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Project and Programme Management. Monsieur Jean Petiot. Confidential. Main issues in the Project and Programme Management September 2001. Summary. Project Management impacts if mismanaged CSC Project Management approach and experience CSC Project Management CSC background in the field
Project and Programme Management Monsieur Jean Petiot Confidential Main issues in the Project and Programme Management September 2001
Summary • Project Management impacts if mismanaged • CSC Project Management approach and experience • CSC Project Management • CSC background in the field • Methodology and capitalisation experimented by CSC • Operational Project Management • Best practices identified by CSC • Example of processus and tools defined by CSC • Structuring / planning • Integrate Team • Case studies
Project Impacts if mismanaged Labor costs can be up to 50% more of the first estimated cost Cost of money :6 months delay = 5% of the contract price Client expectations not met Lack of executiveawareness and focus Control Management Requirements Management Inability to ‘finish’ contract Early inertia, impossible to recover TeamManagement Contract Management ContractBaseline Cost overrunsguaranteed Loss of overall project integrity ScheduleManagement Configuration Management Development Management RiskManagement Potential impacts become real SubcontractManagement Scope creep equals cost creep Weakest link impactsentire programme
Summary • Project Management impacts if mismanaged • CSC project Management approach and experience • CSC Project Management • CSC background in the field • Methodology and capitalisation experimented by CSC • Operational Project Management • Best practices identified by CSC • Example of processus and tools defined by CSC • Structuring / planning • Integrate Team • Case studies
CSC Project Management approach using a CMMI baseline CSC scores each main direction of advance through CMMI baseline Requirements Management 100% Control Management Contract Management 80% 60% 40% Team management Schedule Management 20% 0% Configuration management Risks Management Subcontract Management Development management Observed The Target-Observed gap is the action plan Target
CSC background in the field CMMI is quite detailed but not simple enough to be used in the day-to-day operational project management. However CMMI is very useful to audit a project or to make himself acquainted with theory CSC has developed and experimented processes and tools in the field and has capitalised all of them in a baseline (next page)
Program A380 CDS IMA Methodology and capitalisation experimented by CSC The lead time difficult to respect Issues The cost not easily controlled Success factors Customer Satisfaction Win in the Bid phase Fulfilment of Contract Obligations Integration of Customer Requests Proof of Concept on Pilot projects Implement the Best Practices on Critical Projects Leverage the acquired experience Goals to be reached Program A109 Program THEMIS Sofware Dev Environment Structuring Planning Resources Risks&Opportunities Reporting Pilot Projects Quick Actions Resources Plan for Each TBU Resources Plan for THEMIS SBP1 IBPM Product Development (CMMI) Roll-out (coachs…) Capitalisation
Summary • Project Management impacts if mismanaged • CSC project Management approach and experience • CSC Project Management • CSC background in the field • Methodology and capitalisation experimented by CSC • Operational Project Management • Best practices identified by CSC • Example of processus and tools defined by CSC • Structuring / planning • Integrate Team • Case studies Warning : The examples are coming from french case studies and are presented in the first edition
Integrated Team / Responsibilities Operational Project management baseline identified by CSC Life Cycle 13 practices in the CSC baseline instead of 8 in the CMMI guideline Continuity beween Consecutive Phases Contract Management Request Management Structuring / Planning Configuration Management Product Policy Integration Controlling/Monitoring/reporting Risks & Opportunities Suppliers Management Practice Resources Management Product and Processus Quality Mngt Processus Tools Example of processus and tools next pages
Pré-RAO RAO 5 Structuration, dimensionnement 2 6 4 1 Macro-planification Analyse (services rendus) Actualisation Recueil du besoin/produit Structuring / Planning 3 Solutions techniques Example of processus and tools defined for Structuring / Planning practice Kick Off Input : expression besoin client (produit, services, jalons…) Input : organisation Input : tous types Input : données de capitalisation (OSEIL…) Input : politique produit PROCESSUS Product Breakdown Structure (PBS) OUTILS Matrice Fonctions (regroupement d'exigences) / Produits PERT Directeur GANTT Directeur Work Breakdown Structure (WBS) standard WBS/OBS (sous PSN) ; Matrice WBS/OBS Exemple d'outil GANTT Programme Matrice Jalons Programme / Jalons WP GANTT par WP Work Package Description (WPD) Estimation Charges par WP Cost Breakdown Structure (CBS)
Responsable Qui le complète ? Effort (référence programme 30 à 60 Meuros) PM (ou autre ressource) BM (ou PM) Structuring / Planning Hebdomadaire, prioritaire en phase amont Fréquence de mise à jour Outil éprouvé A380-CDS, A380-IMA, A109 Powerpoint ou libre (papier) Obligatoire Optionnel Références Maturité Statut Format de l'outil 2 Découper le PERT suivant les entités concernées 3 1 4 Jalons clients Dépendances avec les autres programmes Activités et principaux liens Pré RAO RAO A B C D1 Prod. Support Retrait Example of processus and tools defined for Structuring / Planning practice Objectif de l'outil PERT Directeur EXEMPLE OUTIL - Identifier les dépendances critiques à partir des jalons client - Structurer le programme et préparer à la planification - Faire apparaître la logique industrielle 1 Utilisateur 2 WPM 3 5j.h puis 1j.h/mois pour la mise à jour Commentaires - A terme : PSN - Attention : de nombreuses modifications à prévoir 4 Liens amont Liens aval - PBS - Input client (RFI, PTS…) - Management des risques et opportunités - Structuration et planification : WBS, PERT, GANTT détaillés Cas d'utilisation optimum • Taille (complexité, nombre de lots) : importante • Durée : longue • Risque : criticité du délai Plage d'utilisation
Link with the Risks Structuring / Planning Example of processus and tools defined for Structuring / Planning practice Risk description Dépendances du projet FS / projet IA : • Maquette • 3 maquettes de modules en DATE X • 8 maquettes de modules DATE Y Les spécificités du besoin FMS en terme de maquette conduisent à la production de 2 maquettes IMA standard pour obtenir 1 maquette de module pour le FMS (cf. schéma page suivante) • Prototype IA • besoin pour août XX Alternate Scenario • Maquette IA • Planning actuel de mise à disposition des premières maquette IA : fin décembre XX. Le délai complémentaire nécessaire à la production de 11 maquettes de module FMS reste à évaluer. • Pour couvrir le besoin de tests HW du projet FMS sur la période Date XX -> début Date YY, une maquette construite à partir d ’éléments du marché pourra être réalisée. L ’intégration du Core SW est à prévoir sur cette maquette provisoire. • Prototype IA : • Le besoin pour août XX de modules prototypes IA pourra être décalé dans la mesure où ce jalon était motivé par une recette d ’intégration complète (XX mois) du FMS sur environnement cible . Or cette recette globale est pour l ’heure considérée comme étant à la charge client. Action plan acteur avancement - Analyse des offres du marché pour bâtir une maquette répondant au besoin FM - Évaluer les délais de production en nombre de la maquette - Valider le scénario d ’intégration du Fm CDVCAL ATA + CDV
Integrated Team / Responsibilities Example of processus and tools defined for Integrated Team practice • Optimise the way the Integrated Team works withing the matrix organisation of THALES Avionics • Integrated Team : same goals since the phase of Bid Proposal • Tightened Team : Dedicated people on the basis of WBS. Geographic gatheing if necessary PM leader Program Manager BM leader Bid Manager in the porject phase WPM Work Package Manager - System Engineering - Product Development, hardware and software - Avionics Pruchasing or Compensation - Integrated Supply chain Support - Methods and Means of Testing Support members (or WBM depending on the context) - Contract, Sales, Development Purchasing, Cost Controlling Quality Management, Management of Configurations - Information System , legal aspects
Qui le complète ? Responsable Effort (référence programme 30 à 60 Meuros) WPM BM (ou PM) Hebdomadaire jusqu'à stabilité Fréquence de mise à jour Excel Obligatoire Optionnel A380-IMA Outil éprouvé Format de l'outil Maturité Références Statut Integrated Team / Responsibilities 1 Liste du WBS détaillé issue du WBS PSN 2 3 4 Décomposition par BU / département / service / acteur Affectation du responsable et des participants par WP Identification des zones nécessitant une logique d'équipe intégrée Pré RAO RAO A B C D1 Prod. Support Retrait Example of processus and tools defined for Integrated Team practice Matrix WBS/OBS Objectif de l'outil Matrice WBS/OBS EXEMPLE OUTIL - Affecter les responsabilités et participations des ressources (internes et externes) de l'OBS aux WP du WBS - Participer à un worksharing efficace - Garantir une couverture exhaustive - Identifier les "trous" et déclencher les actions correctives - Identifier les zones nécessitant une équipe intégrée et des points d'échanges prioritaires 2 1 3 Utilisateur WPM 2 à 5 j.h 4 Commentaires - Grille d'analyse permettant de renseigner les WP dans le fichier PSN - Sinon directement dans PSN : voir ex. Liens amont Liens aval - WBS : issu de la liste PSN - OBS : correspond à l'organisation et nominatif à jour - Management des ressources - Management des risques et opportunités Cas d'utilisation optimum Plage d'utilisation • Part de sous-traitance : importante • Taille (complexité, nombre de lots) : importante • Risque : ressources
Integrated Team / Responsibilities A phase with integrated teams is required Example of processus and tools defined for Integrated Team practice
Summary • Project Management impacts if mismanaged • CSC project Management approach and experience • CSC Project Management • CSC experience in the field • Exemple of methodoly and capitalisation managed by CSC • Operational Project Management • Best practices identified by CSC • Example of processus and tools defined by CSC • Structuring / planning • Integrate Team • Case studies
Results of the CSC Participation in the Program: 30% Reduction of Realisation Cyle Elementary plannings of better quality through generalisation of tranings Clear definition of respective roles of integrators, parts suppliers and prime contractor, overall planning consolidation Standardisation of Project Monitoring among partners Improvement of the Workload of the Design Groups: Monthly review and consolidation of the workload for the Design Groups Definition of rule for arbitrage and priorities depending on the critical levels of tasks within the planning Reduction of the Cômplete Cycle from 36 down to 20 months on a Mission-Critical Project, Definition of Best Practices to generalise this reduction to other projects Implementation of an Efficient Programme Management for THALES Air Defence Abillity to Deliver Customer Requests within 16 to 24 months versus 36 months 2 to 3 years ago.
Results of the CSC Participation in the Program: Bid Proposal strenghtened : structuring of the program definition fo the integration logic structuring and securing of the planning Resources risks reduction : planning « chargé » : evalutation of needs adequation between work and capacity for each service validation of the quotation Support in the roll out : Internal Program Management baseline Product Development baseline support for local coaches Implementation of an Efficient Programme Management for THALES Avionics Secure the delays on different programs or projects and initiate an approach to reduce risks efficiently
Results of the CSC Participation in the Program: Definition of the target scenario : Management and organisation rules Qualification of the system tools Realisation of a prototype : Description of the processus Drafting of scripts Users manual writing, definition of training courses and supports Roll out in the « pilot » unit on due time Training and support for users of the « pilot » Trainings of the trainers fir the other units Implementation of an Efficient Programme Management for THALES Communications Improve profitability of programs through a performant integration between Planning and Controlling inside the new Project Management system