power

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  1. Spain Becomes a European Power

  2. Charles I • Becomes king of Spain in 1516 • Through family ties is able to unite much land in Western and Central Europe as well as a growing overseas empire



  5. In 1519 Charles is named Holy Roman Emperor. • Known now as Charles V • As a result he now controls some of the German states

  6. Charles Dreams of Uniting ALL of Europe • There are 3 roadblocks in Charles’ plan • 1. The French • They are surrounded by Charles and resist his plan to unite Europe. 2. The Ottoman Turks • They want to take land in Eastern Europe and have limited success 3. German Protestants - Charles is strongly Catholic, but must give in to Protestants in Germany because he needs their help against the Turks

  7. The Result……. • Despite gaining control of much of Europe, Charles never succeeds in controlling the entire continent • Charles’ son Philip II will struggle to maintain power


  9. Philip II • Son of Charles • Charles dies and his holdings are split between Philip (his son) and Ferdinand (his brother) • Philip is a strong supporter of the Catholic Church and will oversee the extremely oppressive Spanish Inquisition.

  10. During his reign, Philip will lose territory and power in Europe. 1. Loses the Spanish Netherlands – After a long struggle, mostly fought because many Dutch are Protestant and Philip is strongly Catholic, the Dutch gain independence with The Peace of Westphalia in 1648

  11. 2.Spain loses power when Philip attacks England REASONS THE SPANISH DON’T LIKE THE ENGLISH • Anglican Church in England • Catholic power in England • The English support Dutch Independence • English ships have been attacking gold-laden Spanish Galleons

  12. England (cont.) • Philip will send the Spanish Armada to attack England.

  13. Works Cited • http://saints.sqpn.com/ncd01884.jpg • http://images.google.com/imgres?imgurl=http://www.rootsweb.ancestry.com/~wggerman/map/images/charlesvempire.jpg&imgrefurl=http://www.rootsweb.ancestry.com/~wggerman/map/charlesvempire.htm&usg=__E6zAd5ZAqwU9eTYJpt-3BXep6HE=&h=501&w=600&sz=61&hl=en&start=2&tbnid=SUeoUi8F4VEuQM:&tbnh=113&tbnw=135&prev=/images%3Fq%3Dempire%2Bof%2Bcharles%2Bv%26gbv%3D2%26hl%3Den • http://www.paradoxplace.com/Insights/Topkapi/Ottoman_Images/Suleiman/Titians-Suleiman-BAR600.jpg

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